Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 798 Daughter's Future

Chapter 798 Daughter's Future

Young Master Xiao...likes his daughter?

and many more.

Lu You suddenly realized something.

Weng Xiaoli was hunted down by Mr. Xiao because he spread rumors about the other party, so Lu You didn't care too much, but felt that it was bad for his daughter's reputation.

Now Patriarch Mingyue said again...

So... isn't it... a rumor? ? ?

Not a rumor! ! !

Even Lu You is really confused now.



"Mingyue!" Yun Shu raised her brows slightly when she heard Mingyue's sudden words, and seemed a little angry: "You can't just talk about this kind of thing."

She wasn't angry because of Young Master Xiao, but reputation was still very important to her daughter's family.

Mingyue was obviously aware of this, so she regretted it as soon as she said it, but what she said was like splashed water, and it was impossible to take it back for a while, so Mingyue could only bite the bullet and confront Landing Excellent way.

"Anyway, that's all I can say. Believe it or not, I didn't realize before that that guy who is more murderous than me actually likes girls who are so much younger than me. No wonder there has never been a Taoist companion..."

"Mingyue!!!" Yun Shu shouted.

So, Yun Shu really doesn't like this woman. As an old rival and old friend who has connections in all aspects, Yun Shu's hobby is to stay at home and read novels, and she doesn't want to go anywhere. The things I love……

Yes, Yun Shu, who looks like a nerd but actually just needs to be dressed up to be a familiar Yujie, is a little girl who likes to fantasize on Lingshan.

As for the explanatory month...

Because of the exercises, the body has been kept as it was when it entered the Void Transformation Realm. On the surface, it is a big girl who has not yet grown up. She should like some innocent things... But in fact, in Yun Shu's eyes, this woman Basically broken.

Not cute at all.

She asked Mingyue many times about Xuenv's secret, but the other party never told her, which made Yun Shuna's plan to share the secret passed down from Lingshan vanished.

Compared with Yun Shu, Mingyue is actually much more mature, but in some things, she is extremely unreliable... For example, now, she doesn't have a gatekeeper.

Yun Shu discovered that she didn't like Mingyue in every way, but he had a higher level of cultivation than her. Even with the title [Yue Zhan Yunshu], Mingyue on the Sea was much stronger in this round.

She couldn't beat it, but she still made a move.

"what are you talking about."

Yun Shu took out the book, and made a gesture to hit Mingyue on the head. Her cultivation was not as good as others, and Yun Shu didn't take it seriously, so Mingyue just tilted her head lightly and...

was hit.


The book hit Mingyue's hair ornament unexpectedly crisply.

Lu You's eyes were dull, apparently he hadn't gotten over the shock of Mingyue's news, so he didn't notice the interaction between the two women in front of him.

And Yun Shu was also taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect that he was hit just like that...

She is not Mingyue's elder, strictly speaking, she is still her junior sister.

Mingyue patted her head as if she had been taught a lesson, raised her hand to straighten her hair, and said in dissatisfaction
"Hey, are you serious? I don't want to lose face in front of the juniors?" Mingyue narrowed her eyes and went deep into the void to feel for her weapon.

"Come on, let's fight, I don't use skills."

How could Yun Shu mess around with her?She took a deep breath, and continued: "Okay, okay, do you still want to go to Lingshan? Do you still want to see Lu Ling? If you want to, just shut your mouth and be obedient."

"..." Mingyue froze for a moment, and put away her aura.


She really had no way to deal with it.

There is no so-called talent of ice blood in the world, recognized by Immortal Sword, the ice blood above all ice is only possessed by Xuenv... So there is no doubt that Lu Ling is Xuenv, this is Dongshen Habi One of the secrets that Lingshan knows more about.

But the problem is, now that Xue Nu is a disciple of Lingshan, if she wants to see Lu Ling, she has to come forward.

Otherwise, if everyone around Lu Ling speaks bad things about Dong Shenhai and her Mingyue, causing Lu Ling to resist Dong Shenhai, then she may die and have no face to meet her master and elders... Xuenv, that is the belief of everyone in Eastern Shenhai.

"I see, I... just be obedient, you are not allowed to speak ill of me in front of the little girl." Mingyue curled her lips: "I don't know how your Lingshan is crooked like this, and you don't even have any faith in Xuenv , I don’t even know what the blood of ice means, it’s really weird.”

"Lots of nonsense." Yun Shu turned her head away, and as for what Mingyue said later, she pretended she didn't hear it.

I don't understand anyway.

Ask, Mingyue will not tell her.

Mingyue said to herself: "Could it be because the branches of cultivation are different, and the performance of Xuenv's increase is not as strong as ours... I guess it is... Sure enough, Dong Shenhai is the orthodox Xuenv."

"Shut up and prepare to go up the mountain." Yun Shu said.




"Palace Master Lu, you've recovered." Yun Shu waved his sleeves.

"En." Lu Jiayu nodded, his eyes were full of strangeness: "That..."

"You want to ask if what Mingyue said is true, right?" Yun Shu said decisively.

"Exactly, please ask the patriarch to clarify."

"Actually, I don't know about this matter, but Ah Ling has indeed met her junior brother a few times... and they get along quite happily. After all, Ah Ling is relatively precocious. As for the junior brother, I don't know, but... This possibility cannot be ruled out," Yun Shu explained.

"Is this possibility not ruled out?" The corner of Lu You's mouth twitched.

What is not ruled out?
Can't rule out the possibility that he may become the father-in-law of the god of death?
Just kidding.

Although this one is strong, he is not a good match.

In Lu You's heart, at least her daughter will live to the end of the human race, let alone thousands of years.

Young Master Xiao is already a cheater, how long can he live?No matter how noble this kind of person is, he is not worthy of his own daughter.

Not to mention, Lu Ling has the blood of Fengling, and it is not impossible to become an immortal in the future. Even... as long as Fengling can inherit the power of her sister and her sister-in-law at ease, Lu Ling, who is the half of Fengling, will [-]% get feedback , the lifespan may be close to that of the Sea Clan, so if a person does not have enough lifespan, it is impossible to stay by Lu Ling's side.

This is Lu You's thinking circuit.

For the first time, he was actually thinking very seriously about what would happen if this matter came to fruition.

The conclusion is no, it is very inappropriate.

In his heart, the best result should be that he passed away because of his lifespan, while his daughter and wife have the most honorable status, and they will accompany each other forever...

This is the future that Lu You wants to see.

As long as the wife and daughter are together, as for whether it is a human race or a demon race...does it make any sense?

It is precisely because of such thoughts that he does things that are very unfriendly to the human race.

And Mr. Xiao...

how to say.

He was older than himself by how many years, and his daughter found an old man or something... If it wasn't for Young Master Xiao, he might have ordered Su Luoxin to "dispose" of him.



After a while, Lu You calmed down and said.

"Thank you Patriarch, I understand...but it's useless for me to think so much now. After all, A Ling's matter has to be decided by himself, and my opinion is useless."

Yun Shu was very satisfied with Lu You's knowledge, but also curious: "That's right, by the way, to be honest, what do you think of my junior brother from Shushan?"

"?" Lu You looked at Yun Shu, a little confused.

The patriarch in front of him, who had always been stable, had a light in his eyes that he couldn't understand.

Yun Shu seemed to be a different person, the hotness in his eyes made Lu You feel uncomfortable.

What's going on here?

Mingyue beside him sighed.


He also said he was unstable.

Who is the real immature one... Big Lolita sighed.

I don't know why there were so many senior sisters in Lingshan at the beginning, but this one was the only one who reached this level in the end.

As for why Yun Shu became like this, Mingyue really understood it all too well.

It's nothing more than men and women.

Because of her body shape, Mingyue cut off her way of finding a Taoist partner when she was still very young. Although she was able to do it later, the habit has been formed, and there is no one in the world who can make her heart-to-heart, so she completely gave up. .

But Yun Shu is different. Although she can't marry, she has never let go of her love. She also likes to read various novels. She probably put herself as the heroine.

Now I'm afraid it's because of the long-term book shortage, so I'm looking for fun from around me.

Lu Ling and Mr. Xiao are very different in age and status, isn't it just a living novel?And Lu You is that "evil mother-in-law".

A decent moral drama.

Mingyue's goosebumps fell all over the floor.

So, novels are really harmful.

And she wouldn't go up to stop Yun Shu, what was she trying to do, she was disgusted very much.



And Yun Shu... She really wanted to know how Lu You viewed this kind of emotion that was taboo for most people.

"Ahem." Yun Shu opened her novel, took a look and then closed it. She felt that her temperament had not changed, but in fact, in Lu You's eyes, this senior had changed from being indifferent to a very Common weird women too.

This kind of enthusiasm is like... like... the kind of woman who is passionate about the relationship between men and men.

Lu You probably doesn't know that his daughter has great potential for the kind of rotten girl tendency he mentioned.

Remember Lu Ling and Qin Qin's first concert in Lingshan?
That song "Gu Fan" is still preserved in the boudoir of the girls who like rhythm in Lingshan, and the picture shown in this song is two teenagers.

En is a boy.

Therefore, Lu Ling herself didn't know that because of one of her songs, there are now a large number of women who like this "culture" in Lingshan.


"Why are you ignoring me?" Yun Shu frowned.

"Ah." Lu You came back to his senses, and said with some embarrassment: "What do you think of Senior Xiao..."

There was disgust on his face.

It’s fine if it’s Qionghua’s kid... After all, that kid is different from the previous Jian Wuhen. He doesn’t like the type of confinement and rules. People are extremely strange.

That is to say, if the daughter really matches up with the human race, then maybe this Qionghua kid can help her.

But Mr. Xiao is definitely the opposite, this cruel man will definitely stand on the opposite side of his daughter...

Lu You analyzed carefully and looked up at Yun Shu.

This Snow Maiden's right-hand man may or may not follow her daughter.

"I think Senior Xiao is...a bit old." Lu You made an excuse casually.

"Age? Is age a big problem?" Yun Shu suddenly became anxious. The thing she dislikes the most is age.

It's strange, although she is old, she has always stayed at home. She understands all the darkness and filth, but her heart has always been pure, and at the same time, she still has a longing for love. Old woman?

Being prevented from being with the one you love because you are old? ? ?Why.


Mingyue at the side slapped her forehead when she heard the words, her face full of helplessness.

what happened.

Why did Yun Shu replace herself with Young Master Xiao?Doesn't she know that men and women are different?


"Senior, what's wrong with you? Calm down..." Lu You took a step back, and he found that he was really not used to dealing with women other than senior sisters and wives...

He is obviously a senior, but it always confuses him.

"Age, always talk about age." Yun Shu snorted coldly: "Now the secrets are completely chaotic, no one can say how long our generation can live, if we can really see the limit, then After 2000, my junior brother is only a little older than Ah Ling, isn't he? It's better for the Sea Clan... No matter how many thousand years older you are, everyone will be the same age after tens of thousands of years..."

"Okay." Mingyue finally couldn't help it this time, and walked in front of the embarrassed Lu You.

This time, she told Yun Shu to shut up.

"Lu You, this woman is a bookworm, don't take it to heart."

"Don't dare." Lu You didn't look at the two women in front of him, and took a step back.

"Girl, let's go, don't be ashamed." Mingyue grabbed Yun Shu's arm and forcibly led her away.

"Wait a few days, when Lu Ling comes back, I will inform you to go up the mountain."

Listening to what Mingyue said before leaving, Lu You finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Can be regarded as gone.

Although it is said that there is no danger to life, the guardians are really weirder than the other... What, is this the sequelae of stealing the sky?I won't become like this in the future.

As for the matter about Mr. Xiao Xiao that Patriarch Yue said, this really sounded a wake-up call for Lu You. He didn't even know that his daughter was so popular... Whether Lezheng Luoting or Jian Wuhen, this There is no way to compare the two of them with Young Master Xiao.

Big problem.

If the opponent wants to use strength, I may have to find someone of the same level...

Lu You's face was serious, and he had already thought of a place far away.

By the way, let's find out what's going on...

It's not a rumor, yes, it's a bit cruel.

 The two teenagers wrote it at the beginning, but it’s a pity that A Ling is surrounded by girls... I will give you a vaccination first, well, this is not what I like, the main reason is that if the man who likes A Ling becomes a girl in A Ling Yes, is there definitely no chance?You don't have to worry about getting married, right?Hey hey.

(End of this chapter)

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