Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 866 Live Simple

Chapter 866 Live Simple

Lu You lived in Lingshan as a matter of course, of course at Denglingtai, which is close to the residences of Lezheng Luoting and Zhu Mingxiang.

It's not like he likes the scenery here.

A strand of white hair passed through the window, blowing with the wind, he leaned against the window and looked at the scenery outside the window, but the scenery outside the window was not looking at him.

"I don't know how long this kind of scenery can last..." Lu You stared at the mountain lake in Lingshan, as if he saw a wave of ripples. One day, the ripples will turn into huge waves and eat Lingshan in one mouthful. Neither Yun Shu nor Yue Zhan Yun Shu could stop him, even Xihuang, probably not.

Lu You knows very well that the obsession of people in that world is hotter than the phoenix fire.

"A-Ling, you won't blame me, right?" Lu You thought, "After all, it's for the good of your family."

He thought again.

Maybe it's a good thing for her daughter to leave Lingshan.

This place is not only dangerous, but also very unknown.

It is unknown because Lingshan is a mausoleum, where Xuenv, his current daughter, died, so it is unknown.

Maybe one day Lingshan will become a real Lingshan.

Lu You thought so.

Lu You looked at the three girls downstairs again. At this time, Lu Ling came to pick up Zhu Mingxiang and Lezheng.

Lu You still didn't understand why it was Snow Girl.

Why is Fengling's daughter a snow girl.

There must be something wrong.

With the control of the souls of the group of evil spirits in the sealed land, it is impossible not to discover that Xue Nu was reincarnated as A Ling's daughter... Is it a coincidence, or is it the queen's scheme.

Lu You closed the window.

He didn't believe it was a coincidence.

After digging deep into the history of the year, he found that the biggest doubt was actually on Xuenv. For example, it was Xuenv who attacked first, without any reason... If it was for the sake of the human race, then the human race had to follow. Obviously, no one followed her. .

Why does Xuenv hate the demons so much, and go to trouble the demons when the sea tribe and the spirit tribe are fighting.

He still couldn't figure it out.

After a while, Lu You shook his head and said, "Forget it."

He himself is also a pawn, so there is no need to think so much. Whether it is Lu Ling or Feng Ling, he does not need to protect him. Lu You still has this self-knowledge.

Lu You thought this was the only consolation, because no matter how he calculated, his wife and his daughter were always the ones who benefited the most.

What else do you want.

He opened his palm, and there was wind in it.

Sometimes, he felt that power was really useless.

Family happiness or something, just think about it.

Suddenly, Lu You was startled, and looked in the direction of Yihua Palace suspiciously.

He murmured: "Su Luoxin?"

He shook his head again: "It's been a while since I left Yihua Palace..."

The face is indifferent.

It's not a good thing to know a lot, he hoped that Su Luoxin could understand this, sometimes it's not a bad thing to be a little stupid and live a simple life.

Lu You watched Lu Ling take the two girls away gradually, and lowered his eyes.


Accompanied by this long-lost senior sister, there was a long sigh.

"I feel sorry for more and more people."

Think so.

He really isn't a good guy.


Yihua Palace, the backyard, there is a breeze blowing, and the wind chimes on the eaves are ringing.

This is Lu You's small yard. Su Luoxin, dressed in red, is weeding the yard and cleaning Lu You's daily life.

Su Luoxin worked hard, it was for her favorite Palace Mistress, the famous goddess in the world of immortality who had turned into a handyman at this time.

Su Luoxin hugged the pile of weeds and rubbed them lightly. Since the Palace Master wasn't around, she didn't even have the chance to peek at him.

Su Luo muttered in a low voice: "Palace Master..."

Suddenly, Su Luoxin raised her head, looked at the string of wind chimes, and remembered that string of pleasant sounds.

Wait, there shouldn't be wind here, right? Lu You's residence is very deep, and you can't see the outside scenery here, and you can't see the inside from the outside. It is a quiet and lonely place.

Su Luoxin's eyes sparkled.

There was a wind...has he been back?

Su Luoxin immediately stood up and walked around the yard, like a cat smelling fish, leaving its own smell in the yard.

After a while, Su Luoxin lay down on the green grass, sighing in frustration.

Didn't come back yet.

"I hope the palace master and the little princess get along happily." Su Luo thought to herself, if they weren't here, she would take good care of the house.

Su Luoxin lay on the ground, looking at the gloomy sky, there was a cloud that stopped, and when the wind blew, the cloud disappeared.

Su Luo subconsciously stretched out her hand to grab it, of course it grabbed a cloud of air.

She laughed to herself.

It's as if the junior who was still a teenager back then would never stop by her side.

Su Luo tilted his head in his heart, thinking that he should call Master now.

She loves Lu You.

She loves more than everyone else, she has this confidence.

So she can give up her self-esteem, give up the power at her fingertips, and bring the entire Su family to help Lu You clear up all the redundant voices, and turn the Yihua Palace into what he likes.

Su Luo knew in her heart that she had always doted on Lu You, because that was her childhood sweetheart, the junior she had always liked and cared for since she was a child, and the boy who swore to protect her forever.

Su Luoxin looked at the floating clouds in the sky, and was unconsciously infatuated.

Lu You has changed a lot in these years, so much that she has recorded every change in her diary, and now there are more than ten copies.

From gentleness to indifference and even cold-bloodedness, Lu You has experienced many things that she doesn't know, but she never asks, that's why only she can enter Lu You's courtyard, the whole Yihua Palace.

Even if Lu You pinched her neck and wanted to kill her, she would not resist.

Sometimes it's good to be a little silly.

Su Luo thought so.

Of course, she is different from Lu You, in Lu You's absence, she is naturally handling all the affairs of Yihua Palace.

The wind stopped, and a black light flashed across the jade slip around Su Luoxin's waist. She slowly got up, arranged everything in the courtyard, went out, opened her palm, and found a jade slip.

After simply reading the information, Su Luo stomped his feet, as if a mirage appeared behind him.

It was a sea of ​​blood-colored flowers. Su Luoxin walked out of the sea of ​​flowers. She changed into a blood-red dress for her home clothes. She wore a bold tube top. The tail of the skirt was long and dragged in the sea of ​​flowers. The legs are faintly visible.


She went forward.

The scenery of Yihua Palace is very beautiful. Nearby there is a continuous mountain range in the mountains like a dragon soaring. The spring water splashes and the cranes enter the clouds. The building is vast.

There was a wind blowing in the beautiful scenery, and the murderous aura gradually rose, just like Su Luoxin's blood-red clothes.

In the main hall of Yihua Palace, Su Luoxin arrived in a red dress, just sat there, and the aura of the Patriarch of the Su family of Yihua Palace was fixed there, so that the disciples of Yihua Palace who came to report did not dare to look directly at this person exist.

Su Luoxin spoke lazily, with a soft voice: "Tell me, what's the matter."

The disciple has a fan on his waist, and he is also a flirtatious young man, but at this moment his head is deeply bowed, he said.

"Go back to Master Uncle, and found the trace of Poison Lady."

(End of this chapter)

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