Chapter 824
Luoyan City.

red room.

The sleeping Zhu Mingxiang turned over.

There was no one else lying where the arm fell, and she felt an empty space.

The girl woke up suddenly, sat up immediately, turned her head to look around, and after seeing no one, she lifted the quilt and was about to get out of bed.

But the next moment, the hand froze in place.



After a while, she came back to her senses and lay down again, but this time she really couldn't fall asleep.

The moonlight flickered, and she tried to enjoy that loneliness.



In another place, Xihuang was expressing the helplessness on his face.

She cast a wink at the blind man.

Obviously, Lu Ling didn't understand what a "beautiful person" was, let alone what the two people in Xihuang's mouth represented.

"..." Xihuang touched his forehead and let out a sigh: "It's because I'm out of touch with the's not your problem."

Lu Ling: "???"

not understand.

[Isn't it okay to call her "A Ling"?Why...] Lu Ling asked.

The next few words are "too much effort", but Lu Ling didn't write it out, but Xihuang can also understand her meaning.

"Oh, even if it's me, I had my teenage years." Xihuang smiled embarrassedly.

Which girl is not pregnant?
However, there is no such thing as a phoenix and a phoenix in this world, and she is the only phoenix, so... it is impossible to have a spouse.


Very important.

Girls don't matter.

There is no true male-female relationship between Xue Nu and her harem—Luo Qianhan said that he is Xue Nu's concubine, but the master has always called the master long and the master short.Although Shen Lan wanted to be a [concubine] for a while, the identity of Xue Nu's successor was obviously more important to her.

Xue Nu guards the identity of [Sword], and Shen Lan guards the identity of [Apprentice]. They... have always been very satisfied.

The one who really cares about the status of "concubine", which everyone has but doesn't take seriously... Xihuang is the only one from the beginning to the end.

Yes, only her.

After abandoning this identity, she is Xue Nu [someone she knows], as for friends...impossible, that Xue Nu will not have friends.

Xihuang also had no choice, so she used some tricks at the beginning, and stayed by Xue Nu's side shamelessly, which was barely considered a concubine's identity, but Xue Nu did not admit it, so Luo Qianhan always said that Xi Huang's identity came from The way is wrong.

But in fact... Xue Nu never admitted Luo Qianhan's identity as a concubine... That woman never talked about such a topic, it was just an identity they arranged for themselves.

But Luo Qianhan has the status of [Sword], so she doesn't care whether Xue Nu recognizes her status as [Concubine], as long as she feels so.

This is the biggest difference between Xihuang and them, the distance between her and Xuenv is very far.

"Hehe..." Xihuang took a deep breath, and her tone was full of resentment: "They called one master, one called master, of course they don't understand the thoughts of an outsider like me, being able to call Axue is already the limit of what I can do .”

"?" Lu Ling tilted her head and looked at her.

So, she still didn't understand what the other party was looking for her for.

Xihuang raised her head, and a strand of blond hair fell from the back of her head to her ears. She said: "I am clearly talking about a concubine, but I use other names. This... is very abnormal, and it can even be said to be a waste of money. Therefore, I want to call you a concubine." It's not too much to say a good man."

Maybe other people don't understand what Xihuang is thinking, but Xihuang herself knows it very well.

She is a little greedy and has no sense of security.

Luo Qianhan was right.

Although she was unable to obtain information from the outside world because she was fighting with the high priest in the sea tomb... However, she never went to rescue Xuenv. If she went, Xuenv would not die. After all, Xuenv has persisted until now Only here did he completely die in Lingshan.

Xihuang has been reluctant to think about this question, but she has to admit what Luo Qianhan said.

This is betrayal.

If it's a friend, it's not a betrayal, but she always says that she is Xue Nu's concubine... She didn't protect her lover well, it just doesn't care enough about her... It's also a betrayal.

Beloved means husband.

It's just that "beautiful person" was a word Xihuang used when she was young and full of vitality. Now, no one calls her significant other that way, so she said that she is out of touch with the times.

This is also impossible.

Xihuang continued: "Well, that's it, I still can't help you in this life...but still wanting a title with a shy face, it's also... a bit shameful."

"But even so, I still want it."

Lu Ling: "?"

From the very beginning, she had no idea what this woman was doing.

Lu Ling was already a little impatient, because she was made uncomfortable by the matter of Linglu, and wanted to solve the bleeding problem as soon as possible, instead of talking about these endless things with this woman here, even though Xihuang really She is very beautiful and dignified, like a queen in front of her... However, Lu Ling is not a man, so she lost interest after taking a look at it.

"A Ling, am I pretty?" Xihuang asked.

Lu Ling nodded.

"Thank you for the compliment." Xihuang smiled. Although she wanted to be praised, she was still very happy. She looked at Lu Ling's slightly furrowed brows, and her tone softened a lot: "I know, I am not as beautiful as Xiaoxue, but... ...I am definitely more suitable to be by your side than her."

Hearing this, Lu Ling glanced at Xihuang.


Well... Indeed, this woman also has a little strength...

Xihuang looked at Lu Ling's face and summoned up her courage: "Then let me put it another way, I can call you..."



"May I call you...husband?"


This is what Xihuang wants to do.

On the day when Lu Ling began to develop and grow, he confessed his love to her.

She didn't really want to be Lu Ling's wife in the traditional sense, and she didn't expect Xue Nu to forgive her mistakes back then, but... being recognized, Xihuang would always feel comforted.

She doesn't know how to marry, but if she can get the status of "wife", then it means that they are the closest relationship... Xihuang is willing to attach herself to Lu Ling.

After she finished speaking, she looked at Lu Ling.

"..." Lu Ling was a little dazed.

Coincidentally, her thinking was almost exactly the same as Xihuang's.

Lu Ling raised her head and glanced at the inconceivably noble woman in front of her, thinking about her words...

Suddenly, such a person said that he wanted his wife or something, as if joking.

Lu Ling was not too surprised, she could accept this unimaginable thing, after all... she had encountered too many things, it was nothing.


Lu Ling shook her head slightly.

It's a pity that Xihuang's thoughts collided with her own, and the difference is that Xihuang's thoughts are unilateral, but she was asked and then she agreed...

Lu Ling raised her left hand, and there was a silver ring shining there.

I have no hope for the future, but I still have to work hard day and night, without end, and I don’t even know the right or wrong direction. I am suffering alone, and no one understands.

But Lu Ling was able to persevere.

Only by doing your best can you be qualified to say that your luck is bad.

She can still hold on.

Isn't it just after waking up at night and discovering that I am alone?
Isn't it just after waking up in the morning and getting up alone?
She can live with it.


In a sense, the two enjoy the same loneliness together.


Lu Ling looked at Xihuang incomprehensibly. She originally thought that if she had this ring, other people would not bother her and wanted to be her other half...

In the face of a married woman, shouldn't one stay away from suspicion?

Lu Ling didn't reply either, but just shook the ring on her finger.


Now it was Xihuang's turn to be confused.

"Space... Ring? Is there a problem?"

Apparently, this woman out of touch with the times had no idea what the position of the ring signified.

Lu Ling also noticed it, sighed helplessly, and touched her long hair that was still wet.

If she was still wearing a bun, the other party should be able to understand...

"Oh, I see." Xihuang clapped her hands, thinking she understood Lu Ling's thoughts.

Now Xuenv's mood is not fixed, she still remembers the first time she saw Lu Ling, the other party's mood was broken and greedy... But now Lu Ling shows her the space ring, the meaning is very obvious.

"I know what Ah Ling means." As she said that, she opened the entrance to her treasure house in front of Lu Ling. It was a world of flames, and inside it were all the treasures she had collected over the years. As the first spirit beast in the world, She was very greedy for money when she was born, and she also likes shiny things...

Lu Ling couldn't imagine the richness of Xihuang who had been stolen, robbed, and even cheated.

That is, after Xuenv said that she wore a dark yellow dress that looked better than a phoenix robe, she didn't like gorgeous things, so this treasure house has been neglected until now, but the value is still self-evident, at least, the high priest is so For Xihuang, there is the idea of ​​wanting to go back to the treasures in the sea tomb.

"Although I want to give you everything, but some things with high value that may break the balance are not acceptable. After all, I am an outsider... and your ring is not big enough... But I evacuated the sea tomb, so there should be a lot of good things .” Xihuang said, “Choose whatever you want.”

"..." Lu Ling was a little dazed. She looked at the jewels in the endless space, the golden flames filling the space, and the gold and silver being melted into a long river flowing in this small world. There were all kinds of treasures floating on the river. Not Fanpin.

He looked at Xihuang again.

this woman...

Are you kidding me?

She saw the scabbard that made Xuechen so tempted.

Are you excited?
After all, with so many babies, there must be some excitement.

The greedy negative emotions she had back then are still there, but now she is suppressed by her desire to become stronger.

But to press down is to press down.

Only being strong is the true sense of strength, and Lu Ling understands this truth.

Moreover, taking it means that she agrees, and she doesn't want to.

So, facing the temptation, she still shook her head and wrote.

【I do not want. 】

"Oh... don't you like it?" Xihuang was a little surprised, and then directly closed her treasure house.

got used to.

It was the same with Xuenv back then, she didn't like her things at all, so Xihuang was just a little bit disappointed.

Then, she looked at Lu Ling expectantly.

"The beloved... no, the matter of address..."

Lu Ling wrote with a pen.


She is just someone else's property, so how could she run out to open a harem?

At least that's what she thought before she was completely desperate. Even if Liu Fufeng was sorry for her... Lu Ling would only consider whether to start a new life after the two broke up completely.

just now……

No way.




After a long time, Xihuang forced a laugh and remained silent.

Lu Ling watched and didn't intend to explain about her ring. Anyway, Xihuang really liked her because of love at first sight, or because of Xue Nu, or she had some intentions for her... Lu Ling didn't care.


"That's right..." Xihuang said softly.

Yes, she understood early on.

Xihuang's body felt hot.

Originally, she wanted to take advantage of Xue Nu before she grew up... So, even if she was rejected, there was nothing to be sad about.

Nothing to be sad about.

Xihuang took a deep breath.

She would only look like this in front of Xuenv.

Obviously at the beginning, he only regarded Xue Nu as a junior, or even a daughter...why did he like her so much.

Xihuang looked at Lu Ling and said.

"Am I... broken in love?"

Lu Ling shook her head.

Xihuang looked at Lu Ling's movements and said, "No, or... I don't know? Forget it, it was my wishful thinking, you don't want to see me that much, at least for now, I'm a little too excited gone."

"I'm sorry," Xihuang bowed to Lu Ling in salute.

That's it for today, I wanted to have a good chat with Lu Ling, but now she is not in the mood.

Someone needs to watch over the Tianguang Market.

She actually paid a lot.

At this time, Xihuang's mood was very complicated, and even her thoughts became sluggish, but she still hadn't forgotten about today's business, and she changed suddenly, returning to her dark yellow body.

Facing the whole body of color, Lu Ling's expression softened a little.

Xihuang seemed to have regained her composure, she said to Lu Ling.

"Aling, you don't know how to deal with Tiangui when you come, right?"

Lu Ling clenched her hands, her face blushed, she could still feel the cold and uncomfortable feeling on the mat.

This kind of private topic was directly mentioned, Lu Ling felt a little uncomfortable, but she still nodded and admitted.

"Then I'll teach you, little by little, what happened and how to deal with it." Xihuang said seriously, like a professional teacher: "How is it? Do you want to listen? By the way, I don't I will tell others what I saw today, even Xiaoxue."


Want to hear it?
Of course listen.

Anyway, there is nothing more shameful and embarrassing than what she did in front of Xihuang just now, isn't it?

Moreover, Xihuang is not an elder, not a junior, not a human... Although it was a bit embarrassing for her to just reject the other party's confession, she didn't want her pants to be wet all the time.

So Lu Ling nodded to express that she wanted to listen.

"Okay, I'll teach you how to stop the bleeding first... It's not about stopping the bleeding, you'll understand after listening, there are still some points that need attention." Xihuang approached Lu Ling.

Lu Ling nodded and took out the pen and paper, but Xihuang snatched it away.

"Don't remember this kind of thing, I will teach you by hand." Xihuang stared at Lu Ling firmly, the corners of her mouth were slightly hooked up, and an ambiguous voice came out of her mouth.

"Come on, take off this tiger skin."

Lu Ling: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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