Chapter 859

The matter of Lu Ling's illness cannot be hidden from others, and Lingshan always has to give an explanation to the four people who went up the mountain.

Lu You, Zhu Mingxiang, Lezheng Luoting, and Jian Wuhen, among the four, only the last little boy did not come for Lu Ling, so he didn't care about this matter, and Lingshan arranged for them to move in according to normal procedures.

But the most troublesome thing is also the little boy.

Mr. Wuhen originally came to express his friendship with Lingshan, which showed that Qionghua Holy Land had no idea about Lu Ling... But when he walked to Lingshan, the form had changed.

The ones killed by Dongfang Lianren were the millions of people in Qionghua.

Fortunately, Jian Wuhen didn't mention this matter, but only said that he would return after staying for a while, and Lingshan could finally focus on Lu You and the others for the time being.

Lu Ling is sick.

When Lu You said it, the most emotionally fluctuating thing was Lezheng Luoting, and the sentence "I'll go see her" almost blurted out.

Among them, the one who changed the most was not Zhu Mingxiang, but Lezheng Luoting. Actually, the former has not changed much, while the latter has been changing. Lezheng Luoting has perfectly understood the Seven Killing Steps, and she is now able to function normally. Fighting with someone without revealing the sword energy prepared for Lu Ling... So she is looking forward to the contest with Lu Ling, looking forward to the contest that will determine her life.

She will use what she has learned first, and if she is defeated, she will use this sword again. Since the selection of gifts, she has not slept well, and she can't wait to see that girl.

But now that Lu Ling is ill, she has no chance and can't do anything.

After calming down, Le Zheng asked again, "But why did you get sick?"

"I don't know." Lu You said, his worries about Lu Ling were written all over his face.

Compared with these two, Zhu Mingxiang was the calmest, as if she had never seen that girl before, so she didn't care.

Zhu Mingxiang said: "You are immortals."

No one responded.

Zhu Mingxiang said again: "Shouldn't be sick."

Still no one cares about her.

Zhu Mingxiang shook her head, took a sip of the bitter tea in the cup, and whispered: "That's a heart disease."

Le Zhengluo didn't understand, but Lu You's eyes moved.

Lu You murmured, "Liu Fufeng?"

Zhu Mingxiang put down the teacup and asked, "Who is that?"

Lu You said: "The cause."

He could only think of that girl who just left Lu Ling and made her daughter like her so much.

Lezheng Luoting knew about Liu Fufeng, and fell into deep thought.

"Is it the cause..." Zhu Mingxiang put on her hat and said, "I'm going out for a walk."

"It's near the courtyard, don't go too far." Lu You warned.

Zhu Mingxiang went out.

In front of the door, there was a girl from Lingshan waiting there, and when she saw Zhu Mingxiang going out, she bowed lightly.


Everyone knew that this girl in sackcloth was the eldest princess of Yihua Palace, so no one dared to neglect her.

"I want to take a walk and take a look here." Zhu Mingxiang said.

"Okay, let me take the girl for a walk."

The two walked slowly along Lake Yamanaka.

Zhu Mingxiang looked back, pointed to the way she came and asked, "What is that?"

The girl replied: "Over there is the Lingtai, where the girl goes up the mountain."

Zhu Mingxiang nodded, looked at Nanyuan, and asked again: "What is the place up the mountain?"

"It's Lingshan." The girl looked at Zhu Mingxiang in surprise, and said, "Young lady looks a bit like us from Lingshan."

This kind of problem is something that every Lingshan disciple will experience.

"I should also be a disciple of Lingshan." Zhu Mingxiang said.

The girl was puzzled, the eldest princess of Yihua Palace would come to Lingshan?But she didn't ask either.

Zhu Mingxiang looked at the road, but what she saw was not Lingshan, but a dead leaf.

The dead leaves covered her eyes, but did not cover the sky. This is the biggest difference between her and Lu Ling, and also her ruthlessness.

The Lingshan girl looked at Zhu Mingxiang's side face, thinking "Young girl is so pretty."

Zhu Mingxiang suddenly raised her hand, pointed in a direction, and asked, "Where is that over there?"

The girl looked over and explained: "Over there is Disciple Peak, and the girl refers to the ninth peak Jiufeng."

"I see." Zhu Mingxiang was stunned, walked to the lake, bent down to fiddle with the water, and watched the water spread.

"Huh?" The Lingshan girl rubbed her eyes, and the water splashes next to her wanted to spread around. Why did she seem to see a water splash spreading from the outside to the inside, as if time was flowing backwards.

It must be a mistake.

There was a wind blowing, it couldn't blow the girl's sackcloth, the lake surface, or the blue hair inside the hat, but it moved Zhu Mingxiang's heart.

Back to square one.

He looked up at the nine peaks.


She saw ten miles of willows.


Zhu Mingxiang thought.

"I'm sick too."

Heart disease is not a disease.

Heart disease is the most serious disease.

Illness and magic are inseparable.

In the early stage, it does not affect normal life and mostly hides in the heart.Outsiders are not easy to detect, but she will sigh in her spare time, or be happy or depressed, this is the disease.

In severe cases, she doesn't think about tea and rice, eating and sleeping. "Lovesickness" is a subdivision of the disease.A struggle without explicit needs, without motivation, without interest, without progress, is a struggle without rewards.

How many people have this disease.

It may be very common, but for monks, it is the most serious thing. If you have a clear mind, you are a fairy, and if you are not a fairy, you have to cultivate a fairy.

Looking at it this way, cultivating immortals may be healing diseases.

There was no one around, Lu Ling opened her eyes, tightly wrapped in a small quilt, her body was hot, like fire, and like ice that could not be melted, in short, it was very uncomfortable, but Lu Ling was not sure whether it was physical discomfort or Mental discomfort.

Anyway, it's not good.

No matter how sick she was, she couldn't find medicine to take. She wanted to take medicine, but she didn't want to.

The best medicine, perhaps, is forgetting.

Lu Ling looked at the closed window, looking at the whiteness outside through the gap, holding the air tightly with her small hands, but the air was like someone, the tighter she grasped, the more it leaked.

Lu Ling thought.

She may be wrong.

Excessive pursuit may be counterproductive, such as the broken arm in the dream, such as the ten-mile willow tree that was broken by her that night.

The road is at the foot, and the bright galaxy is in the sky. Before she could go out, she fell ill at the starting point.

This is a warning.

Lu Ling decided to ignore the warning.

She wants to move on.

She will never let go of her obsession... It's just that she needs to find a compromise.

She needs to think.

Lu Ling lay back on the bed and continued to be ill.


Chu Qishui didn't come to visit Lu Ling after all. She and Han Xue went to find a new willow tree. Han Xue didn't understand, but thought that Chu Qishui wanted to give Lu Ling a good environment and a good mood, so he worked hard.

Everyone else was busy and didn't have the mood to think about changing Lu Ling's mood at this juncture, and Feng Jiu didn't have a real timekeeper and guardian, so only two idlers like Feng Jiu could do this kind of thing.

(End of this chapter)

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