Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 832 A Little Progress

Chapter 832 A Little Progress

Shen Gui didn't expect Lu Ling to be in a daze suddenly. Seeing that she was about to rush into the ice formation, Lu Ling was still there in a daze.

This... is not what she wants to see.

Everything about Shen Gui now is a phantom reflected from Shen Gui's action pattern recorded in Lingshan back then, so... Shen Gui stopped in front of the formation and looked at Lu Ling helplessly.

To be honest, if it was Shen Gui in the future, she would never play these fancy things with Lu Ling. After she found out that Lu Ling couldn't hold on, she would definitely wait until Lu Ling couldn't hold on before letting her be defeated. For Shen Gui in the future, It is also an important lesson to let your girls know what a fiasco is and how to be in awe.

But now Shen Gui is obviously still very gentle.

After seeing Lu Ling's gloomy eyes, she sighed helplessly, and wanted to rush make Lu Ling feel that her efforts were not in vain.

This is Shen Gui's softness.

Anyway, she felt that Lu Ling was still far from winning, so there was no need to bully others too much.

But what Shen Gui never expected was that Lu Ling was stunned there.

This is still in the arena...

What will such a little junior sister do in the future?

If possible, she really didn't want to desecrate the ring that she and Xu Xu had fought since childhood... But Shen Gui stopped.

"Junior Junior Sister? You're back to your senses." Shen Gui said loudly.

Lu Ling trembled, and ice cones fell from the sky like raindrops. Seeing this, Shen Gui stepped back slightly, dodging objects falling from the sky, and looked at Lu Ling seriously: "Little Junior Sister, this is still in the ring... Is your butt itchy? Dare to wander off?"

"..." Lu Ling looked at Shen Gui, a little at a loss, and then... shot a line of barrage in the air.

【Senior sister, why...】

Is this letting yourself go?

Lu Ling was in a bad mood.

Not only was there no joy, on the contrary... it was extremely bad.

It's just an illusion.

The other party was just a phantom of Senior Sister Shen's soul-enhancing state, but it forced her to this point.

Under the circumstances that he was bound to lose, he forced to give her a chance... Lu Ling was not stupid, how could she not see such an obvious concession.

Shen Gui's actions like this naturally did not take into account the little girl's self-esteem.

Especially now that Lu Ling is so sensitive.

Of course Lu Ling knows that self-esteem needs to be matched by strength... So, she pursues strength so frantically...

Don't forget, the system determined that she had a [-]% chance of defeating Shen Gui, but Lu Ling...was very disappointed in herself.

Confidence is gradually being lost.

Shen Gui's simple actions caused the seemingly indestructible wall in the little girl's heart to collapse instantly. If you look carefully, Lu Ling's lower lip is trembling slightly.

She... couldn't hold on anymore.

Lu Ling lowered her head slightly, her bangs fell to cover her side pupils.

This kind of her... With such an absolute advantage, she faced a phantom that was far inferior to her in all aspects, and she was defeated with all her strength... She even asked the other party to let go...

I am like this...

Is it really possible to become such an excellent person as my junior sister wants to see?


Absolutely impossible.

It's time for her to think carefully.

Really can't.

I can not do it……

The pressure accumulated during this period finally broke out for a quarter.

At this time, Lu Ling needs someone's encouragement... This kind of situation has happened before. When she first learned to speak, she was also discouraged, but she persevered with Liu Fufeng's encouragement.

But now... she is alone, and it is impossible for the junior sister to appear.

But fortunately this time it was only a small emotional outburst, Lu Ling quickly adjusted her mood, Lu Ling sniffed and looked at Shen Gui.

Shen Gui was a little worried about Lu Ling, and cared: "Junior Sister, what happened to you just now? Are you okay... Sure enough, there will be a burden to support so many ice spells. If so, it's best to stop here today."

【fine. 】Lu Ling shook her head. Because of her little collapse just now, half of the ice picks in the sky fell, but this relieved Lu Ling's pressure, and it was obviously much easier for her to control half of the ice picks.

[Senior sister, why. 】

"Ah, you're still struggling with this problem." Shen Gui scratched his head, showing a troubled expression.

If I had known that this girl was so serious, she would have defeated her cleanly just now and then taught her a lesson.

But Master Li told her to take good care of the little girl at home, that is the future of Lingshan...


I can only get used to Lu Ling.

"Why, it's not just letting you in, well... there is a reason for that." Shen Gui would not lie, so he said truthfully: "Actually, I am still somewhat interested in your strength, and I want to know that you can do it." To what extent, and... can this ice pick hurt me."

This is the truth.

If it was reality, Shen Gui should have suspected that she had never seen Lu Ling's identity, but now everything is so logical.

she is belligerent...

Naturally excited.

Although it was Lu Ling's mistake, Shen Gui didn't want to see Lu Ling's gloomy eyes. To win pretty, no matter who it is.


Lu Ling was slightly startled when she heard Shen Gui's words. are telling the truth.

If someone else said that, Lu Ling might not believe it, but if it was Shen Gui, she would believe it.

The senior sister wanted to experience her strength more, rather than simply letting her in... This made Lu Ling feel a little relieved...

[Then... let's continue. 】Lu Ling said.

"Continue? Are you okay?" Shen Gui frowned. Although she was interested in Lu Ling's strength, she was still more worried about the little girl's physical condition.

[It's okay, after half of the loss, I feel more relaxed. 】Lu Ling said.

"Really?" Shen Gui raised his head. At this time, only half of the ice cones in the sky were left. Although it was still terrifying, it was not as overwhelming as before... If it was before, Shen Gui felt that it was not possible to pass through. , but the possibility is not high, but now... as long as the dodge is proper, the chance is still quite high.

"it is good."

So let's start like this.

Shen Gui stepped back, raised his hand, and counted down the countdown for five seconds.

Lu Ling was also ready.

time's up.

The test begins.



Glare, collision, afterimage, pitch black...all mixed together.

Obviously there are two people, but everything in front of them is Shen Gui's solo show.

1 minute later.

The pitch-black sword blade lay in front of Lu Ling's eyes, almost touching her silver eyes...but Lu Ling didn't even blink.

【I lost. 】Lu Ling put down July [-]th and said calmly.

Yes, I lost... and this time the loss was convincing. After being approached, she was not Shen Gui's opponent at all. I figured out the way of Shen Gui, but if I lose, I lose.

"I've made a lot of progress." Shen Gui put down his sword and took a deep breath. It was obvious that she won this time was not easy at all.

The Taoist robe is damaged everywhere, there are bloodstains on the arms and legs, and the wound is covered with icy scum... These are all injured by the ice spell, but fortunately, it is only a skin trauma, and any wound will go deeper, and the cold poison will enter the body she will lose...

But Shen Gui avoided every fatal injury, the most obvious one was the wound on her cheek, and she was seriously injured by Lu Ling just a little bit.

Perhaps because Lu Ling satisfied her so much, Shen Gui's face softened a lot.

"If it was the beginning, I really wouldn't be able to rush through this ice formation. The ground thorns are really troublesome, but...very exciting." Shen Gui smiled and said: "And, little junior sister, you have made great progress Ah, this time I can actually deal with my basic swordsmanship, which is very good."

After speaking, Shen Gui wanted to touch Lu Ling's head, but seeing the little girl's silence, he finally gave up.

【Senior Sister, if you give me another chance, I will win. 】Lu Ling raised her head and said stubbornly.

She is trying.

Her confidence has been hit... But Shen Gui's charge this time gave her a little courage... Maybe, she can do it.

Lu Ling hinted to herself like this.

The source of courage for the contradictory little girl is because she... wants to become what her junior sister expects.

Shen Gui was taken aback when he heard the words.

Instead, he nodded, this is... the truth.

"I believe that if it's you, Junior Sister, next time I might really not be your match. I really want Senior Sister Xu to look at you..."

Shen Gui doesn't like to admit defeat, otherwise he wouldn't have been competing with Xu Xu until now... But Lu Ling, she is convinced.

The other party is younger than her, and far surpasses her in terms of spiritual power reserve, swordsmanship, and spells. The only thing lacking is experience... Although experience is the fatal thing, Lu Ling has shown extraordinary learning And the ability to draw inferences from one instance.

Last time, she was able to easily deal with Lu Ling, but this time... She was almost hit by Lu Ling's silver drop during close combat. Difficult, and consumes a lot of spiritual power... But after she was really close to her body, her reaction ability and agility were better than when she was not injured.

Li Zhuzi also said that Shen Gui is in the strongest state when he is injured, and he has gradually realized this... Only when he is injured can he die, and the person who is walking on the edge of life and death is the most terrifying.

But such Shen Gui did not get rid of Lu Ling in the first time.

"Junior Sister, did you use close-body spiritual power to slow down the speed of my sword?" Shen Gui looked at Lu Ling with interest.

Speaking of which, she really almost lost just now. If Lu Ling's sword was just a little bit more accurate, she would be pierced through the heart by a sword now...

Hearing this, Lu Ling nodded. She knew that her experience was not as good as Shen Gui's, so she took some tricks. After slowing down the speed of Returning Sword, she was able to capture and analyze the angle of Shen Gui's sword. Unlike the last time, This time, even though Shen Gui's sword was about to cut off her head, she still kept her eyes open and watched the opponent's trajectory, more than once at the last moment, she used July Seventh to block the returning sword, and then counterattacked——

The more she fights, the more experienced she becomes. If she hadn't made a slight mistake in choosing moves in the end, and used a large-scale beheading swordsmanship... It is not certain who will win, at least Lu Ling's idea is right. Shen Gui's spiritual power couldn't keep up.

"Very good, I like you." Shen Gui said bluntly.

A junior sister with excellent talent... How could she not like it.

But Lu Ling didn't speak, she felt...she was still bad, you know, this was just Shen Gui's phantom in the Soul Realm...and Shen Gui was not the best person in the world, there were a lot of people who were as good as her , and even stronger.

For example, Dongfang Linglong, the younger sister that Master Dongfang often talks about, is said to be... stronger than Shen Gui and Xu Xu who had passed away.

Therefore, Lu Ling would not be delighted by Shen Gui's praise.

She just wants to win...

Give her another chance and she will definitely win.

Because of the series of failures, defeating Shen Gui has already made Lu Ling a little dazed... If she can't even beat the senior sister who is in the Soul Realm, Lu Ling might not be able to make progress in this life.

The girl version Shen Gui looked at Lu Ling in a daze, and waved his hand in front of her: "Junior Sister, do you want to learn swords with me? I didn't mean to learn from me, but we together. Of course, I can teach you at the beginning. "

Lu Ling was thinking, how could she be in the mood to listen to a "phantom".

Shen Gui looked at Lu Ling's nonchalant expression, and said sternly, "Don't look at you almost winning, but to be honest, Junior Sister, you are still far behind. The arena is completely different from a real battle, and you still need to work hard." .”

【Understood. ] Lu Ling nodded, then looked at the young girl Shen Gui.

Always a phantom.

It can't be called cold-blooded, but Lu Ling really can't stay here anymore, because she can feel that the spiritual power in this illusion has been disordered and may collapse at any time.

Therefore, she no longer paid attention to Shen Gui, but closed her eyes, digested all the knowledge she had learned from Shen Gui just now, such as the tricks she subconsciously dealt with Shen Gui's swordsmanship just now, carefully analyzed and digested them.

Lu Ling didn't notice that the phantom in front of her changed a little in an instant, the world collapsed, but the phantom that should have disappeared immediately became solid again after being transparent, and the eyes also changed from dull to agile.

At this time, the world gradually blurred, the girl looked at the serious Lu Ling, she smiled beautifully, very softly, her lips and teeth moved slightly, and Lu Ling could no longer hear what the phantom was saying.

Lu Ling exited the secret realm and returned to the void.

The secret realm of Lingshan is indeed miraculous. Lu Ling felt that the mental and physical strength she had just consumed in the secret realm had returned...Of course, it refers to the situation before entering the secret realm. Her mental strength lost in analyzing the space has not recovered, although some It affects her thinking ability, but it is still no problem to use it to remember her previous experience.

Lu Ling, who had withdrawn, was not in a hurry to start another competition, but stayed where she was, quietly digesting the knowledge she had just acquired... At the same time, countless possibilities evolved.

It is speculated that if her legs and feet can move, the chance of winning is 90.00%, but even if she cannot move, many of the moves just now are not the best choice.

After a while, he opened his eyes.

After digesting, there is a little tiredness in the eyes.

Confidence has taken a hit...

This kind of exhaustion often appeared on Lu Ling. She used to be like this when she entered the [World] to practice and then came out. But at that time, there were people who cared about her every time she came out, so she didn't feel lost.

Lu Ling bit her lower lip.

If only she was still there, as before, after she studied for a day, hand her a glass of cucumber juice... No, plain water will do.

Then she'll regain her energy.

(End of this chapter)

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