Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 822 Xihuang Wants to Be a Doctor

Chapter 822 Xihuang Wants to Be a Doctor

Xihuang shook her head.

For the time being, it is impossible to have an answer to this kind of thing. It is impossible for her to go to the sea tribe to find that woman and ask if she did it.

As for the queen... you can ask, the other party should not lie, but here comes the problem...

Can't find anyone.

When Xihuang was in Tianguangxu a few days ago, she also went in to look... Anyway, she couldn't find it.


Whether it's the queen or the priest, race is too important...

Can't it be easier?

If Xihuang's words were heard by the other two, they would probably get two blank stares.

The Sea Clan didn't want to play with you in the first place... Wasn't it dragged into the water once.

So are the demons...they originally lived on this continent too...although they were expelled, there is nothing wrong with wanting to go home.

If you don't call back, are you negotiating?

However, for the human race, this is aggression.

And Shen Lan listened in a vague way, although he probably understood that he had been killed many times, that's why his body was so bad...

But what to say.

But she didn't feel any anger, because she didn't have the slightest sense of substitution, it was more like listening to someone else's story.

As for the memory or something, there is nothing at all.

Only Liu Fufeng gave her a sense of danger, but Liu Fufeng was no longer by Lu Ling's side, so she had nothing to say, she only cared about Lu Ling.

Xihuang is actually looking for someone to talk to. After all, there are some things that she wants to talk to others, and it will help her to think.

After all, it's impossible for her to discuss calculations with the current Lu Ling. It's really distressing that the girl has gone further and further away because of her growth.

It's fine with Shen Lan, we can chat casually.

"Shen Lan, how much do you remember of your exercises?" Xihuang asked.

"..." Shen Lan didn't open her mouth, and after a while, she met Shang Xihuang's gaze and realized that she was calling herself...

After all, I just learned the name, so it's normal to have no reaction.

As for the exercises...

Sorry, I don't remember at all, she is just driving her own power by instinct now.

Xihuang shook her head: "Forget it, let me change the question, how much spiritual power do you still have?"

"See for yourself." Shen Lan grasped the void, and in an instant, cold fluctuations filled the entire room, the space became viscous, and what filled the space was the blue spiritual power, which was strong enough to shock anyone.

And Xihuang took the initiative to fuse the gentle energy, and after savoring it carefully, said: "It's lost more than half... The power that belongs to the current Lingshan has almost been exhausted, and all that is left is the spiritual power of magic, that is, the power of the East." Shenhai's mana... well, it's normal, after all, you have used the power of Lingshan to recover yourself, and your difficulty to kill before must have something to do with recovering your spiritual power."

"East Divine Sea?" Shen Lan tilted her head.

She knew this... she had seen it.

"Have you ever met someone from Eastern Shenhai? Mingyue?" Xihuang was a little surprised. He had been in close contact with him, but the other party hadn't recognized him yet... Ah, it's normal, and it's normal that Mingyue couldn't recognize her.

Shen Lan nodded to indicate that she had seen it before, and... she had a little impression of the name Dongshenhai.

"Well, don't think about it if you can't remember." Xihuang thought for a while, and said: "In the past, your power was directly connected with the sea area, and you also offended some sea people. If you look at it this way, that old woman also has The motive for making the move...and, they have made moves now..."

Speaking, Xihuang saw Shen Lan's puzzled eyes and said, "I'm just talking to myself, don't worry about it."

Shen Lan shrugged, indicating that she was free.

Xihuang continued to analyze: "Recently, the Sea Clan has also made some moves..."

Naturally, the turmoil of the Hai Clan cannot be hidden from Xihuang's eyes, and she is very concerned about the Hai Clan.

Xihuang narrowed her eyes: "I don't have the ability to communicate with Heaven, and Heaven has never contacted me... probably because I am the most peaceful kind of longevity, and I basically don't know how to do outrageous things, so in fact I am not I know exactly what happened...but it definitely has something to do with Lu Ling."

When Shen Lan heard the word Lu Ling, she pricked up her ears and listened carefully.

"Now I'm the only one who doesn't know what it is, but if the Sea Clan wants to enter the arena, they must start with Lu Ling... Well, it seems that my guess is right. The holy son they are looking for should be It's Lu Ling."

Yes, Son.

According to the instructions of the high priest, the Daqian Sea Clan and the small races affiliated to the Sea Clan have exploded recently, and they are all looking for the "holy son" prophesied by the "high priest".

But in Xihuang's eyes, when other people didn't know whether the Holy Son was a boy or a girl, she could tell that Lu Ling was what she was looking for.

I'm afraid that even that old woman only knows to enter the game from Xue Nu, but... Unfortunately, she doesn't know the specific situation of Xue Nu.

Therefore, there is nothing wrong with establishing cause and effect first.

Not to mention that the situation this time revolves around Lu Ling, but the attributes of the Snow Girl itself have a lot to do with the Sea Clan. After all, extreme coldness and water are inseparable, and the Sea Clan lives in endless In the sea area, and under the deep sea, what supports them is the power of ice, so they are naturally very sensitive to ice.

These Sea Clans are also very dependent on ice, but their inner nobility allows them to suppress that extreme desire... That is to say, even the Sea Clan, Snow Maiden is fatally attractive to them.

Therefore, the Hai Clan's attitude towards Lu Ling this time is definitely goodwill.

The Holy Son... must have a very high status.

Even the Snow Girl back then, when she wanted to go to the Sea Clan, she would go wherever she wanted... No one ever stopped her.

According to Xihuang's understanding, although the high priest knew about her relationship with Xue Nu, this did not affect Xue Nu's freedom of movement in the Sea Clan...

Xuenv didn't tell her about her travel experience in the Sea Clan back then, but it was very possible that she had seen the old woman of the High Priest long ago.

Not saying there was adultery, but I must have seen it.

If such a snow girl hadn't taken the initiative to find trouble with the demons, and had an attitude of destroying the family... I'm afraid she would live a very prosperous life.

"Ahhh... I can't figure it out." Xihuang shook her head vigorously, her blond hair swaying slowly.

Stop after a moment.

"I don't know how the Holy Son defines it... Do you want to... go see that old woman? If I have news about Xue Nu, I probably won't fight as soon as I meet... Well, it's hard to say, forget it , let's look at the direction first." Xihuang nodded, then looked at Shen Lan.

"I'm done talking."

"En." Shen Lan nodded.

In fact... she didn't understand much at all.

But she had already remembered everything about Lu Ling.

Xihuang clapped her hands: "Well, generally speaking, I don't have anything to say, I just came to see you and complain, that's all."

Shen Lan: "..."

She also noticed that Xihuang was talking to herself rather than chatting with her before.

Xihuang pursed her lips and smiled: "After all, I feel at ease in front of my old friend. I have a lot to say...but that's all for now."

"What about you, Miss Shen? Do you want to stay here or go to the Eastern Divine Sea? My personal suggestion is to go to the Eastern Divine Sea. After all, there is still some power left by you there, which should be able to help you recover..." Xihuang said, Looking at Lingshan.

"And... this is an unlucky place."

Xihuang looked up at the sky. She always felt that Lingshan was bad luck. Compared with the place where Xuenv fell, the Eastern Shenhai who had received the orthodox inheritance of Xuenv was obviously more favorable to her.

"Unlucky?" Shen Lan coughed lightly, but this time she unexpectedly understood what Xihuang was talking about.

Bad luck, because this is a mausoleum.

However, she is just a tomb keeper and will not go anywhere.

"If it's for Lu Ling, there's no need, she will leave Lingshan soon." Xihuangju looked down at Shen Lan condescendingly: "And your body is not suitable for following her, how about it? Think about Dongshen ocean?"

Shen Lan shook her head: "Just here."

Although Dong Shenhai made her feel a little friendly...but she was used to living in Lingshan, and she didn't bother to move, and...Lu Ling would come back occasionally.

"Actually, the difference is not that big, so you can do whatever you want." Xihuang said, turned around, regained her noble appearance, and said with a smile.

"That's all for today. I'm leaving? I will come to your place often in the future. I won't be unwelcome."

"...Whatever." Shen Lan nodded lightly, and then got up to send Xihuang away.

Maybe it was because she had recovered her name, or maybe it was because of the background of Xihuang, Shen Lan's purple dress also had a hint of mystery and nobility.

Xihuang smiled lightly.

That's why she said... Mingyue is slow.

Purple is the most noble color in Eastern Shenhai, even if it is Mingyue, her Taoist robe is also dark blue, only a trace of purple is outlined at the corners...

Shake his head.

"No need to send it off, I'm going to see Lu Ling." Xihuang said, and left in an instant, and when she reappeared, she was already deep in the bamboo forest.

Shen Lan looked at the place where Xihuang left, there was already some snow in the yard... She picked up her broom.



Deep in the bamboo forest.

Xihuang avoided the place where everyone was having a banquet, and appeared behind Lu Ling's room.

She could feel... the aura of Xue Nu who was close at hand, but she didn't peek, just watching like an ordinary person in front of the door.

But Xue Nu has changed her name to Lu Ling now... so what kind of identity should I face her now...

Xihuang has been struggling with this problem, which is why she has been procrastinating not to see Lu Ling.

Snow Girl is not the previous Snow Girl, that's for sure.

But Xiaoxue's attitude hasn't changed at all, so should I change...

Can Lu Ling still remember everything about Xue Nu?




Xihuang was not sure.


Forget it.

It should be the same as before... Otherwise, Luo Qianhan would be unhappy, and even if Xuenv changed, she already liked her.

She still regards herself as a "concubine".

Do not……

Now that Shen Lan and Luo Qianhan are not around, maybe he can snatch the identity of "big woman" first?
Thinking of this, Xihuang smiled happily and closed her eyes.

Standing up and stepping out, the golden wings covered the body, and the rays of the sun were completely subdued. Finally, the color of the golden robe also changed from domineering gold to dim, and became a less conspicuous yellow.

Opening her eyes again, Xihuang collected all the gorgeous things on her body, the phoenix hairpin, the wings, the pendant of the blood feather, the scales of climbing to the sky...

All the top-level magic weapons were put away, and the golden feathers were dark yellow. In a short period of time, Xihuang changed from a high-ranking empress to a somewhat simple woman. If it wasn't for her blond hair and natural majesty, she would really look like a secular woman. women.

At this time, Xihuang's body was a little thinner, but of course her natural royal temperament was still there, and her short blond hair and eyes showed that she was not ordinary.

She knows she's not that pretty.

But it's better than temperament...

After putting away her feather clothes, she should not look so aggressive now.

Xihuang lightly pinned her short hair on the side of her ears to her temples, and then found out a hairpin with dust and scum from somewhere, and pinned it gently on her head.

For her now, if she only looks at her appearance and ignores her temperament, she is a village girl.

It's not that she deliberately pretended to be ugly... How should I put it, when she was beside Xue Nu, she always looked like this... After all, as a concubine, you can't steal the limelight from your husband, this is a matter of principle.

Moreover, she would only do this when she met Xuenv. Didn't she see that she didn't put away that gorgeous and exaggerated costume before meeting Xuechen or Shen Lan?

Others don't have that qualification.

"Unexpectedly, this reunion is in this unlucky place again... I really don't like it..." Xihuang sighed, and then became excited.


Look up at the moon.

"It's getting late...I don't want to occupy her for too long, so let's pause the time here first." Xihuang said.

To have power is to be willful.

In front of the supreme being, everything was like ants, Xihuang spread out her palms and clenched her fists.

The golden flame spread out, and a huge shock wave instantly enveloped the surrounding area.

The time outside the room stopped, or in other words, the flow rate became extremely slow...and this did not affect Lu Ling's movements inside the room. This was the power of Xihuang...or the power of flames.

The power of time is actually much weaker than that of space. Of course, this is because of the structure of the small world.

"It's done."

Xihuang clapped her hands. In this way, she would have enough time to contact Lu Ling, and she had covered the outside with a barrier, so she didn't need to worry about being disturbed.

Next, knock on the door.

But... Putting her hand on it, Xihuang hesitated again.

Her current appearance...wouldn't it be too good-looking?

Although Lu Ling had met her before, she was so stupid back then, so it shouldn't be counted...

The long-lived species looked anxious and foolish in front of the door, so he didn't look like a strong man.

Combined with the mother-in-law and mother-in-law things she did today, there is nothing wrong with her being a woman.

"Hmm... hiss—"

While Xihuang was still in a daze, Lu Ling's slightly suppressed moan of pain suddenly came from inside the door. Xihuang who was wandering subconsciously showed a panic expression, pushed open the door and rushed in.

"Axue, why do you..."


Lu Ling's hand holding the wet flannel froze there.

(End of this chapter)

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