Chapter 868 Landscape
Lu Ling used to care about many things and fear many things.

For example, someone would come out and beat her up from nowhere, for example, she had no food for three days and could only drink water, for example, one day the junior sister suddenly disappeared.

There are many such as.

But Lu Ling is not afraid now, because there is nothing in the world more terrifying than what she has experienced, so in the eyes of everyone, Lu Ling has grown up.

She didn't want to grow up, but no one asked her what she thought.

So this girl was forced to be indifferent, indifferent to everything, like if she was not a fool, she could sense something bad was brewing around her. Of course, Lu Ling felt that she might be the center of the storm, but it didn't matter, who If she is willing to calculate, she will not think so much, she just wants to move forward.

The road is underfoot.

With a direction, this road is also walking steadily, just like the track on the bank of the ten-mile river in Jiufeng at this time.

The trajectory of the wheelchair and the two lines of footsteps are real.

Lu Ling led the way. She was admiring the willow trees on both sides of the bank, enjoying the breeze blowing on her face. Lu Ling found that even the soft soil here exudes a faint fragrance.

Lu Ling really likes this river.

Those who look at the scenery cannot avoid being the scenery.

At this time, Le Zheng Luoting was following Lu Ling, watching the red figure land on Lu Ling's beautiful lady's bun, opened his mouth to say something, but held back.

She didn't think there was anything beautiful about the willow trees on the two banks, she just liked to look at Lu Ling, even the way she looked at the scenery was so beautiful.

Lezheng Luoting really likes this girl.

Zhu Mingxiang didn't like anything, she just simply followed, she didn't even take off her sackcloth hat, she didn't look at Lu Ling, she didn't look at Lezheng Luoting, and she didn't even look at the scenery on both sides of the strait.

So she avoided being the scenery in the eyes of others.

Lu Ling stopped suddenly, pointed at the painting boat, and said, "Look."

Le Zheng looked over in Luoting.

Zhu Mingxiang's gaze swept across Lu Ling's face, and she also looked over.

Lu Ling said, "It's pretty."

Le Zheng looked at the exquisite painting boat in the courtyard, and nodded: "I like it very much."

Lu Ling took another look at her and said, "I like it too."

Zhu Mingxiang still didn't speak, which was in stark contrast to Lezheng Luoting. She seemed not interested in these things at all, not in painting boats, not in willow trees, and not in Xianmen.

She just came to teach Lu Ling how to draw.

Of course Lu Ling didn't care about Zhu Mingxiang's thoughts, just like she didn't care about Le Zhengluo's thoughts.

These two people are actually the same in her eyes, but after all this, all the hostility Lezheng Luoting had towards Zhu Mingxiang disappeared, obviously Zhu Mingxiang would not rob her of this girl.

At this time, a big girl walked up to her, with short hair shoulder-length, and a charming tear mole in the corner of her eye.

"Sister Zhao." Lu Ling stopped.

Zhao Yingge also stopped.

According to her seniority, she should call Lu Ling a senior sister.

But there was never such a need between them, as if Xifeng was actually Jiufeng's youngest junior sister, it felt very strange.

Zhao Yingge glanced at the girl who was following Lu Ling, and then at Lu Ling again, and felt that Sister Zhao's slightly hoarse voice sounded so nice.

"A Ling, this is?" Zhao Yingge asked.

Lu Ling said, "Someone I just met."

Zhao Yingge nodded, thinking that it was Lingshan's arrangement, and carefully looked at Lezheng Luoting and Lezheng Luoting.

"They're all girls around the same age, that's fine."

"Yes." Lu Ling nodded and asked, "Where is sister Zhao going?"

"Go to Senior Sister Gu." Singer Zhao Ying flickered, and a silver spear appeared, the barrel of the gun pierced some of her short hair, and flicked again, the spear disappeared.

She went to learn how to shoot a gun.

Lu Ling said that she knew, and she said, "Are you coming back tonight?"

Zhao Yingge said: "I'm not coming back, Senior Sister Gu and Senior Sister Chenxi will stay with me today."

Lu Ling nodded and said, "Goodbye, Senior Sister."

Zhao Yingge reminded: "Go faster, Xifeng said it's going to rain."

Sometimes Zhao Yingge felt that Xifeng was not like a spirit of wind but like a spirit of water. It was not bad to make a weather forecast, so every time she went out she would ask her what the weather was like today.


Everyone and Zhao Yingge staggered.

There was nothing abnormal about Lu Ling, this was their daily life, she was used to getting along with Zhao Yingge, and this was exactly what her junior sister wanted to see.

"What a handsome sister." Le Zheng Luoting looked at Zhao Yingge's back and couldn't help but say.


Lu Ling tilted her head.

Does this describe a girl?

But she felt that Sister Zhao's hair was getting longer and longer, and she was becoming more and more mature, just like a real big sister.

Lu Ling did not reject this feeling.

Lu Ling suddenly noticed something, she looked at Zhu Mingxiang.

She looked at Zhu Mingxiang, and Le Zheng Luoting followed suit.

Zhu Mingxiang was looking at Zhao Yingge's back for a long time, until Zhao Yingge had disappeared from their field of vision, and after a long while, Zhu Mingxiang turned around. Looking at these two gazes, Zhu Mingxiang said calmly: "It's very beautiful. sister."

Lu Ling didn't see anything and continued to walk forward.

There was a breeze, the weather was a little colder, and it was really going to rain.

Lezheng Luoting slowed down, walked up to Zhu Mingxiang, gave her a light pestle, and said, "So you like that kind of sister."

Zhu Mingxiang took a moment to understand what Lezheng Luoting was talking about. She looked at Lu Ling's back and said, "I like it very much."

"I also think she is very different. She has a natural vixen vibe, but she is so handsome, even prettier than my Senior Brother Yun." Le Zheng Luoting's tone was ambiguous, as if she wanted to hint at Zhu Mingxiang .

Zhu Mingxiang was not in the mood to respond to Le Zhengluo, she was thinking about other things.

Like what you just saw.

The daily life of Lu Ling and Zhao Yingge is very natural, so natural that it is not so natural.

Zhu Mingxiang looked at Lu Ling again, feeling a little sad, because this girl finally lived alone, even Zhao Yingge and Xifeng couldn't walk by her side.

Not to mention she is a painter.

As for saying that Yue is in court, that's out of her consideration.

Lezheng Luoting looked at Zhu Mingxiang's disinterested look, and it was a pity that she didn't have any ambiguous thoughts about Zhao Yingge.

At least it's true that she thinks Zhao Yingge is good-looking.

"Wow wow wow..."

There was rain pouring down, and the sky-filled elements drew a long trajectory in the air, and fell on the lake, causing large and small ripples.

The temperature dropped a little.

"It's really raining!!" Le Zheng Luoting raised his head and said, looking at the sky that had darkened almost instantly, he used his sword energy to prop up the barrier, and of course he did not forget to envelop the candles and incense around him.

When she went to see Lu Ling, she found that the girl took out an oil-paper umbrella from nowhere.

She has long since passed the time when she needs to be cared for by others.

The rainwater fell on the umbrella and splashed beautifully one by one, covering the girl in front of her in hazy misty rain, but the distance of a few feet was like the end of the world, pulling her away from the two people behind who separated the rain with sword energy. infinity.

An umbrella, a person, a rain.

Zhu Mingxiang said in her heart that this is really the most beautiful scenery in the world.

Le Zhengluoting also thought so.

(End of this chapter)

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