Chapter 15

the second

Cultivation is boring, and practicing alone is even more boring.Obito and Jue ran out together again to make some big plans.Only Yu Xian was left alone to guard the base. Fortunately, this place is remote enough, and Obito has set up many traps, otherwise Yu Xian would not be scared to death by jumping out alone.

"Shuidun, Shuiqingbo!" On a flat ground in the cave, Yu Xian was practicing the water escape learned from Obito.There is no way, Yu Xian also wants to learn some cool Lei Dun, but Obito and Absolutely are not very familiar with this, so now he will just learn some Water Dun to satisfy his hunger.


? ? ? ! ! !
what sound!Just when Yu Xian was about to continue casting ninjutsu, he suddenly heard a sound coming from the entrance of the cave.

Bring the soil back?Didn't you just go out for a while today?The appointment with Nagato has just passed a few days, so it is impossible to come so soon.No, no, it can't be Obito, nor Nagato.The only possibility left is that someone sneaked in!

Why is there a hard mode all of a sudden, Yu Xian complained in his heart.But he didn't dare to be negligent, lowered his voice, leaned against the corner of the wall, and prepared to observe who was coming.


It is estimated that the person who sneaked in stepped on the detonator.Solved it so easily?It seems that he is not a big person, probably just a small soldier passing by.

"Small tricks, it seems that there is indeed a problem here." The voice was very gloomy, and it could even be said to be gloomy.

He is not a good person when he hears it, Yu Xian thought in his heart.The opponent has not been resolved, and he can easily break the trap. It seems that he is still a powerful character.The enemy has risen a level in Yu Xian's heart.

"Boom." "Boom." "Boom."

Several detonators hidden in the dark were detonated.

"Is there no one?" The intruder was a little puzzled, there was no one guarding such a well-arranged place.

It's over, it's over when it's discovered, and I have to hide first.

"Crack." Yu Xian, who was just about to raise his leg, accidentally kicked a small stone at his feet far away.

"Who!" The intruder immediately accelerated after hearing the sound.Just hearing the sound of bang bang bang, the man has come to this open space from the entrance of the cave.

Your speed is too fast, don't you give the protagonist a little time to prepare?

"Hey, hello." Yu Xian, who was still in the posture of raising his legs, turned around slowly, and looked at the intruder who came in, "Oshewan!" Yu Xian didn't expect that the intruder was actually Orochimaru!
What is he doing here?Could it be this invasion that recruited Akatsuki?
Orochimaru's pointed tongue stretched out long, licked himself, and said, "Hiss, you know me?" She Tong looked at Yu Xian as if looking at prey.

"Hey, Konoha Sannin, I heard something about it." Yu Xian flattered the other party as much as possible.

Hearing the compliment, Orochimaru shrank suddenly, "You, how dare you laugh at me?"

? ? ?Yu Xian's head was momentarily stunned, what's going on?Is there a problem with your memory, or is there a problem with my memory?

Ah, no, no, now Orochimaru is rebellious!

Oops, it hit a sore spot.

"No, no, no, how could it be, it was just in the past." Before Yu Xian could finish speaking, Orochimaru flew over with a shuriken.

I knew you guys wouldn't play your cards according to routine. Fortunately, I was prepared.



A burst of white smoke rose, and Yu Xian who was hit turned into a stone.

"Hehe, hiss, the sealing is quite fast." Orochimaru looked at Yu Xian appreciatively.

Don't appreciate me, I'm a little hypocritical
Although he praised Yu Xian, Orochimaru's attack did not stop, and he came to Yu Xian's side in an instant, "Hiding Shadow Snake Hand!" The long snake bit Yu Xian.

I am so disgusted, I am most afraid of snakes!
"Water escape, water formation wall!"

The long snake hit the water wall, seemed to faint, and fell to the ground along the water wall. "Hehe, not bad." Orochimaru continued to laugh.

It seems that you are forcing me to use a big move, "Water escape, water chaotic waves." From Yu Xian's mouth, water suddenly came out, and rushed towards Dashewan, from small to large.

After using the water chaos, Yu Xian held the shark muscles bound behind his back in his hands, "Profound meaning, slash." The move that originally had no name was forced by Yu Xian.

After shouting, Yu Xian raised his shark muscles and slashed at Orochimaru covered by the water waves.

"Boom." The hit Orochimaru turned into clods and scattered all around.

really!It's a clone!

But look at me!On the way of falling, the shark muscle suddenly broke away from the cloth strip, opened its mouth wide, turned sharply, and bit Yu Xian's back with one bite.

"Oh, you actually know that I'm behind you." Orochimaru was taken aback, but he didn't expect this little ninja to recognize his position. "Sharkskin? Are you a fog ninja?"

However, no matter what Ninja Village you are, I don't want to play with you anymore.

Orochimaru jumped back, quickly making a seal with both hands, "The evil snake is winding!"

"Bang bang bang bang."

The ground continued to crack, and it was obvious that a giant snake was writhing on the ground, and it was about to rush to Yu Xian's body.

It's over, the strength is still not enough.Yu Xian was knocked into the air by the giant snake as a matter of course.

At the same time that Yu Xian was knocked into the air, Orochimaru rushed to the bottom of Yu Xian with a vigorous step, and when Yu Xian fell down, he grabbed Yu Xian's lapel.

"You still have to learn more." Orochimaru grinned very strangely.

There is no way, the opponent is a character around the movie level, it's fine if you can't win, just admit it. "Indeed, I still have to learn." It will be no problem to follow your words.

"Hehe." Orochimaru smiled and said, "Tell me, what do you do? What are you here for?" He pointed to the tall heretic golem, "What is this thing? Remember Hold on, talk carefully, or else, hiss."

Orochimaru's tongue stretched forward again, almost touching Yu Xian's neck, "I say, I say, you can take your tongue away first!"

"Hehe, of course." Orochimaru retracted his tongue obediently, and put Yu Xian who was holding it on the ground.

"I wanted to talk about it, but I really don't know anything." Yu Xian started his own journey of pretending to be stupid. I also have a bottom line, okay?

After hearing this, Orochimaru's expression of a hippie smile instantly became serious, "It seems that you don't want to talk properly."

"Snake smoking!"

Come again!Yu Xian looked in horror at the long snake with black and brown patterns jumping out from Dashewan's mouth.Orochimaru doesn't care if you are afraid or not, this long snake directly wrapped itself around Yu Xian's neck, the snake's head rubbed against Yu Xian's neck again and again, ready to bite at any time.

(End of this chapter)

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