Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 796 Lu You's Crisis

Chapter 796 Lu You's Crisis

Lezheng Luoting is inferior.

It's not because she knows that Lu Ling has a very powerful ability, she doesn't know the relationship between Lu Ling and Xianjian, she doesn't even know that Lu Ling has ice blood, and she doesn't understand her cultivation level... Facing the longing person, some A person can stand up straight, but this person will definitely not be happy in court.

She's such a cowardly person.

She doesn't need to think about the reason, she just believes that she is just a little firefly facing Haoyue in front of the person she yearns for...

This is cowardice in the bones.

Lu You should hate cowardly people, but when the girl in front of him was only cowardly towards her girl, he found that she didn't hate this cowardice, and even liked it very much.

Have your requirements been lowered?First, the candles are lit, and then the music is set in the court...

He obviously has very high requirements, but this time he went out, he met two girls he liked.

Don't get me wrong, the favorite here is what the elders see as the younger generation's favorite.

The girl in front of her forced herself to be like this, just to prove that she is not a waste.

It turns out that Lezheng Luoting was not analyzing Lu Ling just now, but analyzing herself...

Lu You sighed, looked at the anxious Lezheng and said, "I don't really understand your humble mentality, but I don't hate it."

Lezheng Luoting's inferiority complex only lasted for a moment. Of course, she knew that showing such a gesture in front of Lu You was an option to lose points, but she just couldn't help it.

"I...I just like her so much." Le Zhengluoting's neck was flushed with blush, and he cleared his throat: "Of course, I won't give up challenging her because of this, otherwise, I'll be in such a long time." What is the meaning of cultivation?"

"Okay, okay." Lu You nodded again and again: "I won't hinder you."

Say so.

Specifically, he had to wait for him to meet Lu Ling and confirm Lu Ling's condition with his own eyes.

Before meeting Lu Ling, no matter how good Lezheng Luoting's analysis was, it wouldn't work for him.

Of course, he wouldn't say these words to Le Zheng Luoting.

"By the way, you girl, do you still want my girl to have your surname?" Lu You suddenly thought of something, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

"Ah?" Le Zheng was stunned for a moment, then lowered his head.

This kind of also known?
She admitted that she really thought so...

She likes the name Le Zhengling very much, but just thinking about the existence she longs for and her last name makes her feel hot all over, as if something is about to jump out of her chest.

Immediately afterwards, a sudden chill suppressed all her excitement, Le Zheng raised his head in the courtyard, looked at the smiling Lu You, a trace of fear flashed deep in his eyes.

Of course, more still do not understand and resist.

"Sorry, I didn't control my emotions a little bit." Lu You stretched out his hand to stroke Lezheng Luoting's head as if to comfort a pet, and said in the latter's puzzled eyes: "Children are playing around, but It's overdone..."

Lu Ling, that was the name he and his wife had given to their daughter, and no one was allowed to violate it.

"If you want to have the same surname as my girl, you can change your name to Lu Luoting, I think it's pretty good." Lu You chuckled: "It's just right, I don't dislike having a little daughter, how about giving you the seat of the second sister? "

Le Zheng fell into the court: "..."


She didn't resist Lu You's intimate actions, rather she was confused by him.

To be Lu Ling's sister?

Am I worthy?
No, no,'s not a matter of being worthy or not.

What I want to do is not her sister... Besides, I still have a master, how can I think about these things.

Lezheng Luoting's mouth moved, and he said with great effort: "I... was just joking before, the question of the surname, there are countless things to do..."

"That's the best." Lu Jiayu nodded, and his mood improved a lot: "You can think about it. I didn't take you as my daughter on a whim. It's just three things, and three is an extreme number. The three in Yihua Palace Princess... I am also happy to say it..."

Then, Lu You laughed loudly, and most of the haze of the past few days dissipated.

Le Zheng Luoting stared at the handsome man with white hair under the sun, his eyes were a little hazy.

She saw some shadow of Lu Ling on Lu You's body.

His little face was reddish, and Lezheng Luoting was leaning against the corner of the wall in a duck sitting position, his bones had the illusion of being soft.

Of course she knew that Lu You was not a whim, that's why she was so tempted, so unbearable... But after careful consideration, she felt that she was not worthy to be Lu Ling's sister now.

How should I put it, although in her mind, if she loses, it is understandable to change to Lu Ling's surname... But don't forget, this is just her wishful thinking, whether Lu Ling wants her to say something.

So, it is more important to show your potential. If you change your surname to Lu and "cheat" on Lu You's side, who knows what Lu Ling will think of her extra sister?
She is more willing to lose to Lu Ling, with a gesture of submission.

Just thinking about his submission, Lezheng Luoting's face turned blood red, and he bent over the ground, unable to straighten up for a while.

She, she... She actually just wanted to do something for Lu Ling.

Huh... what a shameful thought.

As far as she is concerned, the status of elder sister cannot belong to Lu Ling wholeheartedly, so she is unwilling.

This is the most important point.

Lu You didn't see this point, the girl's mind can't be grasped by peeking at the memory.

No matter how powerful Lu You is, it is impossible for him to think that a genius like Lezheng Luoting does not want to be Lu Ling's friend, but just wants to be by her side as a tool, or even a slave...


But also within reason.

In Le Zheng Luo Ting's world view, only the sword in his hand will never betray him, and he can be absolutely trusted.

She wanted to be the sword in Lu Ling's hands, so there seemed to be no problem.

It's just that Lu Ling already has a sword, and it's still a fairy sword. This touches the blind spot of Lezheng Luoting's knowledge. Of course, she will definitely not give up.


The music of Xiaoxiang Pavilion was playing, and the soothing melody danced in the air, making Yue Zhengluo's body weaker again.

"Ahem." Lu You glanced at the girl who was leaning over on the ground and could get water out with just a twist, and looked away.

"That... I've already made it clear, it's up to you, don't worry, I'll reserve this second sister's seat for you..." Lu You scratched his head, a trace of embarrassment appeared on his handsome face.

In this scene, those who don't know would think what happened to Lezheng Luoting...

This is Luoyan City, there may be people from Lingshan coming at any time, if someone sees it, he just can't explain it clearly, and his daughter will definitely despise her.

"I'll go out for a walk and see if I have something good to bring back to my senior sister. You... have a good rest first." Lu You was about to leave.

"En." Le Zheng Luoting nodded softly, obviously not getting out of the mud.

"By the way, you like Lu Ling's words very much. My righteous daughter, how close you are to her." Lu You thought of something, and reminded Le Zheng: "She is my chosen one. In the future, A Ling's Dan Qing It’s a good thing that you need her to help, and you care about getting closer.”

"Dan Qing?" As soon as the matter about Lu Ling was mentioned, Le Zheng immediately became sober.

If this is the case, she can't go on like this anymore, she didn't see that Qionghua's dead man had a better relationship with Zhu Mingxiang than she did with Zhu Mingxiang... Obviously two girls are the easiest to quickly accumulate feelings.

It's just because she didn't bother to pay attention to her at first... But now that Lu You spoke, she had to take the initiative.

Think about it.Le Zhengluo frowned, she really didn't know how to get close to someone...

But she won't give up.

"Let me try." Le Zheng said in the courtyard.

"Well, get along well." Lu You said and left Xiaoxiang Pavilion.


Downstairs, those sons saw another man coming down from Accord, they looked at each other in blank dismay, but they didn't dare to follow.

The man who can go up must be the guest of the city lord.



Lu You walked.

Ah Ling, Ah Ling...

Being able to say such syllables in front of people really made him feel comfortable physically and mentally.

Lu You was on the street with his hands behind his back, going against the flow of people, and when he stepped out, there were only afterimages. Under this mysterious posture, he was thinking about things seriously.

Suddenly, Lu You stopped, and a body appeared above the clouds.

"Yo? Are you quick to respond?"

On the clouds, a female voice with a little sarcasm sounded, and the woman who said such unkind words did not have the power to match.

Wearing a dark blue Taoist robe with purple patterns embroidered on the hem of the blue Taoist robe, Mingyue is not tall, and looks a little taller than Lu Ling at most.

Morbid pallor of the skin.

A pair of eyes were shining brightly, just looking at the face, it was a big loli who hadn't opened yet, but Lu You would not despise her because of this...even, Lu You fell into a very bad situation at this time.

His eyes flashed on the diamond-shaped pendant on Mingyue's chest.

【Tears of the Snow Maiden】

It's Patriarch Mingyue!

The muscles all over Lu You's body tensed instantly, but nothing could be seen on his face.

"Patriarch." He bowed and saluted.

"Don't talk, let me see you." Mingyue looked like a lolita, but it could give people tremendous pressure. She narrowed her eyes and looked Lu You up and down.

"Yes." Lu nodded his head, flicked his sleeves calmly, and stood out of thin air.

But in fact, the heart has been completely raised.


very dangerous.

Patriarch Mingyue knows the demons very well, so it is very likely that she will notice something, and if that is the case, he may die.

really die.

His cultivation is at the Eighth Level of Life Tribulation... He looks very strong, and he can even be ranked among the top few in the entire human race... But in front of this kind of guardian, it is still far from enough, let alone his own cultivation. It has something to do with his wife, so his power will be more or less demonic.

It's fine if he has the devilish energy, because of his wife, he has done a lot... things that violated his conscience, so he is naturally contaminated with the devilish karma.

If it is discovered, it will be beyond redemption.

He is not afraid of the coir hat man, the filial son, but only worried about the two women.

He knew the origin of the Eastern Shenhai, and among those guardians, two people were the biggest threat to him, and they were Mingyue and Yun Shu who had the same origin.

[Dongshen] single-handedly created the East Shenhai and Lingshan, and because of the fall of Xuenv in Lingshan, Lingshan was named [Lingshan], and the place where the Dongshen existed is now the East Shenhai.

And the title of Eastern God refers to the domain master of the first generation of Eastern God Sea, the disciple of the legendary Xuenv... The grievances between Xuenv and the demons are indelible. Relatively, the sensitivity of these two people to the magic energy must still be there. Above Xuan Jing.


Mingyue is examining Lu You.

At the same time, Lu You glanced at Mingyue's side.

A gentle woman in a white robe with a book under her arm stood aside, also looking at him with scrutiny.

Needless to say, this is Master Yun Shu.


Today's round of bright moon and dark clouds are all gathered together.

Yue Zhan Yunshu, Yue Zhan Yunshu... The pair of guardians that Ah Ling told herself to be on guard against might be the strongest pair in the human race... Just like that, he met...

Is it just resignation to fate?


Since Lu You dared to come to Lingshan, he had already expected such a result.

Can he not come?
Lu Ling is here.

It was impossible not to come, even though it might be a catastrophe, it was impossible not to come to see his daughter.

Now, he can only hope that the demons didn't entrap him with words. Before he completely forgot about the wind chime, no one could find out the demon energy in his body.



Lu You stood quietly, looked at the two women in front of him respectfully, and at the same time, estimated the strength of these two women.

He can't deal with any one of them.

In the turbulent and angry waves, a round of bright moon hangs high, no matter how high the waves are, they will never be able to cover that round of starry sky and bright moon.

As well as the erratic and clear breath, they gave him great pressure.



Naturally, Yun Shu and Mingyue would not have thought that Lu You, a secret that only the two of them knew about Lingshan and Dongshenhai as one, also knew about it. In fact, they just came to see Lu You, Lu Ling's father.

What a heartless man it is to abandon his daughter.

As for anything else, I really haven't found it yet.

After all, Xuenv passed away for too long, the guardians have been changed several times, and this pair of Yue Zhan Yunshu is hiding each other... There is no heart-to-heart relationship at all.

Lingshan didn't know many secrets of the Eastern Shenhai, and on the contrary, the Eastern Shenhai didn't know what Lingshan knew about Xuenv.

After all, there are two holy places, and the aura didn't blend perfectly, and there was no deliberate investigation, so I didn't find anything wrong with Lu You.


It was Yun Shu who spoke first, he praised.

"The cultivation base is good."

"In front of the patriarch, you have to make a mistake." Lu You saluted respectfully, and at the same time relaxed his heart.

It seems that the other party is not as sensitive as he imagined, and it is exactly as he thought.

Thinking of this, Lu You became more confident.

Mingyue saw the flying look at this moment, and frowned frantically.

Lu You in front of her gave her the first feeling of disgust... It made her feel uncomfortable for no reason. She had seen it before, but she didn't feel this way.

After a careful inspection, she didn't find anything. Mingyue only thought that because she knew about Lu Ling, she naturally didn't like Lu You.

"You can be happy." Mingyue snorted coldly.

"..." Lu You showed embarrassment, not knowing how to answer.

This patriarch is very unfriendly to him...

(End of this chapter)

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