Chapter 877
Lu Ling looked at the laughing woman holding a small pannier in front of her, and began to wonder if the husband who had just taught her a serious lesson was just a dream she had.

"I'll make tea first, Ah Ling, please sit down for a while." Li Zhuzi said, took out a set of gaps from the space bag, placed the two teacups in pairs, opened the gourd and poured some into the teapot, carefully added the appropriate amount Moonshine Grass, and lit a fire, because it is a spiritual flame, so the temperature can be controlled by Li Zhuzi himself.

Against the backdrop of the fire, the two shadows swayed, swayed, and finally cuddled together.

The house is getting warmer.

Lu Ling's face was slightly red, and she felt a little comfortable.

Li Zhuzi looked back and forth between Lu Ling and the teapot.

With a gurgling sound, a ray of fragrance came out, and Li Zhuzi squinted his eyes to enjoy it.

Lu Ling just looked at her husband, she didn't know what she was thinking, maybe she wanted to tell him whether she was actually drinking their bath water, but she just lowered her head and glanced at her blood red palm, she still obediently shut her mouth.

"Let's have a cup." Li Zhuzi suddenly handed Lu Ling a cup of tea.

The steam was reflected in Lu Ling's silver eyes.

Lu Ling had a strange expression on her face.

Li Zhuzi picked up the teacup and took a sip, showing a happy and relaxed expression.

"The stove is in the middle of winter." Li Zhuzi murmured, "It's really comfortable."

Lu Ling didn't complain about the fact that it's midsummer, she took a sip lightly, the tea made by Mr. Xindao is really delicious, much better than eating it directly.

It is also better than drinking hot spring water directly.

This is crap.

Thinking about it, Lu Ling took a sip and tasted it. The tea stained the little girl's crystal-clear lips, which was extraordinarily beautiful.

Li Zhuzi remembered that Lu Ling drank tea before, and took a sip, as if gargling just now, Li Zhuzi remembered that he had also experienced Lu Ling's stage.

It has come a long way from not knowing tea to knowing how to sip it.

Lu Ling suddenly said, "Sir, I'm leaving Lingshan."

Li Zhuzi raised his head and said calmly, "I know, I agree."

She was persuaded by Dongfang Lianren at the beginning, but now things are changing when the wind blows.

Li Zhuzi wanted to touch Lu Ling's head, but it was inconvenient to hold a teacup, so he said, "Don't embarrass me in Tianguangxu."

Lu Ling hummed lightly.

Of course she wouldn't be ashamed.

A pot of tea was drunk quickly, and when Lu Ling had time to stay, she got up, and Li Zhuzi handed the green bamboo to Lu Ling.

"Where are you going?" Li Zhuzi asked.

"Second peak, one peak, seven peaks." Lu Ling replied.

Qin Qin, Shen Gui, Xu Xu, Tang Keyu, Tang Sheng, Tang Zheng, Luo Hanyi, these are the people Lu Ling wanted to see.

Li Zhuzi said: "Go and see your Master Tang and take care of me."

Lu Ling nodded and said, "Yes."

"Does it still hurt?" Li Zhuzi held Lu Ling's hand.

"A little bit." Lu Ling nodded.

Li Zhuzi breathed out lightly, and the blood red on Lu Ling's palm gradually disappeared.

Itchy and comfortable.

Lu Ling looked at Li Zhuzi's serious side face, felt the warmth of the room, and was a little reluctant to leave.

Li Zhuzi said suddenly: "Let's go, actually you don't need to come and see me, I'll take you to Tianguangxu."

Lu Ling was taken aback.

Then smile.

The husband joked, she should come and see her.

Let's go.

Lu Ling was about to leave, but Li Zhuzi suddenly said, "By the way, Luo Hanyi is not at Qifeng, so you may not be able to see her."

Lu Ling paused, nodded and said, "Understood."

Lu Ling left.

Li Zhuzi turned off the stove, put away the tea set, sat back in his seat, picked up the pen, and did not put it down for a long time.

She thought of that silly girl who always wore a long green dress and liked to call her Sister Zhuzi.

The last time, what she saw was a pair of bleeding eyes.

Sigh lightly.

Things change, but in the blink of an eye.



When Lu Ling arrived at the second peak, she thought about what her husband said to her before leaving, and also thought that something happened to Master Dongfang, so she understood.

This has been a bright girl.

"Maybe I am the same person as Master Dongfang."

Lu Ling thought.

Erfeng was also very quiet, Lu Ling still didn't see a senior sister, she stepped into the courtyard skillfully on the snow.

After all, she had lived here for a while.

The light snow fell, and the air exuded a rich aura, accompanied by the sound of rustling.

Lu Ling was walking on the red lacquered corridor when she suddenly heard a familiar voice, and the man also heard the "pop" sound of her green bamboo falling on the ground, and turned his head.

an exclamation.


Lu Ling looked over and saw a girl in a goose yellow dress. The girl did not tie her hair up in a bun, but did a soft nursing, her long hair was scattered.

Xu Xu's figure is actually very good, but she can't see it in normal times, but now in the snowy sky, she reveals a pair of dazzling white long legs, which reminds Lu Ling of a cup of overflowing milk, overflowing a little along the round rim of the cup.

Lu Ling thought that Senior Sister Xu's skirt was too short, she had never seen Xu Xu like this before, she lost a bit of vitality and a bit more charming.

You can't just look at it, it's very impolite, so Lu Ling said: "Hello, Senior Sister Xu."

"Okay, okay." Xu Xu said with a blushing face, obviously she didn't expect to bump into her own girl here, she looked at Lu Ling's slightly suspicious eyes, and wished she could find a crack in the ground to sneak in, she would never dress up In this way, today is a special situation. She will go down the mountain with Afu to buy some things tomorrow. In Xu Xu's mind, this is no different from a date, so she put away that childish dress...

After all, standing with Shen Gui is always stressful.

Xu Xu clasped her hands in front of her chest, and didn't notice that the buttons of her yellow skirt were undone. She stammered and said, "A Ling, I... listen to me, today I am..."

Lu Ling shook her head, she didn't know what to be shy about, she walked up to Xu Xu, stretched out her hand to help Xu Xu fasten the buttons, and said, "Senior Sister, shall we go find Senior Sister Shen together?"

Xu Xu froze for a moment, looked at Lu Ling's brows in a trance and nodded.

"Then let's go." Lu Ling walked towards where Shen Gui was.

Everyone went to Tianguangxu, so she didn't need to visit Shen Gui and Xu Xu specifically. Lu Ling just wanted to have a chance to learn more about Tianguangxu, but seeing Senior Sister Xu not being nervous at all, she felt that there was nothing to ask. of.

Xu Xu followed Lu Ling, and after thinking for a moment, his eyes flashed, and he asked, "A Ling, have you learned my red lotus technique?"

great topic.

Lu Ling hummed and said, "Senior sister Xu taught me in the illusion."

"You can ask me if you don't understand." Xu Xu answered immediately.

Lu Ling nodded.

The atmosphere sank again, only the sound of footsteps echoed in the red corridor.

Lu Ling didn't like to talk, and Xu Xu could tell that, the two went to Shen Gui's room one after the other.

The door is closed.

"Dong dong dong." Lu Ling knocked on the door, but after a while no one paid attention, she turned and left.

"A Ling?" Xu Xu didn't understand, looking at the half-opened window.

"Senior Sister Shen is not here." Lu Ling turned around and said.

She knew Shen Gui's current routine better than Xu Xu did. After all, Xu Xu hadn't lived with Shen Gui for a long time, and as a result, Xu Xu completely lost the right to speak, and followed Lu Ling with a wry smile.

I... can I consider changing this outfit to green?

Lu Ling has changed a lot. She is not stupid, and she doesn't know how to ask questions, as if the matter of Dongfang Lianren doesn't seem to have affected her.

No impact?

how is this possible.

Xu Xu looked at Lu Ling who was walking slowly ahead, and her eyes fell on the green leaves slightly wet by the rain and snow beside the lacquered wood. Hearing the rustling sound, she felt relieved in her heart. At least she doesn't need to worry about such a Ling, Liu Junior sisters can also feel at ease.



Where is Shen Gui?

Lu Ling knew very well what Shen Gui was doing at this time. Although the sun hadn't set, Senior Sister Shen must have not left home if she didn't close the window.

Then there is only one place.

"A Ling, where are we going?" Xu Xu followed Lu Ling around, a little dizzy, she still remembered that Junior Sister Liu told her that her A Ling was a road idiot... But she saw Lu Ling He didn't hesitate at all, no matter how you looked at it, he wasn't a Lu Chi.

Lu Ling turned her head and said, "Aren't you looking for Senior Sister Shen?"

"I'm looking for Afu." Xu Xu nodded, and continued: "But A Ling, you are too familiar with this place."

"Yes." Lu Ling didn't deny it, turned a corner and continued walking.

Xu Xu was very disturbed, the reason was very simple.

First, this is the residence of Qin Qin and Shen Gui. The relationship between Xu Xu and Qin Qin is not that good, so she only goes to Shen Gui's room, and she is not very clear about the place where Xu Xu and Shen Gui live together.

Two, this is Shen Canghai's home.

The point is two.

Xu Xu really didn't want to walk around Shen Canghai's house, who knew what he would bump into?
Xu Xu thought to himself, especially if she still dressed in such a shameless way today.

In fact, it's not very revealing, it's just a short skirt, but it must be too much for a girl like Xu Xu.

Lu Ling has also become more conservative. She is wearing long skirts now. After all, she wears a ring, so she can't do whatever she wants.

As they walked deeper and deeper, the wind passed through the corridor and blew on Xu Xu's face. She gently pressed the corner of her skirt, and her walking posture was a little strange, for fear that Lu Ling would look back at her.

There is a slight rise in temperature.

In fact, Xu Xu's performance fell into Lu Ling's eyes. She couldn't understand Senior Sister Xu. Since she was shy, then don't dress like this. Besides, she didn't think there was anything shameful about dressing like this.

Compared with her previous experience, Senior Sister Xu's is nothing at all.

Lu Ling stopped and startled Xu Xu. She pressed the corner of her skirt and looked around.

This is a room.

"It's here." Lu Ling said, and tapped a few acupuncture points on her body to seal her cultivation, and then untied the red tie around her neckline.

Xu Xu froze for a moment, and in a blink of an eye Lu Ling had already taken off her long skirt, revealing the inner underwear, the white clothes, cute and conservative.

"A Ling? Are you going to..." Xu Xu swallowed.

Lu Ling looked at her suspiciously, and then said, "Oh, let's soak for a while when you're here."

As she said that, Lu Ling had already taken off her clothes. She took off her white silk and put it away. Her black hair fell softly. Lu Ling pointed to the blue curtain in the distance with her slender fingers, and said, "The bathroom is behind. The senior sister is inside."

This picture is beautiful, but Xu Xu has a place in his heart, so he just asked in doubt.


Xu Xu couldn't believe it, at Shen Canghai's house, she couldn't use spiritual power, and couldn't sense Shen Gui's breath at all.

"Really." Lu Ling said seriously, and at the same time wrapped herself in a bath towel, forming a silhouette around the young girl's body.

Lu Ling looked at Xu Xu and said, "By the way, Senior Sister Xu, you are very beautiful today."

After speaking, Lu Ling opened the curtain and went in, not forgetting to say: "Senior Sister, I will wait for you inside."


Lu Ling went in, Xu Xu was still a little dazed, she smelled the moisture in the air, she was a little confused.

what happened.

Why am I here.

She is here to find Afu, not...

Why did she follow Lu Ling all the way in.

As for undressing.


Xu Xu looked at the hanger beside her, besides Lu Ling's red dress, there was also a black gauze, which was translucent black.

"This is... Afu's clothes?" Xu Xu walked over and looked closely.

Afu really bathed here?

Slowly let out a hot breath.

After all, one is Senior Sister Yifeng and the other is Senior Sister Erfeng. It is true that she has not lived with Shen Gui for a long time.

And when Xu Xu came to her senses, she had already embraced the ball of black gauze in her arms.

Xu Xu blushed, thinking it was the smell of Shen Gui.

And she also knew that Shen Gui didn't wear underwear at home.

"Ahem." Xu Xu cleared his throat, opened the curtain, walked in, passed through the main room, there was a faint mist in the room, and there was an extremely subtle crackling sound, which was the sound of snow falling on the window.

Walking in slowly, there is a faint fragrance blowing along with the hot air.

In the bathroom, Shen Guizheng was sitting in the water enjoying the water, the water level reached her chest, her broken hair was wet against her face, and there were drops of water on her chin, it could be seen that she was really comfortable, her eyes were slightly squinted, her body turned red, His brows and eyes were as serious as usual, but he didn't know if it was because he was taking a bath too comfortably. At this moment, Shen Gui looked very soft, without that condescending and indifferent feeling.

And Lu Ling was sitting next to Shen Gui, with half of her head on the water, quietly motionless, the tip of her pink tongue brushed over her red lips, adding a bit of moisture.

The big and the small in this bath are in unexpected harmony.

Looking at this beautiful scene, Xu Xu suddenly felt that she had broken the harmony by coming in... She suddenly had the thought of turning around and leaving.

It's a pity that Shen Gui opened his eyes, and when she saw Xu Xu, the softness disappeared, replaced by a few traces of doubt, neither cold nor flattering, just as usual.

Shen Gui said: "Senior Sister? Why are you here?"

Was it Lu Ling who brought Xu Xu here?

It should be.

"A Ling brought me here." Xu Xu said pretending to be calm, she crossed her legs and pressed the corner of her skirt with one hand, looking carefully, she could find that Xu Xu was trembling slightly.

She is like the trembling snow outside the window that is about to fall from the leaves.


Shen Gui nodded, she naturally didn't care about such things, Shen Gui looked at Xu Xu again, those long legs were really dazzling, she frowned slightly, and said, "Senior Sister, why are you dressed like this?"

Hearing this, Lu Ling opened it slightly, gurgling and spitting bubbles upwards.

She looked at Xu Xu's stunned look, then took another look at Shen Gui, and thought to herself, is this the straight girl of steel?
(End of this chapter)

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