Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 818 Physiological Blind Spot

Chapter 818 Physiological Blind Spot
The bright red of the Tiangui period is a filthy thing, and men should stay away from it.

The above words are common sense in this world, which is normal... Even in Lu Ling's previous life, some ignorant and backward places still think that menstrual blood is dirty and ominous.

It is also related to the low status of women.

Maybe women's status seems to be limited, but in fact, in some mountain villages, the phenomenon is very obvious.

See the big from the small.

And this is even more so in this small thousand world... There is even a rule that women in the secular world are not allowed to meet their husbands at this time.

If Liu Fufeng really married the person arranged by her parents back then, she might not even be able to leave the house these days.

That is Lingshan... A group of women discuss this kind of thing while eating.

No way, there is no one here who has not experienced this kind of thing.

And Guishui does not condense, this is common sense that women generally know.

That's because Guishui is not pure fresh blood, so I won't say much about it, and the menstrual blood shown on Lu Ling's body is naturally not the menstrual blood of ordinary women. With an elf body, Lu Ling's blood when he opened his spiritual path was pure blood in the absolute sense.

The energy content is conservatively estimated to be more than ten times that of ordinary essence blood and heart blood.

A great tonic in the absolute sense.

Not to mention other people, it is an absolute treasure for Xuechen... It is estimated that if Xuechen is here, he will not be able to bear it anymore. It doesn't take much, as long as 100cc can completely fill Xuechen's empty body. Xuenv's most original power, just a little bit, can maintain Xue Chen's transformation into Luo Qianhan according to the "month".

You know, Xuechen has accumulated strength for several months in the past, but in the end it can only transform into an adult body for a few hours... Lu Ling's point is directly the time of last month.

Not only that, if Lu Ling can not be afraid of shame, as long as she continues to "feed" for a few years, then Lu Ling should be able to directly replenish the power that Xueluo Qianhan's body has been short of over the years.

If she knew that she could improve herself, Lu Ling might be really tempted. Unfortunately, Xuechen is not by her side now, and Xuechen... probably won't take the initiative to say it. After all, she doesn't want to see the master who is determined to improve, slowly Growing up is also a good thing, of course...she is willing to drink the master's blood! !
This is true for fairy swords, but if it is an elf or an ice attribute monk.

Taking the ice beauty Luo Ling as an example, 50cc is enough for her to evolve into the highest elf.

And a monk, even a person of the level of Patriarch Mingyue, can fundamentally improve the purity of the cold air—of course, if he is a human monk, he needs Lu Ling to help him absorb the source of the ice, otherwise, the blood is comparable to ice. The original source is much more terrifying, and even if it is stained with immortality, it will have to shed a layer of skin.

It can only be said that after the ultimate ice recognizes Xue Nu as the master, Xue Nu's ice bloodline has already surpassed Xue Luo Qian Han in terms of rules, which is a matter of course.

Sounds weird and even disgusting...

But is it really filthy?

Actually not.

Lu Ling's body has long been close to perfection, there is not even a speck of dust in her body... Only Lu Ling thinks so of the so-called filth.

She herself is the purest elf, the jewel in the palm of the world, so how can she be filthy?



Listening to the chaotic footsteps approaching outside, Lu Ling looked anxious.

She covered her body with a tiger skin.

Bleeding ceaselessly.

There is no way, Tiangui itself does not condense, so even after so long, her body is still wet... It is sticky and uncomfortable.

She doesn't want others to see what she looks like.

I don't even want to be known that the blood in my lower body is actually a treasure or something... If it spreads out, I'm afraid even if she becomes a popular idol like Shen Gui, the tone will be completely different... I can't be cold at all .

So Lu Ling didn't want her uncles, masters and sisters to know, and she could handle it by herself.

But...if I didn't look for them, I would have no idea what happened, let alone how to deal with it.

It's not that she hasn't contacted Xuechen, but Xuechen told her that she didn't know what happened.

Moreover, she is really embarrassed now.

And Lu Ling already knew who was outside.

Tang Zheng and Tang Sheng.

Two little girls.

She is not good at refusing.

If it's Master Uncle and Master, she just needs to say that she feels uncomfortable, and that's fine if she doesn't want to see her... But if it's two little girls, Lu's hard to refuse, after all, they should really care about themselves.

——Lu Ling, who always hints that she is cold-blooded, is still thinking about other people's thoughts.

She is really a gentle girl.


How to do……

How to do……

Lu Ling had no choice but to find a way to deal with it first.

"Sister Lu, we are here! Are you there?" Outside the door, Tang Sheng knocked.

Tang Zheng followed behind his sister, staring at the ice on the eaves in a daze.

Just wasn't so cold.

Lu Ling: "..."

Is this girl Tang Sheng really stupid or fake?Don't know you can't speak?How should she respond...

"Sister Lu? I came in?"

If nothing else happens, if she doesn't open the door for her, she will come in by herself.

Lu Ling looked at her wet and embarrassed appearance in the could she see a girl who admired her like this...

Lu Ling still hasn't given up on her dream of becoming a popular idol, so she attaches great importance to Tang Sheng, her first little fan - strictly speaking, Lezheng Luoting is her first fan.It's just that Lu Ling didn't know.

Take a deep breath.

Don't forget, she is still enduring the pain of cutting into pieces.

Lu Ling covered her belly with one hand and gritted her teeth.

She exerted her strength, and in an instant, the sweat on her body froze instantly, and then shattered to the ground. At this time, Lu Ling looked very dry... But only she knew that the mess on her lower body hadn't changed in any way.

Originally, if the liquid continued to cool, it should be a solid... But her Guishui was originally a very yin and cold thing, how could it be frozen?
Lu Ling also used the Cleansing Curse, but it may be that the mystery level is not enough to clean her body at all.

Lu Ling doesn't even know now, can it be cleaned after taking a bath... After all... it hasn't been broken since just now.

Forget it.

Taking a look at herself in the mirror, Lu Ling nodded...except for her pale face, at least she couldn't see anything unusual.

Lu Ling endured the severe pain and drove her spiritual power to open the door.

"Sister Lu!" Tang Sheng jumped in when the door opened.

She looked at Lu Ling who was sitting in the wheelchair, her eyes bent into crescent moons.

Tang Zheng also came in.

She looked at Lu Ling, Tang Sheng had already walked up to Lu Ling, and looked at Lu Ling from a close distance: "Sister Lu, you are so beautiful now..."

Lu Ling smiled.

The little girl came to her for nothing, but to say that she was beautiful, and this was the biggest difference between her and the adults.

Feeling unwell, Lu Ling stopped writing and used her spiritual power to draw a line in the air: 【You are beautiful too. 】

Although it's been a long time and Lu Ling has changed a lot, Tang Sheng can act as if nothing happened, and naturally gets tired of being by Lu Ling's side.

This is the special treatment for loli.

"No way, sister, why are you being polite to me?" Tang Sheng looked into Lu Ling's eyes with a look of obsession.

"Sister, your eyes have turned silver's much better than before." Tang Sheng looked at Lu Ling's silver eyes and said.

Lu Ling nodded, and then asked: 【What's the matter? 】

"It's okay, what can my sister and I have to do? I'm just worried about you, so I came here to take a look... But now, it seems that everything is fine, except that you can't talk, so I can rest assured... I thought ...Thought..." Tang Sheng couldn't name a name for a while, and then realized something, Liu Fufeng's name had become a taboo: "I thought you would be very upset, sister."

Listening to the little girl's undisguised words, Lu Ling was not angry at all, on the contrary... a little relieved.

She nodded.

【Everything is fine, people always grow up. 】

After speaking, Lu Ling looked at Tang Zheng.

She also came to see her.

Seeing Lu Ling's gaze... Tang Zheng blushed.

She... she's so embarrassing.

Just looking at the senior sister, I felt my body trembling and hot.

Sister Lu is much prettier than before, that kind of soft temperament is deadly poison to Tang Zheng... She also wants to be close to Lu Ling just like her sister.

"I...I have nothing to do, just come see you." Tang Zheng stammered.

【kindness. 】Lu Ling nodded, in front of these two little girls, she has always been like a big sister.

Especially for Tang Zheng.

Lu Ling had a high opinion of Tang Zheng from the very beginning.

Because... she thinks Tang Zheng is very similar to her.

【Come here, let me see. 】Lu Ling said to Tang Zheng, it's not that she didn't think about sending the two girls away earlier, but...they are here, so let's take a good the future, there may not be any chances.

Tang Zheng was taken aback.

Looking at Lu Ling's gentle face, her heart was beating violently.

The current Lu Ling... is really a perfect and soft big sister... It's ridiculous, she actually wanted to compete with such a big sister...

"Why is it me..." Tang Zheng was a little at a loss.

She thought that Lu Ling should like her younger sister more, but now her eyes are always on her.

Tang Sheng wasn't jealous either, but took it for granted: "I knew that Sister Lu liked you a little more...but you are my sister, so I don't care."


[Come here some more. 】Lu Ling waved to Tang Zheng.

Tang Zheng could only approach Lu Ling blushing.

[It has grown a lot taller. 】Lu Ling touched Tang Zheng's short hair and smiled, the beauty mark was very soft.


Tang Zheng looked at the face that was close at hand, and was in a trance for a while.

She... really likes Senior Sister Lu.

If you are ashamed, you will be ashamed.

She lowered her head, enjoying Lu Ling's gentle touch.

Looking at the tiger skin covering Lu Ling's legs, Tang Zheng's nose twitched.

"Sister Lu, are you... injured?"

Tang Zheng's sudden question made Lu Ling hesitate, a little caught off guard.

Why is this girl so sensitive?She just temporarily isolated her body from the surrounding space... Otherwise, to put it badly, the little girl would not be able to live in the same space as her cold air at the same time.

But now it seems... the spatial ability brought by this pair of silver eyes is still incomplete, or she is not proficient in using it.

Also normal.

Lu Ling concealed a smile.

Obviously, how could she let the little girl know her current state?So the so-called asking Tang Keyu to teach her physiological knowledge is completely impossible, and Lu Ling would be ashamed.

So, Liu Fufeng is really important.


[I just practiced, I have excess blood, and I spit out a few mouthfuls of blood, it doesn't matter. ] Lu Ling waved her hand to display a barrage, then opened her mouth, blood could still be seen faintly on the silver teeth.

"He vomited blood? Are you okay?" Tang Zheng was anxious.

Naturally, there was no doubt that Lu Ling would lie to her.

"Sister, what's the matter with you?" Tang Sheng looked at Tang Zheng puzzled: "Sister Lu has already said that she has too much blood... It's not a big deal... Aren't you better than me in learning literary spirit?"

Tang Zheng blushed when he heard the words.


Caring is messed up.

Embarrassed, Tang Zheng put aside what he had noticed.

In fact, Tang Zheng felt something was wrong at first.

First of all, Tang Zheng felt very familiar with Lu Ling's tiger skin wrapped around her lower abdomen... And from the beginning, Lu Ling always had one hand under the tiger skin, and that place was her lower abdomen...

And, Lu Ling's slightly slumped back.

All of this is very similar to Tang Zheng... When Tang Zheng was eating cold during menstruation, he was basically exactly the same as Lu Ling, sitting there motionless.

But if Tiangui came, no matter how you think about it, you will wear the white silk with the characteristics of Lingshan... So Tang Zheng didn't think about other places.

After all, no one would have imagined that a big sister like Lu Ling, who is full of taste for a wife, is not as good as a lolita like her in terms of physiological knowledge, so although Tang Sheng also felt that Lu Ling was a bit visual, he didn't think about it carefully.

"That's it, sister Lu, you still have a secret realm to explore tomorrow, so my sister and I won't bother you." Tang Sheng said suddenly.

"Oh? Why are you in such a hurry." Tang Zheng was taken aback.

"Don't worry. Didn't you hear that sister Lu still has something to do? Let her read the book. I can rest assured that my sister is fine." Tang Sheng said as a matter of course.

Tang Zheng: "..."

For a while, I didn't know who was the older sister.

She looked at Lu Ling.

If possible, Tang Zheng doesn't want to leave Lu Ling for a second now... I really like it.

But what my sister said makes sense.

Lu Ling didn't care because she wouldn't be found embarrassed.

"The main reason is...hehe, I still have a lot to eat. The food that Mr. Li cooks is really good." Tang Sheng did not hide his gluttony at all.

When she saw Lu Ling leave early, she was naturally worried, but now that she saw it, she was no longer worried, and began to think about her own food again.

Tang Zheng was helpless.


Where can senior sister Lu be delicious in the food... huh?It should be beautiful.

【Then I won't keep you guys. ] Lu Ling nodded slightly.

After getting along for this period of time, cold sweat began to seep from Lu Ling's back again... Sure enough, it was too much to bear the pain and still have to move.

I'm not used to it at first, but it should be fine in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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