Chapter 794
Weng Xiaoli came to Zhu Mingxiang, with a very "kind" smile on his old face, he may not have noticed it himself, how he looks like an old liar who seduces little girls now.

Obviously younger than Young Master Xiao, he was considered a handsome man when he was young.

Needless to say, the temperament of Shushan swordsman should be imagined, how this orthodox Shushan descendant is upright, with sword eyebrows and star eyes... It's a pity that time is a butcher's knife. Make yourself look like an old man.

I'm afraid there are people with stories, but this is what the older generation does.


Weng Xiaoli approached Zhu Mingxiang secretly, and after finding that the girl did not resist, he walked up to her openly and looked at her painting.

It is still an ordinary life scene. The woman in red is holding a bell in her hand and a pile of jewelry in front of her. The person in the painting is tilting her head, as if thinking about how to wear so many beautiful jewelry. The woman in the painting frowns and smiles , Weng Xiaoli was a little moved when he saw it.

"'s painting has improved again." Li Liweng smiled at Zhu Mingxiang.

"Thank you, senior." Zhu Mingxiang glanced at Weng Xiaoli and said, his voice was much clearer than before.

Obviously, this girl in sackcloth has a very friendly attitude towards Weng Xiaoli...

It looks very gentle.

But a gentle person is equally gentle to everyone.

It's more polite than gentle.

Don't dislike the sloppy dress of the other party, and don't be too intimate, everything goes with the flow.

Let the flow take its course, this is what Zhu Mingxiang has done the most since meeting Lu You.

Today's painting was completed, Zhu Mingxiang carefully looked at her own painting on the white paper, nodded slightly, then started to outline the details on the scroll, and finally put her name on it, and the picture was completed.

Those who work hard are the most dazzling. Weng looked at Zhu Mingxiang with admiration in his eyes - the kind of appreciation that the elders have for the younger ones.

In the eyes of Mo Liweng, Zhu Mingxiang has really changed a lot.

It's different from the thin one before, it's like a different person... Covered in white and yellow sackcloth, her figure is much plump.

Most of the skin is covered under the clothes, only one pair of hands is exposed to the air.

The sackcloth looks like a filial piety style, but it is very suitable for a girl, and people will subconsciously ignore her existence.

The shadow part of the hood is very large, and only Zhu Mingxiang's delicate chin can be seen from the side. As for the eyes...he can't see them.

Weng Xiaoli liked Zhu Mingxiang's clear and restrained eyes when they first met... Such a girl must be very suitable for practicing Shushan's skills.

It's a pity that she is Lu You's daughter again.

And it was earlier than Lu Ling, now that Su Luoxin has publicized this matter, everyone knows that there is a noble eldest princess in Yihua Palace... soon there will be a little princess.


Jealousy, jealousy.

"Hey hey..." Weng Li Li rubbed his hands, smiled awkwardly, and looked like he didn't know what to say.

"Senior, what's the matter?" Zhu Mingxiang turned his head and tilted his head slightly. Only the lower half of the girl's face could be seen from the view of the mistress, so he moved away.

"What can I do for this old man?" The Lily Weng chuckled.

He has a feeling towards Zhu Mingxiang that he is facing a sensible junior... This may be fate, he is willing to get close to Zhu Mingxiang, but to be honest, it is impossible for the two of them to have any intersection...

"Girl, did that kid Lu You say that he would teach you about cultivation?" asked the coir.

"Cultivation?" Zhu Mingxiang thought about these two words, but she didn't show any unexpected attitude. After all, after so many days, she was a fool, and she had already seen the extraordinaryness of this group of people.

Zhu Mingxiang shook her head.

"What? Didn't teach you?" Suo Liweng blew his beard and stared, very dissatisfied: "You have such a good talent, but let you draw here all day. How can you waste your inspiration? I'll go find her, if it doesn't work, Follow me, if you don’t believe me, ask the Wuhen boy next to him, I’m much better than Lu You, right? Wuhen boy.”

It seems that Weng Xiaoli is really in a hurry, and he doesn't say he is old.

Originally, he often used to refer to himself as "I", so he lost his senior demeanor in a hurry.


On the side, Mr. Qionghua was perfecting his painting and didn't have time to pay attention to Weng, which made him a little embarrassed. Fortunately, Zhu Mingxiang was very understanding. She put away her picture scroll, and then explained: "The foster father said , let me go..."


"Let me go to Lingshan to take care of my younger sister, teach her how to draw, and by the way... practice in Lingshan."

After finishing speaking, she pulled the brim of her hat to cover her entire face, took out her most precious things from the painting basket, and immersed herself in it.

"Oh..." Weng Xiaoli nodded belatedly.'s really good. This girl's inspiration is extremely high, and she is born to practice the secret method of Lingshan Mountain... As for whether the two princesses of Yihua Palace are practicing in Lingshan, it will change the situation in the world of cultivating immortals. It has nothing to do with him. what relationship.

In the long run this is a good thing.

Weng took a look at Zhu Mingxiang and found that she was already immersed in her own world.

The girl was holding an exquisitely framed painting in her hands. On it was a very young girl, wearing a red skirt, standing quietly by the stream, with her back turned to the eyes of everyone, and she couldn't see her face clearly. You can feel the cheering mood of the girl in the painting.

The brushwork is even more immature than the current painting, but this is Zhu Mingxiang's most precious item.

She watches for a long time every day, and during this time, no one will bother her, and Zhu Mingxiang often reveals a lonely atmosphere.

Weng Xiaoli was not interested in the picture, because he wanted to come over to see it—how should I put it, although it is precious, Zhu Mingxiang is not stingy in giving this picture to others to look at... or rather, she is very happy.

Maybe it's wanting to share your favorite child.

In short, since Zhu Mingxiang has started watching, I won't bother her anymore.

Weng went around to Mr. Wuhen on the other side, and stretched out his head to take a look.


Mr. Wuhen put down his pen, looked at the ice-blue long-haired girl on his paper, and sighed helplessly.
It seems that this kind of pigment can't express the elf's hair well, and he still needs to work harder.

I heard that women's rouge is a very good pigment. This time I went to Lingshan to see if I could get some.

Thinking about it, Mr. Wuhen turned his head and glanced at Zhu Mingxiang, and found that the junior sister was in a daze again, and sighed again.

As for the outline of Shen Yun, he is far inferior to Zhu Mingxiang, and the painting skills on the scroll of a red girl have surpassed him at least in terms of charm... Therefore, he, who has always been unimpressed with women, is really sincere at this time He treats Zhu Mingxiang as a junior sister, or even a confidant.

Junior sisters also have stories.


"Cough cough."

At this moment, Mr. Wuhen heard a coughing sound next to his ear, and turned his head to find that it was Weng Li, who was looking at him straight, with strange eyes.

"Senior." The young master bowed beautifully and performed a courtesy, then got up: "Senior, what advice do you have?"

The coir hatman waved his hand: "I can't be a teacher, I'm old and I can't draw, I'm just curious..."

"Curious?" The young master didn't understand.

"Let's talk about the other things first, Jian Wuhen...Is this what you call it?" Suo Liweng scratched his cheek: "I remember, all of you Jianping who inherited the name of Wuhen should be called Jian Wuhen?"

"That's right." Young Master Wuhen nodded: "Jianping's highest status is indeed Jian as her surname, but the younger generation only inherits the name of Wuhen at this time... the word Jian Wuhen... we still have to wait for the saintess Jianping officially..."

"That's all nonsense, you must be the Lord of Jianping this term, I can be sure." Suo Liweng interrupted Mr. Wuhen, it was just a lack of a ceremony, and it was nothing in his eyes.

"Senior said so." The young master sighed.

Who is the uncle of Shushan...and he really doesn't hate Shushan's seniors at all.

The coir hatman chuckled: "Remember, every Jian Wuhen is very strong. You have nothing to say about your potential, and your status... is also worthy of No. 1 under the saint. You will have some right to speak in the future , let's have a discussion?"

Seeing the old man approaching, Mr. Wuhen took half a step back indistinctly: "Senior, if you have anything to do, just ask, this junior will definitely not refuse if you can do it."

"That's right..."

"Except for repairing the Qionghua Sword." The young master said firmly.

Minohat Weng: "..."

After a long while, I couldn't laugh or cry.

"You kid, you really can't get in, that's right, star water stone, and a vat of years of gilt can't pry your mouth open... Forget it, the old man just loves that Qionghua sword... I really don't know What do you guys think, such a good sword is actually broken like this... It’s a waste of money, it’s a waste of money.”

"I'm sorry, senior, I failed your kindness." Mr. Wuhen held the broken sword at his waist.

This is the proof of his relationship with the elves, no matter who... it is impossible to change his mind.

Seeing Mr. Wuhen's soft eyes, the coir hatman's eyes lit up: "Then tell me, what is the material of that icy cold thing on your chest? I haven't seen such a pure material for a long time. It must be used for refining weapons. The most top-notch material, I am afraid that it is not inferior to the years of gold... Uh, what kind of eyes do you have?"

Weng Xiaoli actually felt a killing intent just now, there is no doubt that it was from the kid in front of him.

"Did I... say the wrong thing?" Suo Liweng hesitated and said.

I'm afraid that what I said touched the bottom line of this kid, otherwise he, who has always been well-behaved, would not have shown his killing intent towards him.

"No, this junior was rude." Mr. Wuhen shook his head and covered his chest: "Senior, this is an item left by a very important person to this junior. I'm afraid it can't be used for refining."

That's the elf's blue hair.

The broken sword at the waist is nothing compared to this black hair.

Qingsi, lovesickness... He also felt the pain of lovesickness.

The cape man waved his hand: "Okay, I know I said something wrong, it's my problem, I don't know how important this thing is to you..."

He'd let it go.

Sure enough, the elder apologized first, which made Mr. Wuhen look a lot better, and at the same time expressed his rudeness to the elder.

"Forget it." Weng Xiaoli shook his head: "You can't do this, and you don't say that, so let me ask, who are you painting? You can always tell me about it."


In fact, this is his main purpose. He rejected me twice. This time, it's time to save face.

This old thing has lived for a long time, and he likes interesting things, and Qionghua's Jian Wuhen fell in love with elves, and even got in touch with elves. This kind of simply the best pastime.

It's not that he thinks it's bad for Qionghua to have a connection with the elves, it's just that it's interesting.

As for why it is so certain that it is an elf... First, it is Jian Wuhen's nostalgia for Qionghua Sword, which has a strong taste of ice elves... and then the so-called treasure that this kid carries with him, such a strong source of ice The breath definitely came from the hands of the ice elves, and Jian Wuhen almost wrote his unrequited love on his face.

"What? Can't you say it?" said Xiao Li Weng.

"It's not impossible to say." Mr. Wuhen sighed: " the sweetheart of this junior."

"My sweetheart is here, this is really interesting." Li Liweng clapped his hands with a smile, and then patted Mr. Wuhen on the shoulder: "Come on, little guy, you may not know who your rivals are." People, hahahaha... I laughed so hard, and this kind of thing, the old man really didn't live in vain."

Immediately afterwards, under Mr. Wuhen's bewildered expression, he went out for a walk.

"What a strange senior." Mr. Wuhen sighed, and continued to draw.

Zhu Mingxiang: "..."

She sees everything.


It is indeed quite interesting.



Outside the city, Weng Xiaoli had a playful smile on his face.

"Lu Ling, Lu Ling... Lu Ling... It's so interesting, this kid actually treats Lu Ling as an elf..."

He also sensed the power of elves at first, and when he found out that Le Zhengluoting didn't think much about this breath, but at that moment just now, he thought of the smell of heavy snow in Shushan at that time, and the coir hat immediately recognized it. That's right, the Broken Sword and the things on Mr. Wuhen's body are related to Lu Ling.

He should have noticed it immediately, but he didn't react until today, which was slow enough.

I'm afraid if he hadn't seen the little girl sitting on the ice painted by Mr. Wuhen, he might not have thought of this... And now that he wants to go back, isn't that exactly Lu Ling's figure?

As for the elf's breath and ice blood, it is not easy to imitate an elf.

Somehow, this Jian Wuhen fell in love with the elf, but he didn't know that the elf was actually Lu Ling from Lingshan, and Lezheng Luoting had always liked Lu Ling... There was a filial son behind him.


"I'm afraid even Lu You wouldn't think that two of the three people in that room are interested in his daughter... It's so interesting."

Weng Li hat finished laughing and scratched his head.

"It's a pity that there are only two of them. If all three of them have thoughts about Lu Ling, that would be the real fun...Xiao, Xiao, now you occupy the position of a senior, I'm afraid you want to get the little will be even more difficult Difficult."

Especially Lu You's cultivation is higher than he imagined.

He likes Zhu Mingxiang's attitude—just let things take their course.

Well, counting Lu You, the father who appeared out of nowhere, three out of the four people in the room are plotting against Lu Ling... Except Zhu Mingxiang who doesn't covet Lu Ling, everyone else wants her.

This is the popular girl.

(End of this chapter)

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