Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 882 Another daughter slave

Chapter 882 Another Daughter Slave
The scenery outside the window is beautiful.

Lu Ling watched for half an hour unconsciously.

It was snowing during the period.

Lu Ling looked at the scenery outside the window with her face up.

Lu You quietly looked at the girl in front of him, and he didn't dare to say a word... In the silence, this man finally had the courage to look directly at his daughter. Lu Ling watched the scenery for half an hour, and he also looked at Lu Ling for half an hour. hour.

Neither of them spoke, so it was very quiet.

Lu Ling felt that this man had some good eyesight, and if he spoke first, she would not like it.

Lu You concentrated on engraving all the information about Lu Ling, including appearance, aura, cultivation, and even heart rate... In this way, he would not recognize his daughter as her mother, even though the two looked very similar. picture.

Lu You wanted to tell Lu Ling about her mother, but she didn't know if Lu Ling wanted to hear it.

Lu Ling wants to hear it, but this is not a good place.

Lu Ling thought in her heart that she needed a quiet time to think about this matter and let her body adapt to the man in front of her. Surprisingly, the two were in the same room, and Lu Ling did not dislike Lu You physically.

Lu Ling suddenly turned her head and stared at Lu You.

Startled, Lu You lowered his head, wondering if he was making her unhappy by staring at her all the time.

Lu Ling tilted her head and looked at the white-haired man in front of her, thinking that he was actually quite good-looking.

and also……

Lu Ling knocked on the table, and the silver ring left a small mark on the table.

"Dong dong dong."

Lu You immediately looked up.

Lu Ling said: "Are you the owner of Yihua Palace?"

The girl's voice was nice, so Lu You's expression was a little dull.

Lu Ling was a little unhappy, and Liu Mei frowned slightly.

Lu You quickly realized his mistake. This was the first time Lu Ling talked to him, and he was in a daze for the first time... This impression will definitely become bad. Lu You can't wait to slap himself. The voice is very nice, but he can't let go of the matter.

In fact, Lu Ling's voice was not pleasant.

"Are you the Palace Master of Yihua Palace?" Lu Ling asked again patiently.

"Yes, yes, I am." Lu You hurriedly replied, he hadn't been so humble for many years...but in front of his daughter, showing arrogance was just to make him feel uncomfortable.

Lu You was wondering why Lu Ling asked this question.

He was a little excited.

Could it be... Lu Ling likes his identity?If this is the case, then it is really the best thing in the world, and it is true if you think about it, it is Yihua Palace. At least when Lu You was as old as Lu Ling, he never thought that one day he could become the owner of Yihua Palace. It's out of reach for him.

As long as the daughter likes it, everything in Yihua Palace is hers.

In front of his daughter, the giant Yihua Palace is not important to him at all...Anyway, it is because of Fengling that he has the opportunity to come to this point, and he owes Lu Ling and her daughter to him.

Lu Ling thought for a while, and then said: "Is the master of Yihua Palace... very powerful?"

"Very powerful." Lu You said immediately, then felt a little inappropriate, and added: "Not very powerful in front of you."

Lu Ling took another look at him, and there was a bit of pity in her eyes.

Of course Lu You didn't understand what she was regretting.

Only Lu Ling knew clearly.

To be honest, she hated her parents, but she didn't hate Lu You. Lu You was different from the father she imagined...but so what?
It's impossible to go back after something has happened.

If this man could have found him earlier...she would not have become his daughter.

So Lu Ling felt a little pity.

It's just a pity.

Maybe in another world line, she will be the little princess who is in love with Lu You, but at this moment, Lu Ling doesn't feel that she has anything to do with her.

Lu Ling was thinking about other things.

The ring hit the imprint on the table, Lu Ling stared at Lu You, and murmured.

"Yihua Palace... Palace Master."

In terms of status, someone should be higher than Uncle Luanfeng, but it shouldn't be that the wife of such a person is a demon.

Others don't know, but Lu Ling herself knows it very well.

Lu Ling really wanted to ask Lu You if you are a traitor to the human race.

But I feel that it has nothing to do with her. I have to say that my junior sister educated her pretty well. Lu Ling doesn't have any special feelings about the human race and the demon race. She only cares about the people she cares about, and it just happens that she cares about them People are people.

But don't forget that what she hates and hates are still humans, so Lu Ling doesn't think that humans are all good people. Rather, whether people are good or demons, they mostly bring her pain.

Lu Ling frowned slightly.

Lu You thought that Lu Ling didn't like his status as the master of Yihua Palace, and said decisively: "I won't be the master of Yihua Palace anymore."

It is nothing more than letting Su settle down to do it, there is no difference.

Lu Ling was taken aback for a moment, and said, "Why?"

"Don't you like it?"

Lu Ling stared at him blankly for a while, then suddenly smiled.

She finds this man very interesting.

When Lu You saw Lu Ling's smile, it was as if he had seen the prosperity of the past, the girl in the same red dress, and she was holding his hand and stuffing the snacks he didn't like into his mouth.

Lu You felt a bit bitter in his mouth.

Lu Ling said again: "There is nothing I don't like."

"Well, then I...continue to be the Palace Master." Lu You was very nervous and couldn't speak anymore. He was very excited now because Lu Ling didn't hate him...and even laughed.

Lu You wanted to call Bai Yunfan over and drink hard for three days and three nights.

Lu You has always looked down on Qionghua, the man who dotes on his daughter. Now he is not as good as others, but the power of the Lord Qionghua and the owner of Yihua Palace are also different. Relatively speaking, he, Lu You, can pamper his daughter more .

Although Lu You is not a flirtatious person, as the owner of Yihua Palace, he naturally understands women's thoughts very well, but usually he is too lazy to think about other women's thoughts. When he really meets a daughter who cares very much, he completely sees I don't understand Lu Ling, but as for Fengyue's method, can it be used against my daughter?
Unless he's crazy, if he really dares, I'm afraid the first one to tear her will be the wind chime.



Lu Ling began to indulge in the scenery again, staring at the dark sky in a daze.

Lu You didn't know whether his daughter was really obsessed with the scenery or thinking about things, he just felt that no matter how he looked at Lu Ling, he couldn't get enough of it, and from all angles, Lu Ling was so perfect.

Lu You thought that there is no perfect person, it should be due to his psychology.

But thinking of that aunt Lu Ling, he felt that there might really be perfect people in the world.

In short, Lu Ling was the second most beautiful girl she had ever seen.

He somewhat understood why Feng Ling didn't name her daughter Lu Ling... He was really jealous.

The corner of Lu You's mouth was raised slightly, and he fell into the memory, and he came out after a long time, and sighed softly.

Lu Ling was still looking at the scenery.

Lu You didn't understand.

He didn't know what Lu Ling was looking at.

He didn't know what Lu Ling wanted.

He didn't know what Lu Ling thought of him.

He only felt that Lu Ling had no interest in Yihua Palace... and didn't care about what a holy place was.

Lu You can only think that she is worthy of being her own daughter, and she is, no matter what, this girl will also be the legitimate successor of that race in the future...

The moon outside the window is very beautiful, Lu You looked at the moon that Lu Ling was looking at outside the window.

In the past, he would occasionally regret and suffer from his actions over the years, but now, he doesn't feel any guilt at all.

Because everything he did was for the girl in front of him.

The human race... gave his daughter something again.

Lu You wanted to hug her daughter and comfort her, but he could only think about it.

Lu Ling looked out the window and said, "It's getting dark."

Lu You said, "Are you going back?"

Lu Ling turned her head and said, "You really want me to go?"

"Of course not, it would be best if you can stay." After Lu You finished speaking, he felt a little carried away.

Fortunately, Lu Ling didn't care.

Lu Ling raised her head, stared at the sky full of stars, looked at the gradually brightening ice-blue stardust in the sky, and said, "This sky is beautiful."

Lu Youyou nodded and said, "It's really pretty."

It's not good. Can Lu Ling watch it for nearly an hour?
Lu Ling murmured, "I want to make it look better."

Lu You misfired.

He can't make the starry sky more beautiful, pick up the stars and wash away the dust, that's probably only the legendary extinct fairy can do it.

But this was the first wish Lu Ling expressed in front of him... Lu You was very uncomfortable, very uncomfortable.


There is fluorescence in Lu You's palm, and he can use the wind to disperse the clouds all over the sky, which can make the sky more beautiful. As for the fact that this is a spiritual mountain...he can't care too much.

Just as Lu Ling was about to make a move, Lu Ling spoke again, so Lu You put away her strength and listened carefully.

Lu Ling said, "Help me with one thing."

"No problem, leave it to me." Lu You was surprised that Lu Ling would say that.

Lu Ling looked at the sky and said, "Help me find my junior sister, you should know who I'm talking about."

Lu You finally realized why Lu Ling thought the sky was ugly.

Lu You said, "I'm already looking for it."

Yes, Yihua Palace has been looking for Liu Fufeng for a long time, after all, she is his daughter's favorite girl.

Lu Ling turned her head to look at the man in surprise, and said seriously after a while, "Thank you."

Lu You shook his head and said, "Why are you being polite to me?"

He didn't dare to call him "A Ling", and he didn't dare to say that he was Lu Ling's father, so he could only tell Lu Ling to be polite.

Lu Ling hummed lightly, and Lu You felt that everything was worth it, even the not-so-good starry sky was so beautiful.

"It's almost time, let Teacher Bai come back."

"Wait a mininute."


"Give you this."

Lu You took out a string of jade tassels from his waist, it was a piece of light red beautiful jade, Lu You put the jade on the table, against the candlelight, the red jade was radiant.

Lu Ling stared at it for a while and said, "I don't want it."

"Why." Lu You's face turned pale.

Lu Ling shook her head and said, "It's not pretty."

Lu You was taken aback for a moment, and then said, "This can be changed into whatever you like."

Lu Ling looked at him and said, "For example?"

Lu You looked at Lu Ling's hand and at the silver ring on her left hand, of course he would not be so stupid as to compete with the ring on the ring finger.

So he looked at the light blue bracelet in Lu Ling's hand.

"For example, it can be turned into a bracelet."

As a result, the jade tassel turned into a light red bracelet, which actually matched the ice blue bracelet in Lu Ling's hand.

Lu Ling looked at it carefully for a while, then raised her hand to compare, and she felt that it was really pretty.

Carrying two colors in one hand, or one in each hand is also good.

A little moved, but Lu Ling just looked at Lu You.

Lu You continued: "This is a magic weapon of space."

Not just a magic weapon of space.

Lu You said again: "There are some... presents inside."

"Then I don't want it." Lu Ling said, she always felt weird.

Lu You's hands trembled, his pupils constricted, and he tried hard to say, "It's the same as Bai Yunfan's, so you can accept his."

Lu Ling thought about it and thought it was true, she wanted Bai Yunfan's, so Lu Ling nodded.

Lu You went from hell to heaven in an instant. He pushed the red jade bracelet in front of Lu Ling, and after seeing Lu Ling put it on, he breathed a sigh of relief.

So lovely.

The red bracelet and Lu Ling's red dress are a perfect match.

And when Lu Ling accepted the bracelet, she also accepted what he had prepared for her... The ultimate purpose of Lu You's visit to Lingshan this time was to get Lu Ling to accept the bracelet.

As for what the red jade bracelet itself represented, Lu You felt that Lu Ling would not want to know, and the contents inside... To be honest, Lu You himself didn't know, he just put in everything he could.

Perhaps Lu Ling didn't know that when she wore this bracelet, she became richer than the saintesses in Yihua Palace.

She simply thinks it looks pretty right now, and it's red, so her junior sister should also think it looks pretty, so Lu Ling is in a good mood.


Lu Ling said, "It's different from Teacher Bai."

It is different from Bai Yunfan.

Lu Ling did not continue.

But Lu You understood.

Lu Ling was saying that she would not forgive him...

Lu You forced a smile: "I know."

Lu Ling hummed, picked up her green bamboo, and said, "I'm leaving."

"I'll see you off." Lu You stood up.

"No need." Lu Ling said, then turned and left.

Lu Ling left.

Lu You stood stupidly for a while, and finally smiled.

Already very good.

Getting along with Lu Ling is already countless times better than he imagined. If Lu Ling really expressed hatred for him, it would be really miserable... What more can I ask for now?
It was already the greatest luck that Lu Ling could speak a few words with him.

Lu You went to sit where Lu Ling was sitting before.

Bai Yunfan walked in and said, "Are you done talking?"

"It's over."

"What did you say?"

"none of your business."

"Tch." Bai Yunfan shook his head.

"Drink." Lu You took out a jug of good spirits.

Bai Yunfan shook his head and said, "Forget it, this is Lingshan, so I don't want to drink anymore."

He also thought a lot outside just now, and felt that it was really inappropriate to drink and have fun at this time.

"Drink." Lu You repeated again.

Wine is supposed to be drunk at this time. Is there something wrong with this person's brain?Moreover, it is very boring for a sober person to look at a drunk person, so it is generally better for two people to drink.

Lu You was happy, but also disappointed, so he needed to drink to relieve his feelings, or to say, to use wine to show mercy.

But Bai Yunfan didn't want to drink.

Lu You forced him to drink.

Bai Yunfan remembered when Shen Canghai forced him to drink, he threw away the wine glass.

So the wine spilled all over Lu Ling who had just entered the door.

(End of this chapter)

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