Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 813 Strong and Hardworking

Chapter 813 Strong and Hardworking

"Xu Xu said that Ah Ling's Tiangui is coming, I just took a closer look, and it is indeed so, then the next secret realm..." Li Zhuzi asked Dongfang Lianren's opinion.

"Tiangui?" Dongfang Lianren was stunned for a moment, then covered his mouth and smiled lightly, without any distortion: "Xiao Ling has also reached this age... But the timing is not very good."

"By the way, Zhuzi, Xiaoling is practicing "Shocking Rock Jue", which is a pure yin technique, and her physique. What you are worried about is the menstrual pain caused by the cold palace."

"Yeah." Li Zhuzi nodded: "That's right, Ah Ling has ice aura, and palace cold is unavoidable, so I originally had my own ideas for letting Ah Ling practice the pure yin method, and I can adjust it slowly later. , but now Dong Shenhai and Yueming Fengqingjue's skills have been integrated..."

Dongfang Lianren shook his head: "Even though the techniques of Dongshenhai and Yuemingfengqingjue have been integrated, they have no effect on the Ice Bloodline, otherwise you wouldn't have kept Xiaoling from practicing Zhuzi, instead It has been modified again and again..."

"That's it." Li Zhuzi sighed.

The level of the ice blood is too high, so this is almost unavoidable.

But in this way, the pain that Ah Ling might feel... Li Zhuzi felt distressed just thinking about it.

Dongfang Lianren didn't have too many thoughts. In fact, she had already considered this point, so she was not surprised, and she saw it very clearly.

Dongfang Lianren looked at Li Zhuzi from a close distance, squinting his eyes: "Zhuzi, when Shen Gui came to Tiangui Palace for the first time, Xu Xu, Qin Qin and even Shen Canghai were very nervous, and I didn't see you A little bit nervous... Why is it different now that it's Lu Ling? Sure enough, my own child is different... Aren't you afraid of Shen Guihan's heart?"

Li Zhuzi: "..."

Dongfang Lianren looked at Li Zhuzi with a helpless expression, and shook his head: "Just kidding, Zhuzi, I need to relax now."


Li Zhuzi nodded, she could understand: "Talk about the business."

Dongfang Lianren slightly tilted his head: "It's a joke, but there are also my thoughts in it, Zhuzi, why didn't you worry about Shen Gui back then?"

"Why not worry..." Li Zhuzi frowned.

Why... because it's Shen Gui.

That was Shen Gui.

She knew Shen Gui's strength, so naturally she had nothing to worry about.

Looking into Dongfang Lianren's eyes, Li Zhuzi was taken aback.

She wants to say...

"Understood?" Dongfang Lianren shook his head: "Don't worry about Shen Gui, in fact Xiaoling is the same...Zhuzi, you should wake up, Xiaoling is no longer the little girl who needs you to worry about everything...Actually In my opinion, she is really strong, stronger than Shen Gui but not weaker."

She really spoke highly of Lu Ling.

That was a girl who was in prison but still maintained the most basic kindness... She was a very gentle child.

To preserve this tenderness, the corresponding strength is essential.

"Really..." Li Zhuzi looked at Dongfang Lianren in a daze, and couldn't say "A Ling's is more painful" in his mouth.

As long as it doesn't hurt to death, it's really nothing, right...

In fact, if you think about it carefully, you actually know that Ah Ling doesn't need others to worry... Or, the current Lu Ling doesn't need anyone other than Liu Fufeng to worry...

Long sigh.

She looked at Dongfang Lianren with complicated eyes.

This woman sees things really clearly...

It's hard to imagine that such an oriental pity would like a man so much.

"Have you figured it out?" Dongfang Lianren looked at Li Zhuzi.

"Yeah." Li Zhuzi nodded: "Let's do whatever you want. I've already given Ah Ling the token. If she doesn't think she can accept it, she can come out at any time. It's really not a big problem."

Dongfang Lianren was a little surprised: "I've figured it out now? I thought you, Zhuzi, would want to close Xiao Ling's spiritual path."

Li Zhuzi heard the words and looked at Dongfang Lianren, so she felt that Dongfang Lianren was really powerful, and she obviously liked Lu Ling very much. Li Zhuzi was sure of this, but she could look at problems calmly and wisely. It is the doctor who cannot heal himself, the authorities who are obsessed with bystanders, but those who are difficult in the East can detach themselves from things and analyze problems calmly...

It’s fine if it’s a big decision, but it’s really remarkable to be able to preserve this sanity all the time in life.

No wonder, she couldn't resist reading that letter.

Li Zhuzi shook his head: "Actually, I thought about closing the spiritual path, but... Ah Ling won't agree."

Dongfang Lianren nodded: "If Zhuzi thinks that she will choose to close after experiencing the pain once, don't think about it, Xiaoling will definitely be able to hold on."

Li Zhuzi was helpless.

I really can't hide my thoughts from Dongfang Lianren at all.

"The difficulty is not the one-time pain, but the pain that goes deep into the soul once a month." Li Zhuzi sighed.

Don't think it hurts just once, just like Lu Ling, maybe it will last ten or twenty years...

It was definitely the cruelest torture in the world.

Dongfang Lianren probably knew Li Zhuzi's psychology, and she said: "I think Lu Ling's speed of breaking her spiritual path should be very fast, after all, she is already in the middle stage of the Soul Realm, which is accumulated with Xifeng's age. There is an essential difference in the Soul Consolidation Realm. I have a hunch that Lu Ling should be able to enter the Void Transformation Realm soon, and after that...maybe in a few years, she will enter the Rebirth Realm, and the spiritual path will be terminated at that time. It's..."

In fact, this kind of thing is a bit scary to say.

It refers to the speed of cultivation.

When Shen Gui and Xu Xu were Lu Ling's age, they were still dawdling in the soul-splitting state... Ten years of soul-forming, ten years of emptiness... After 20 years of death, although the main training was to learn how to be a human being at the beginning, the main cultivation did not cost much. Such a long time, but they all saw the hardships in it.

And Lu Ling's talent...

Perhaps because of the Snow Maiden, her speed of progress was terrifying.

It is possible that Lu Ling can catch up with her current senior sister in ten or even five years.

Dongfang Lianren sometimes wonders if Lu Ling is actually Xuenv...Because she has practiced once before, so this time she is actually just recovering her cultivation, that's why she is so quick...

Well, in a sense, Dongfang Lianren is also a terrible woman.

"Aling's talent is very outstanding." Li Zhuzi agreed with Dongfang Lianren's words, but in fact, if she could not suffer, she would not want Lu Ling to suffer at all, but there was no way.

Li Zhuzi said: "Speaking of talents, this year's young girls are better than the other, and they have already demonstrated extraordinary abilities before they have experienced it. Xifeng is the spirit of the innate wind, and the talent is there. And the other one... Zhao Yingge, doesn't see any outstanding talent, but his heart is extremely tenacious, and his spiritual power is extremely in line with the earth attribute. Although he is still in the soul-dividing state, he has already been favored by Gu Xiao's master... that uncle It's..."

"Zhao Yingge? She is also a very good girl." Dongfang Lianren nodded, none of these girls is worse than them... It should be Lingshan's blessing.

She smiled and said.

"There were races as the protagonists in the world wars, but if I really want to say, the most amazing and decisive is the world wars with the human race as the protagonists. It was the era when the fairy lord and Lihuo Hongling laid the foundation of the human race... that era is not so much race. The protagonist, or rather the fairy lord, is the protagonist... Even a fairy sword can only hide the fire and brilliance in front of her... Then it is impossible to lack people who are equally dazzling by her side, the same, and Belongs to the era of the Snow Maiden... I have heard that the equally amazing "East God" who has a great connection with our Lingshan is the witness of the Xuenu era."

Li Zhuzi didn't speak, just shook his head.

Dongfang wanted to say, is Ah Ling the protagonist of this era?
Li Zhuzi actually thought about it, but she thought it was a fantasy.

Although Ah Ling's talent is terrible, it has something to do with Xuenv and Xianjian, but...there is no such miserable protagonist.

Dongfang Lianren knew what Li Zhuzi was thinking, she turned her head slightly to prevent Li Zhuzi from seeing her slightly puzzled eyes.

"I know what you think, Zhuzi. In fact, what I really want to say is that the senior sister back then, and the current Liu girl, is actually more like the protagonist, especially now that the situation is turbulent, and the Sea Clan has also moved. There may be a world war. era."

Just one look at Liu Fufeng's space talent, and you can tell that she is the absolute protagonist...even better than the elder sister back then.

Chu Qishui is still chasing after Elder Sister... and Liu Fufeng...

Dongfang Lianren got Liu Fufeng's information for the first time, and felt horrified...

Liu Fufeng, and Senior Sister.

Master sister...

Liu Yu.

It's Liu again... The Liu family is full of these geniuses.

Dongfang Lianren actually had an idea just now, for example... Liu Fufeng might be a descendant of Liu Yu, which is a ridiculous idea, but... there should be no connection.

After all, Dongfang Lianren has always respected and loved the senior sister Liu Yu.

Liu Yu should be the person who has the greatest influence on Dongfang Lianren besides her master. Like Luo Hanyi, Liu Yu is the person she needs to look up to and yearn for all her life.

In front of the elder sister, she felt like an ignorant child.

Those who have never faced Liu Yu directly will not be able to understand the all-embracing softness and the insurmountable sense of despair.

Therefore, Dongfang Lianren was ashamed of what he thought just now.

Big Sister is perfect.

So... I am Liu Yao's friend, and my attitude towards Chu Qishui is absolutely bad.

Shake his head.

Dongfang Lianren's mood is much worse.

She misses Elder Sister a little...

Just like my own helplessness before, if the senior sister was still there, how could she carry it alone? The cold clothes made people worry again, but she became the only adult... There were too many things to carry.

"Dongfang, what's wrong with you?" Li Zhuzi wondered.

"It's okay." Dongfang Lianren cheered up a little, threw away the softness, and changed the subject: "Actually, excellent people will never lack excellent people, and the same is true for Ah Ling, just like Tang Zheng."

"Tang Zheng?" Li Zhuzi looked at Dongfang Lianren.

"Zhuzi, have you forgotten what Tang Zheng looked like at the beginning?" Dongfang Lianren reminded Li Zhuzi.

"We have seen Tang Zheng. When we first went up the mountain, the short-haired girl who used to protect her younger sister... She is actually much stronger than everyone imagined. She is completely different from girls of the same age."

"However, now that Tang Keyu is taking care of her, she forgets the real Tang Zheng... and treats her like an ordinary little girl... In fact, talking about talent directly with Tang Zheng made her break up. Thinking about it is the best thing, that little girl can definitely see clearly."

"..." Li Zhuzi.

Some trance.


Li Zhuzi, who is good friends with Tang Keyu, watched Tang Zheng grow up. In her eyes, Tang Zheng is a weak and mischievous little girl who looks strong...


Why did I forget that the little girl has never changed, her strength is engraved in her bones.

Li Zhuzi looked at Dongfang Lianren with a calm face, and felt that there was such a big gap between him and her.

After staying for so long, I can't even see my own children clearly.

Li Zhuzi sighed: "Tang Zheng's matter... Fang Qiuyu and I were the ones who talked about it. Now that I think about it, Dongfang, you are right... Ke Yu and I were wrong."

Dongfang Lianren shook his head: "It's not wrong, it's love, and there's nothing wrong with it."

This is love, not wrong.

Very important.

"I just want to say, Zhuzi, don't become like Tang Keyu. Remember, Lu Ling is stronger than you imagined, and you should also see that now... she doesn't want to be treated like a child, and , after Miss Liu left inexplicably..." Dongfang Lianren said here, paused, and continued: "Lingshan is no longer home for her."

Lu Ling's stickiness to Lingshan is very bad now.

Not just Lingshan, but everything.

"That's right." Li Zhuzi rubbed his temples: "I've thought of all these things, but Dongfang, if you say it directly, it's really troublesome..."

A Ling lost her sense of belonging to Lingshan, which was the most troublesome thing in Li Zhuzi's view.

Dongfang Lianren looked at Li Zhuzi's side face, and found that the girl who was as quiet as a pine valley back then... now also started to worry about the daily necessities and children.

Lingshan is still that Lingshan.

But everyone has changed.

including yourself.

She was worried about Lu Ling's sense of belonging to Lingshan...but what about herself?
She regards Lingshan as her home.

But... There has always been dissatisfaction. From Lingshan's attitude towards Lu Ling last time, she has already planted the seeds... Or earlier, after the elder sister returned unexpectedly, she has tolerated Chu Qishui's behavior towards Lingshan. And dissatisfied.

Moreover, he was feared by all his disciples, including the ones he had brought up since he was a child.

This is not what she wants.

Doing things that are beneficial to the human race is not understood by everyone. There is even a saying that the poisonous lady in Lingshan is the biggest evil cultivator... She should be the first to be killed.

A force that cannot be understood and feared will destroy, is this a human being?

The pity of the East sighed.

In fact... If her reputation was better, she would have publicly declared that she was that man's wife... In fact, does it really matter if there is an acknowledgment from his letter?

In her heart, she is the other party's wife.

The reason why she didn't want to admit it was because her reputation was really bad. If it was publicized, I'm afraid... he wouldn't be able to live in peace underground.

"Let's go, Zhuzi, I'm hungry." Dongfang Lianren raised his head and said with a smile.

Li Zhuzi nodded.



It's like... what Dongfang Linglong never understood.

Why is my sister, who is the most gentle person in the world, treated so unfairly?

Therefore, Dongfang Linglong wants to become the strongest person in the world, so that she can protect her sister.

This is the reason for Dongfang Linglong's efforts.

Sometimes motivation is born of such a simple desire.



The girl sits at the very center.

What is her reason for trying?
She... doesn't want her reputation to get worse.

Swallow the vegetables in your mouth.

The most delicious meal that Mr. made was like chewing wax to her at the moment.

(End of this chapter)

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