Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 870 Willow Yiyi

Chapter 870 Willow Yiyi
Of course Le Zhengluo couldn't hear any sound, but she heard something wrong with the sound outside, so she lay on the window and looked outside, saying, "It's snowing."


Is it snowing?
Zhu Mingxiang calmly left the book fragrance, looking at the rain and snow outside the window.

It wasn't spiritual snow, or it could be said that the composition of spiritual energy was very low. Most of the rhombus-shaped snowflakes had already melted in the sky, turning into raindrops and falling on the rippling lake. When the wind passed by, the sky was filled with pure white and crystal clear, lowering the temperature of Jiufeng.

Lezheng Luoting looked at the snow-covered sky, propped his round face, murmured with hazy eyes: "It's so beautiful."

The only time it snowed in Shushan these years was when Lu Ling appeared.

Zhu Mingxiang looked at the girl and suddenly remembered an old friend. She stared intently for a while, then looked away.

She suddenly discovered that she didn't hate this simple-minded girl.

It's as if she thinks that Lingshan has rich background and blurted out rich, if she thinks it looks good, then it is really good-looking.

"It's beautiful." Zhu Mingxiang stood behind Lezheng Luoting and said.

Those who look at the scenery cannot avoid being the scenery.

It was as if there was a cat lying on Lu Ling's shoulder, holding a scroll of ink writing in her hand, and she went downstairs cautiously, but saw two people watching the snow scene.

In a trance for a moment, she thought that her junior sister was back.

"It's been a long time." Lu Ling shook her head and said.

Hearing Lu Ling's voice, Le Zheng Luoting immediately turned around, looked at Lu Ling, and said, "Not long, not long at all."

She looked at Lu Ling and thought, "It's so pretty."

At this time, Lu Ling changed into a light red long dress. Although she had a bun, her black hair still reached her hips. Against the background of the black color, Lu Ling's figure was so well developed, especially those tight tights that looked like white jade. It was so mellow that Le Zheng couldn't take his eyes off the court at all.

She didn't even see Xuechen.

With Lu Ling around, the snow doesn't look good at all.

"En." Lu Ling nodded slightly, walking very carefully.

During the Tiangui period, although he could walk around, he had to endure severe pain every step he took.

Lu Ling frowned slightly.

"What's the matter?" Zhu Mingxiang immediately walked over and asked, during which she kept staring at the painting in Lu Ling's hand.

There is a smell of new ink.

Then she understood that Lu Ling hadn't been changing clothes all the time upstairs, but had just left this scroll.

Lu Ling glanced at Zhu Mingxiang and said, "Can you hang it up for me? The upper right corner is fine."

"Okay." Of course Zhu Mingxiang would not refuse.

Lezheng Luoting regretted that she was patronizing and indulging in beauty, she was not caring at all, and was slightly dissatisfied with herself, obviously she was the oldest of the three.

Is it because you are called sister Zhu Mingxiang that you slack off?
I am also very gentle.

Le Zhengluoting thought so.

Of course, it's just thinking about it, she still has self-knowledge.

On the other side, Zhu Mingxiang unfolded Lu Ling's new writing, hung it up on tiptoe, and stepped back to stand behind Lu Ling.

Lu Ling looked up at the newly written words without blinking her eyes.

Zhu Mingxiang was behind her, and she didn't know whether she was looking at people or words.

Suddenly, Zhu Mingxiang noticed that the cat on Lu Ling's shoulder was looking at her with some doubts in her eyes, so she backed up to Lezheng Luoting.

Le Zheng walked up to Lu Ling in the courtyard, looked at the words, and read them word by word: "In the past, I went, Yang Liu Yiyi, now I come to think, rain and snow are falling."

Lezheng looked back at the snow scene in Luoting, thinking that this was the most suitable writing, and Lu Ling really liked willows, the first thing she did when she got home was to write poems, so she was a literary girl.

She thought Lu Ling was the same as her before.

The willow tree under the snow is like a girl holding an umbrella under the misty rain just now.

Lezheng Luoting was suddenly very happy, and he could understand Lu Ling's writing.

"The handwriting is beautiful." Le Zheng said in the courtyard.

Lu Ling looked back at her, as if there was snow in her eyes.

Lezheng Luoting suddenly regretted that he was ignorant and incompetent, and that he could walk the world with a good sentence.

"It's very beautiful." Zhu Mingxiang also said, Lu Ling nodded and stopped looking at her handwriting.

Lezheng Luoting breathed a sigh of relief, she also liked Zhu Mingxiang a little bit.

Lu Ling actually didn't care about Le Zheng's thoughts, she was thinking about other things.

If she had children in the future, Liu Yiyi should be a good name.

She hated the idea of ​​herself a little bit, because she didn't want to be Xiyang, and she probably wouldn't have children.


Adopt one?
Everyone sat down at the table, Zhu Mingxiang didn't say a word, Le Zhengluo felt a little cramped, only Lu Ling gently touched Xuechen's head, her eyes blurred.

It was obvious that Lu Ling had something on his mind, but Zhu Mingxiang didn't know how to ask, and Lezheng Luocourt didn't dare to open his mouth, so he was a little quiet for a while.

No one would have thought that Lu Ling was thinking about children, because she was a child herself.

This is a very strange thing.

Lu Ling herself also felt strange.

But she really looks like she wants to have a child. Perhaps this is not a strange thing for a woman, just like Liu Fufeng is to her, and Tang Keyu is to Tang Sheng and Tang Zheng.

Perhaps the husband thought the same about her.

Lu Ling glanced at the silver ring on her left hand, and lightly tapped Xuechen on the head.

Xuechen has no objection to the master treating her head as a wooden fish. She has been looking at Zhu Mingxiang, and she always feels that something is wrong...but she can't tell.

The little girl who is in deep thought in Lezheng Luoting is also very pretty.

Zhu Mingxiang was a little curious about what Lu Ling was thinking.


Well, hug a girl if you get the chance.

Lu Ling made up her mind that if she couldn't have a child, it would be good to find a beggar like her back then.

It has nothing to do with being a good deed or not, it's just that she likes it.

It's that simple.

So the girl's hand that knocked on the cat's head turned into a caress again, so comfortable that Xuechen no longer had to worry about Zhu Mingxiang. She could see that Lu Ling didn't care about these two people at all, and she had no friends.

Therefore, Lu Ling opened her mouth to do business.

"Zhu Mingxiang?" She looked at Zhu Mingxiang and said.

Zhu Mingxiang nodded.

Lu Ling looked at Le Zheng Luoting again.

"Lezheng...Luoting, we met in Shushan before." Lezheng Luoting nervously reported his family name, and after he finished speaking, he wanted to hit himself twice.

She didn't get along so well with Shu Shan and Lu Ling.

Lezheng Luoting, Shushan, Lu Ling remembered, she said to Zhu Mingxiang: "I want to learn painting, what do I need to prepare? We can't stay in Lingshan for too long, some things should be prepared earlier."

"Paper and pen, I can write it down." Zhu Mingxiang said.

"Okay." Lu Ling gave her a pen and paper, and said to Le Zhengluo, "Let's go up and talk."

"Yeah." Lezheng Luoting was very nervous, what she thought was that she could finally be alone with Lu Ling.

"Meow." Xuechen jumped off Lu Ling's shoulders, lay on the table, and turned over lazily. She was lying on the table looking at Zhu Mingxiang. Luoting went upstairs.

Zhu Mingxiang held the pen, looking at the paper and thinking.

Xuechen grabbed the tabletop, looked at Zhu Mingxiang and thought.

very quiet.

(End of this chapter)

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