Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 801 Double-edged sword

Chapter 801 Double-edged sword

Lu Ling knew exactly what her purpose was, and so did Li Zhuzi.

But it was precisely because she knew Lu Ling that she repeatedly told Lu Ling to do what she could and not to challenge herself too much.

After all, both Xu Xu and Shen Gui are too difficult for Lu Ling at this time, and no one can achieve it overnight.

Even though Xu Xu and Shen Gui are strong, they have worked hard little by little. Lu Ling doesn't need to demand that she can defeat them, she just needs to know which stage her ability is at. After all, what Lu Ling needs to learn is Consciousness and experience, victory or defeat is secondary.

As for Lao Hei who seems to be the least important... Li Zhuzi didn't say anything. This big guy is even stronger than Shen Gui and Xu Xu in terms of strength. It is not only edible, but all the characteristics of the spirit race.

Blessed?The spirit race is more unique.

Compatible with the basics of the world, exuberant vitality, the strongest physical body...cautious but not lacking in courage.

The above are the most important conditions for survival. The Spirit Race has them all. As the young patriarch of the Crescent Bear Clan, Lao Hei's strength is unquestionable. Don't look at him who is always beaten by Luo Xian and bullied by the little girl. , Pushing the nose to the face, but I am afraid that even facing Xu Xu and Shen Gui at the same time, this big guy can also handle it with ease.

Apart from Xu Xu's Origin Fire and Shen Gui's Qi Gathering into Lines, I am afraid that other moves are equivalent to tickling for him.

At the same level, it is a genuine [boss] level, as you can see by referring to Qionghua Jian Wuhen leading the team and being wiped out countless times by the group.

Hmm... Li Zhuzi didn't know that Lao Hei had been killed by the ice beauty, that is, Luo Ling, so she didn't give priority to emphasizing the tyranny of the black bear with Lu Ling. She thought that normal people would be wary when they saw the big black bear, so she didn't Talk more, focus on Xu Xu and Shen Gui.

This is not a mistake in experience, because the most important thing in this experience is the projection of Xu Xu and Shen Gui.

Li Zhuzi looked at Lao Hei's information, and said simply: "As for this Crescent Bear, it is currently in the Rebirth Realm, you can try it in the Void Transformation Realm, and it doesn't take too much time. Still fighting people."

Lu Ling nodded, indicating that she understood, and then held up a notebook.

【Sir, what about its strength?Who is better than Senior Sister Shen? 】

Seeing Lu Ling's question, Li Zhuzi pondered for a moment and then said: "Well... If Shen Gui met it a month ago, he might have lost but never won, but now, Shen Gui has broken through to the realm of rebirth. The demon has not been healed, and there are still wounds in the body."

When Lu Ling heard this, her eyes flickered.

Senior Sister the injury still not healed?
Will that affect the strength of this projection.

What she wants is a senior sister who goes all out, not a sick one.

But Li Zhuzi's next words dispelled Lu Ling's current thoughts.

"If it's you, Senior Sister Xu, an injury to your soul will definitely affect the display of your strength, the power of the flame will be weakened, and your endurance will also decrease, but your Senior Sister Shen will not." Li Zhuzi thought of Shen Gui, and sighed, feeling a little sorry for her bravado , but more of pride.

Anyone would be proud to have such a student.

"Your Senior Sister a sword cultivator, combined with Lingshan martial soul and Shushan sword cultivator, she has absorbed the essence of Li Wangsheng's Qi cultivator, and she has already walked out of her own path." Li Zhuzi praised: "Shen Gui... A few injuries can really stimulate her ferocity. After all, it is impossible to maintain a full state at any time in the front line of Tianguangxu."

Shen Gui is very strong, from the fact that she can compress the sword energy to break Liu Yao's barrier, it can be seen how ruthless this girl is... Li Zhuzi believes that as long as Shen Gui can really get rid of his inner demons, his potential will be absolute Not under the Chu Qishui back then.

Thinking of this, Li Zhuzi shook his head.

is it possible?

She could see clearly that Shen Gui was a person of sincerity and affection...

I'm afraid, as long as she lives for one day, she won't be able to forget the lady who called her "Afu".

Li Zhuzi thinks this is not a good thing. After all, it can't affect you now, and it might become a disaster one day, but other people in Lingshan don't think it's necessarily a bad thing...

Emotion is a double-edged sword, Li Zhuzi admits.

Thinking of this, Li Zhuzi glanced at Lu Ling.

double edged sword...

It can be seen clearly on Lu Ling.

If Liu Fufeng was still there, Lu Ling might still be that child who couldn't leave his junior sister in three words.

The same goes for Shen Gui.

It wasn't because he wanted to avenge his miss, and it was impossible to make such terrible progress.

Of these two girls, one is working hard because of his young lady, and the other is because of his senior sister... Both are lovely children.

As for the bad side of the double-edged sword...she will try her best to erase it.

Li Zhuzi smiled, and continued under Lu Ling's puzzled eyes.

"You'll have to fight to know the specific situation, but for now, Shen Gui's strength is more than [-]%."

Seventy percent?

Lu Ling was taken aback for a moment.

Isn't this crushing?

Senior sister Shen... is she that strong?

"It's not because of you."

Li Zhuzi scratched Lu Lingqiong's nose: "Now Lingshan is full of your and Xueluo Qianhan's power, your Senior Sister Shen's cold energy has increased many times, now Xu Xu doesn't fight her anymore, she can't win at all Well, now your Senior Sister Shen doesn't understand why she is so strong, and she is also a little distressed."

Lu Ling nodded.

It turned out to be the case.

Lu Ling ignored Li Zhuzi's intimate gesture, and a flash of relief flashed in her eyes.

It seems that this black bear has to give it a try.

He actually has a [-]% chance of winning in the face of Shen Gui who has been blessed by the fairy sword... Then start practicing from it and stimulate your ice talent.

Li Zhuzi didn't know that she asked Lu Ling to start the challenge step by step from Shen Gui's childhood data, but Lu Ling was going to start directly from the old black in his heyday.

If she knew, she would probably spank Lu Ling's ass.

But Lu Ling has never been an arrogant person.

She has low self-esteem and cowardice, but on top of that, she knows how to overcome these low self-esteem...

Old Heiqiang.

Very strong.

But it's not a big problem, because she is a snow girl, Miss Luo Ling... attributes are restrained.

Now that Lu Ling knew that Old Hei was the projection of Little Hei she knew, and Old Hei... this big guy was killed by Luo Ling with an ice pick, and he didn't even have a chance to resist.

It is precisely because of attribute restraint.

Lu Ling looked down at her fair hands.

She can easily completely transform herself into an inhuman body... Luo Ling also said that she has the purer source of ice than the elf Luo Ling, as long as she can control these sources, even a small The Frost Curse, as long as a small hole is made on it, it can be killed directly.

Historically, all creatures injured by the origin of elements such as earth, feng, shui, fire, and space are basically hopeless. Even people with top cultivation, all they can do is to immunize or avoid damage. Once they are hit, there is no way to recover of.

Lu Ling transformed into an elf, a purer elf than Luo Ling, with black ice all over her body, and even a strand of hair is the most terrifying weapon...

But the problem is coming.

She doesn't know how to use it, or is not proficient.

Neither will Xuechen.

This is very embarrassing... Lu Ling can't accept the empty treasure mountain but can only return empty-handed... So, she needs stimulation, just like in the hot spring, to stimulate her thinking and her body's instincts.

Shen Gui has today's strength, that is, the result achieved between life and death, Senior Sister Shen can do it, and she can try it too.

Lu Ling is ready.

He used the black bear to test his full strength form after the ice melted, while Shen Gui and Xu Xu used their normal bodies, Li Wangsheng's sword scriptures and ordinary ice techniques.

This is the result obtained by Lu Ling after comprehensive consideration.

This time is different from the last time in the secret realm with Luo Ling. Only she knows what happened in it, so Lu Ling subconsciously doesn't want others to know that she can transform into ice... She doesn't want others to know that she has an elf attitude.

As for why even the husband doesn't want to tell...

Lu Ling was also a little confused for a moment.

Ever since she knew about this secret realm, she wanted to use the black bear to test her ability after melting ice... As for the deeper things, Lu Ling didn't think about it for a while.

Does she need to hide the reason why Li Zhuzi can transform into an elf?

What is it.

After Xiao Hei was killed by the ice beauty, what happened to make him worthy of attention?

What she cares about is obviously only the improvement of strength.


Lu Ling is no longer able to deceive herself and others.

I was at a loss before because I didn't want to think, but now once I want to know, I can clearly understand my heart.


In Li Zhuzi's eyes, Lu Ling's face gradually turned pale, and her already fair face now looked very pervasive.

"Aling, what's the matter with you? Are you nervous...or not feeling well? If not, I'll cancel it..."

Lu Ling shook her head vigorously, and picked up a pen to write a few crooked words: [Just a little excited... Also, the power of the fairy sword needs to be revealed in time. 】

"I thought something was wrong, it turned out that the power of the fairy sword has become restless." Li Zhuzi breathed a sigh of relief, and then reminded: "A Ling, if you can persist, persist, after all, it is a beneficial power, and it is too wasteful to spread it. "

[En] Lu Ling said obediently.

"Okay, Ah Ling, take a good look at the arrangement this time. I'll go out and see Dongfang Lianren and the others. Since we're here, let's have a meal together." Li Zhuzi continued: "I won't let other people Excuse me, I will have dinner in an hour, during this period, think about it and prepare."

【Understood. 】Lu Ling said.

"Okay, I'm going out." After Li Zhuzi finished speaking, he looked back at the girl who was sitting obediently at the table curled up, and was taken aback.


Now Lu Ling looked a little helpless, making her want to rush up and hug her.

But when she looked closely, Lu Ling had already picked up the book and looked carefully at the rules in the secret realm. Everything was very normal.

Normal... something not so normal.

Li Zhuzi took it to heart and left suspiciously.

Maybe it's just that Lu Ling was going to leave, she was a little nervous, and as a teacher, she was also nervous.

Li Zhuzi closed the door and left, leaving the world to Lu Ling.

A person.



When Li Zhuzi left, Lu Ling put down the book, her chest heaved violently, and black hairs poured down messily, wrapping Lu Ling, at first glance, it seemed as if she was enveloped by a mass of darkness.

Lu Ling lowered her head, her pale eyes were full of fear and disbelief.

She had already thought of the reason and understood why she wanted to imitate Luo Ling's ability at that time to kill Lao Hei.

Naturally, I also understand the reason why I want to hide my abilities from everyone.

His face was bloodless.

Lu Ling found that once some ideas are unfolded, it is difficult to put them away.

He clenched his fist hard, nails digging into his palm.


I...why would I want to do such a thing?


Do not……

I should be kind and innocent... That's what my junior sister likes.

For the first time, Lu Ling was afraid.

Huge fear hit her face, and she couldn't breathe under the pressure. Her chest was violently heaving, but there was no sound of breathing, and the air froze.

After a long while, Lu Ling's clothes were completely soaked in cold sweat, and the little red skirt seemed to be splashed with bright red blood after being wet.

Lu Ling tightly clutched the corner of her clothes, her body trembling violently.


The girl finally spoke helplessly, her voice was as clear as ever, but unfortunately, no one could hear it.

Li Zhuzi gave the room an enchantment, and Hong Ling... also neglected to observe Lu Ling because she was too obsessed with analyzing the rules from the Great Thousand World.

After all, it was transferred to the other side of Lu Ling's talent, and the concealment became stronger, but it lost the convenience of directly observing Lu Ling.

What Hong Ling said, but interfering too much in Lu Ling's growth, is also because of this reason.



"Junior Sister..." Lu Ling rubbed the corner of her clothes vigorously.


She misses her junior sister.

Really thought about it.

This was the first time that she clearly expressed her miss for her junior sister after Liu Fufeng left.

Sure enough, this kind of thing can't be hidden from my heart.

"Where are you... You should come back, if you don't come back... your A Ling will never come back... Where are you..."

As she said that, the girl's tears fell down, her voice was full of trembling and crying.

Depressed sobbing is always more distressing than wailing.


Lu Ling's eyes were full of longing.

If my junior sister is still there, she can definitely stop my thoughts, if my junior sister is still here, she will protect me, I don't need to do that kind of thing at all...

is she there
She is long gone.


I'm done crying too.

Lu Ling wiped away her tears, she was still alone, Xuechen, Mr., Senior Sister, Master... None of them could be the one she could rely on.

Thinking about it, Lu Ling lowered her hand, as if the weak person just now was not herself.


It was the junior sister who betrayed her first, and who would she show her weakness...

The junior sister left, and he had no one to rely on.

Originally, the person who was most likely to save her has now become the reason for Lu Ling to push herself into the abyss with her own hands. So, making her already filthy body and even her soul filthy is for the sake of becoming stronger, or for the sake of her junior sister. revenge?

As long as the junior sister feels distressed, does she feel that everything is worth it?
Or... just to get stronger.

Lu Ling herself couldn't tell the difference.

But sometimes it is only after crying that you can understand your feelings. Didn't see her just fear, but didn't reject it?
Long sigh.

So be it.

She already has the initial ability to master these powers. This is also due to the intake of small longevity fruits every day, which allows her to understand how the fruit transforms into ice. From the martial arts knowledge given by the system, Lu Ling It is easy to reverse the route of Yungong.

Lu Ling stretched out her hand, and her slender index finger was completely transformed into a transparent ice blue, which was the most beautiful corner in the world.

Partial sprite.


Without using much effort, Lu Ling's fingers pierced through the spiritual fruit that Li Zhuzi had prepared for her on the table.

In an instant, the spirit fruit quickly disappeared, then recast, and finally was completely transformed into ice essence by the source of ice.

The essence is only the size of powder, but it is the most essence of power in the world, and it is the product of spiritual energy absorbed by this spiritual fruit after so many years of "cultivation".

Lu Ling stained the blue powder, and then looked around, as in the past when she got up and waited for her junior sister to come to see her.


The voice was very clear, as if afraid that someone would not hear it.



After three beeps, it became much weaker, but still persisted, but the speed also slowed down.

"Four...five..., seven...nine...ten..."

Ten beeps, but it took a minute.

Junior sister didn't come to carry her down for dinner as usual in the morning, let alone stop her.


"I... have worked hard, you... can't blame me."

Lu Ling talked and laughed, very reluctantly, but also very beautiful, the cute beauty mole seemed to be the residue left after eating.

Since it is the power given to me by God, why not use it.

Sakura opened her mouth slightly, and ate the ice essence.

(End of this chapter)

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