Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 820 Xihuang's ideal and old friend

Chapter 820 Xihuang's ideal and old friend

"I'm looking for you, so there must be something wrong?" Xihuang smiled and shook her head.

"Oh? Is there something wrong?" Yun Shu was taken aback.

"It's nothing, I just came here to see how dull you can be..." Xihuang covered her mouth and whispered.

Yun Shu: "???"

She had no idea what her senior was talking about.

Then, Xihuang focused on Mingyue.

"Sister Huang, do I...have something on my face?" Mingyue asked nervously.

"It's okay..." Xihuang nodded: "Well... I think so, it's normal that the two of you can't recognize each other. After all, I was shocked when I found out just now... I didn't expect to be alive."

"?" Three question marks appeared on Mingyue's head.

"By the way, Sister Huang, Ah Ling is going to practice in the secret realm tomorrow. If you come out, stop for now?" Yun Shu thought of something and said.

Lu Ling?

Mingyue was taken aback.

Lu Ling...isn't she Snow Girl?
It seems that what is the relationship between Lu Ling and Sister Huang?
Could it be that the person who was alive just now was talking about Xuenv...

Sister Huang knows the biggest secret of Eastern Shenhai?

Mingyue looked at Xihuang in disbelief.

Xihuang looked at Mingyue's shocked look, and chuckled lightly: "I know what you're thinking, I do know yours, or your secret... But, what I just said is definitely not the person you think."

"Yes, yes." Mingyue forced a smile, thinking about it carefully, it is normal for Xihuang to know a lot of things outside the standard, for her it was a hazy snow girl era, the blonde woman in front of her must have experienced it herself .

Xihuang turned to look at Yun Shu: "As for the experience you mentioned, don't stop for me, Lu Ling will be unhappy."

"Yes." Yun Shu nodded.

Yun Shu once again confirmed Lu Ling's position in Xihuang's heart.

Mingyue was also very surprised...

She also confirmed one thing, that is... Sister Huang and Xue Nu have definitely had contact, but Xihuang obviously disdains, and there is no need to deceive her, that is to say... Sister Huang just said "Unexpected Those who are still alive" is not Yuki.

She didn't doubt that Xihuang was wrong, there was no such possibility.

Who would that be?

Since what Xihuang said in front of them, it means that the other party must have appeared in front of her and Yun Shu, and...has something to do with them, he is the one who should have died...

Mingyue suddenly thought of her master and various seniors...

But she is now the most powerful person in Eastern Shenhai, and she has no impression of this "person" at all.

"Okay, don't think about it if you can't remember it." Xihuang rubbed Mingyue's head, this girl is still so serious, didn't she not care about Yun Shu beside her?

Of course Yun Shu didn't care.

She and Xihuang have known each other for so long... This elder sister always likes to say some half-revealed things, she has long been used to it.

Anyway, even if you ask Xihuang, you won't say it.

Yun Shu didn't ask any more questions now, anyway... She would naturally say what she had to say.

Yun Shu still remembered that as soon as Lu Ling reached the Void Transformation Realm, she would tell herself something about the nature of the Immortal Sword...Compared to the unexpected person just now, she cared more about the Immortal Sword.

Immortal sword... If it is Lihuo Hongling, then it has a power that surpasses that of Xihuang.

"Ah, you're thinking about Lihuo Hongling, aren't you?" Xihuang brushed up her short blond hair, with surprise in her eyes.

"..." Yun Shu.

"Sister Huang, can you stop peeping at my thoughts?"


She is already the ultimate venerable that the human race can reach...but she was read into her heart silently...

"I'm sorry, I'm used to it. It's a bad habit left over from years of fighting with that old woman of the Sea Clan who relies on heaven's secrets." Xihuang smiled apologetically, and at the same time dropped a embarrassing sentence.


An old woman from the Sea Clan...

Only this one dared to say that about that unpredictable priest.

The human race has always been in awe of the sacrifices of the sea race.

After all, it has something to do with the secrets... So after becoming a guardian, the first thing everyone needs to remember is not to talk about the three most powerful immortal species... including the Queen of the Demon Race.

Although she is the queen of the Demon Race, she has formed a family of her own... In the eyes of the human race, she is not an enemy. After all, even if there is a fight, that person cannot directly attack.

On the contrary, if it is insulting and then causes karma, it is self-death.

So Xihuang said, but Yun Shu didn't agree.

But Mingyue...

Her first thought was, if the Sea Clan is an old woman, what about her old enemy...

At this moment, Xihuang turned her head to look at Mingyue, who suddenly became agitated.

Oops, how did she forget about women's taboos?
It can be seen from the fact that Xihuang always makes people call her elder sister, she still cares about her age very much...



"Forget it, I'm in a good mood today, so I won't spank you." Xihuang said calmly.

"..." Mingyue said that she was frightened.

If she was bullied like this, she would still be in front of Yun Shu... She probably won't be able to hold her head up in front of Yun Shu in her life.

Thank you sister Huang for your good mood.

"?" Yun Shu glanced at Xihuang and Mingyue suspiciously, not understanding what happened.

"Forget it, you guys go get busy. By the way, I won't be going to see Lu Ling tonight. I have something to do with her." Xihuang said.

"Yes." Mingyue felt relieved, and dragged Yun Shu forward.

Yun Shu didn't stop either, and turned to leave after saluting.

Even if it's her, she still has an extremely sense of crisis by Xihuang's side... How should I put it, there's no way around it, it's the same for anyone else.


far away.

Mingyue pinched Yun Shu's fingers, and said in fear: "Damn woman, why didn't you tell me that Lu Ling was related to Sister Huang? You scared me to death."

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you this kind of thing at first." Yun Shu blinked.

"You!" Mingyue was speechless.

Normally, she really wouldn't believe that Xihuang would look at a girl differently, even if her talent was against the sky, didn't she see that even Liu Yu and Chu Qishui couldn't catch her eyes?

Lu Ling is different...that is the real body of Xuenv.

But of course he wouldn't say this to Yun Shu.

Forget it.

"Your concealment... we are considered equal." Mingyue waved her hand.

"Fair?" Yun Shu frowned.

There are some strange things today.



Seeing Mingyue and Yun Shu leave, Xihuang leaned against a pine tree. Soon, the pine tree was burned and transformed into a throne.

she sits down.

Thoughts diverted.

From the moment she mentioned the Immortal Sword, her mind was no longer on these two people.

Li Huo Hongling... Immortal Sword... Immortal Lord...

The strongest flame...

She has seen it.

That Hong Ling Lihuo that was far above her... that kind of scorching heat seemed to be right in front of her eyes.

Xihuang's eyes were scorching hot.

She wants to challenge the fairy sword.

This should be the fate of the phoenix, Xihuang firmly believes that this is the ideal that she has determined before she knew Xuechen...

She is very strong now.

But it is far from enough to challenge the fairy sword...

Living to death is not terrible, but at least leave a flame for the other party.

Moreover, she is also victorious.

Who says he has no hope of winning at all?
Mingyue and Yun Shu probably wouldn't understand Xihuang's thoughts.

Xihuang seems to be a gentle, maternal existence...but in fact, she has been rebellious from beginning to end.

From the fact that she likes to go to sea tombs to steal things, and because of this, it can be seen that this woman has always been a fuel-efficient lamp.

All the personalities are changed after meeting the snow girl.

Unlike the Queen of the Demon Race and the High Priest who still attach great importance to race, Xihuang... doesn't care about the Spirit Race.

Although it doesn't mean that she doesn't care at all, but as long as the other party doesn't attack, even if the Spirit Race is destroyed, she doesn't care... It can be seen from the fact that she has been living in Lingshan.

Cold blooded?

Nor is it.

The height is different.

That's why Luo Xian was afraid of her.

But this kind of Xihuang is different from others in that she has an ideal since she was a child, and she still insists on it.

"The Immortal Sword... It's a pity that it's covered in dust in Shushan."

Without a master, naturally, she can't afford the idea of ​​a contest. Even if she is not an opponent, what she wants to see is the strongest fairy sword... It can already be said to be an obsession.

"Well, it's too early to think about this now." Xihuang patted her cheek, the phoenix crown shook slightly, and the curtain covered a little of her eyes.

She still has a lot of things to do... Xiaoxue hasn't grown up yet, Lu Ling hasn't grown up yet...

What happened to feeling a little tired all of a sudden...

Say good mood.

Xihuang shook her head vigorously.

It was time to see the person who surprised him, and it was the second thing he did before meeting Lu Ling.



Li Bamboo Yard...

Next door.

Naturally, it won't always be Li Zhuzi's yard, so it's changed now.

In the courtyard, the woman in purple took a broom, gently swept the snow in the courtyard, gathered it into a pile, placed it in the middle of the courtyard, and then just sat down in the courtyard, accompanied by her weak body and constant coughing Her appearance made one wonder if she didn't want to live while sitting on the ground in such a freezing place.

the answer is negative.

The chest that should have been unresponsive began to heave slightly, and the woman's pale face turned rosy.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Heartbeats filled the brain.

Her heart shouldn't be beating.

She vaguely remembered that she should be a dead person...

Rapid heartbeat, accompanied by severe coughing.

Even if he is a dead person, but now his heart is beating... Naturally, he will not seek death.

She looked across the courtyard.


I can feel that that making progress.

Although she has lost her memory, she still feels very happy... If one day she can remember her relationship with Lu Ling, it should be very happy.

The woman in purple was meditating.

Hmm... A few days ago, with the recovery of my cultivation base, I also remembered some memories. Although it is not important, it is also my previous habit. Sometimes, there will be behaviors similar to praying.

Maybe it was my previous spiritual pillar?

The woman in purple looked at the snowdrift in front of her... and smiled.

In her memory, she likes to sweep snow, but snow sweeping is a very sad thing, but since Lu Ling appeared, she can't help laughing every time...

Really, I don't know what I'm happy about.

The woman in purple gently smoothed the snowdrift into a cone shape, probably an outline, and took out her musical instrument, which was a kind of Lingshan calender, and then... the musical instrument started to move by itself.

playing music.

Unlike usual, today's music is very lively, as if celebrating happy things.

Along with the music, the woman in purple wrote something on the ground.

That is an extremely beautiful calligraphy, although it is engraved on the ground, it is still full of charm, the avenue is as simple as it is.

It's something that people don't understand.

【Only her body will sleep for one hundred and one hundred years, and her soul will last forever in this world... She loves her deeply and the person who loves her deeply guards this unknown place...】

The woman in purple smiled.

Sure enough, since he was the guardian of the tomb, the person who came back from his memory was Lu Ling.

"Winter snow will eventually return to the original sea area after melting."

The woman in purple spoke words that she didn't understand. Her smile was the most beautiful thing in the world at the moment. At the same time, her fingertips danced quickly in front of her, and lines of words with the artistic conception of water were engraved in the courtyard.

[Can I go to bed? Am I already asleep? No... I will always be here. 】

[The last fanatic in the world is here. 】

[The survivors are here. 】

[Write for her awakening forever and ever. 】

Take your hand back.

The woman in purple panted lightly, endured the discomfort in her body, and said to herself, "Looking forward to your return."

At this moment, suddenly, a shadow blocked her line of sight, a few shadows were printed on the text, and the woman in purple looked up and saw a golden light.

Dazzling as the sun.

This is a noble woman.

Fengguan and Yuyi, although there was no slight increase in temperature around them, but... the woman in purple felt a kind of pressure similar to the sky falling.

And the source of the pressure is just because she glanced at her...

"We met again." Xihuang didn't care the slightest bit about the vigilance of the woman in purple, she smiled lightly.

"Again?" The woman in purple was taken aback for a moment, she didn't understand this graceful and luxurious woman who appeared suddenly.

Xihuang tilted her head, with a strange expression on her face: "Well... I didn't expect that you have been under my nose all this time, and you have lost your cultivation base and aura. If your aura hadn't become stronger today, I wouldn't have noticed it. .”

"..." The woman in purple.

Do not understand.

Xihuang ignored her doubts.Smiling and looking at what she just wrote on the ground, she nodded after a while.

"It seems that you don't remember everything, don't you still know who you are? And you are as hostile to me as before... But this time, she hasn't grown up yet, so you better not mess with me Oh, otherwise no one will give you a head start."

"..." The woman in purple didn't know what Xihuang was talking about, but looked at Xihuang warily: "Who are you? What's your purpose?"

Hearing this, Xihuang stared at the woman in purple carefully, then sighed.

"Okay, I know."

Also... It is impossible for the method of stealing the sky to live up to now without leaving some sequelae.

Xihuang frowned: "It's just that I don't understand why you have such a serious injury? With your cultivation base, even the method of stealing the sky can definitely retain your memory, otherwise there is no need to force yourself to live... But you seem... ...It should have died once, who hit you?"

The girl's injuries were worse than she had imagined.

And the person who is qualified to lay hands on her is nothing more than one of those two people.

Anyway, this is Xue Nu's person, and it's not up to others to teach her a lesson.

(End of this chapter)

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