Naruto from scratch

Chapter 17 Orochimaru I can't finish talking to you!

Chapter 17 Orochimaru I can't finish talking to you!

"Water escape, water formation wall!"

Yu Xian tried to use the wall of the water formation to stop the snakes from advancing, but unfortunately, there were too many snakes gushing out of the snake formation, rushing towards Yu Xian from all directions, and there was no time to dodge.

Yu Xian had no choice but to pull out the shark muscle and waved it desperately. In this situation, he could kill one or the other.

"Hehe, Sharkia? Are you Mist Shinobi?" Orochimaru asked when he saw the Sharknae that had revealed his true body.

Yu Xian didn't stop swinging the knife, and said loudly, "It's none of your business! I belong to Konoha! I'm here to kill you, a rebel!" You're going to die anyway, so why not disgust you,

"Hehe, it seems that you know who I am?" Orochimaru sneered again.

At this time, Yu Xian was already covered in scars, with marks of snake bites on his hands, legs, and even his face, "Aren't you just Konoha Rebellious Orochimaru! I know what you're making a fuss about! Not only do you know , I'm going to kill you!"

"It's up to you?" Orochimaru dismissed Yu Xian, "Let's wait until you practice for decades."

After finishing speaking, Orochimaru had already held a sword in his hand, and Yu Xian didn't even know when the other party took it out. "Don't you have shark muscles? Let's see whose weapon is more powerful." Orochimaru also got playful, ready to compete with Yu Xian in swordsmanship.

This is, Cao Zhijian?Wipe, this is an artifact!It won't be cut into eight pieces, it's too miserable.

Without waiting for Yu Xian to think about it, Dashewan kicked his feet, holding the Caozhi sword, and slashed horizontally at the shark muscle.

"Aww." Shark muscles yelped in pain.

Hey, I've wronged you, but there's nothing I can do. If you don't feel pain, only your master will feel pain, so just bear with it.

"Boom." "Bang." The two weapons collided one after another, causing Yu Xian to retreat continuously, and there were many snakes spitting out their words threateningly, Yu Xian could only complain now, the force of the two sides was not of the same order of magnitude at all.

"It's over, it's boring." Orochimaru probably lost interest in fighting Shame, so he said.

Let's end the festival. I'm afraid you won't succeed, so don't scare me with words.

"Yu Xian!"

Hey, it's Obito's voice. Could it be that Obito's voice last time was not a hallucination, but Obito really rushed back?
Then he died unjustly, if he could have dragged on for a few minutes last time, maybe he could have been rescued, or why Obito came back so soon this time.

"Hey, you're still distracted on the battlefield? How did your teacher teach you?" Orochimaru was quite annoyed at Yu Xian's double-mindedness in the battle with himself. "Since the reinforcements have arrived, we have to speed up."

"Shua." Orochimaru slashed at Yu Xian's arm.

"Ah!" Yu Xian's left hand fell in response to the sound, and blood gushed out, accompanied by Yu Xian's screams.

It's over, you still have to read the file.

"Yu Xian!" Obito who just arrived was furious, how could he let you bully his only friend!In a blink of an eye, Obito rushed forward.

"Hehe, we have to get rid of the ones that are in the way first." After Dashewan finished speaking, he ignored Obito who rushed up, but continued to slash at Yu Xian. "Boom." Obito blocked Orochimaru's attack.

Orochimaru was not annoyed, he turned sideways, lowered his body, stretched out his left foot suddenly, and kicked Yu Xian.

I am provoking someone, the big bosses are here, why do you still care about beating me?
"Boom." Yu Xian was kicked by Orochimaru so that he flew backwards, so he just hit the throat of the Golem of the Outer Way. Yu Xian, who was already powerless, could only lie on the ground, watching him helplessly. slide down.

"Damn it!" Obito regretted his mistake, is he going to ruin another close friend? "Unforgivable!" Now he can only quickly kill Orochimaru.

"Jue! Take Yu Xian out quickly!" Obito shouted to Jue who was hiding at the side.

Yu Xian didn't remember much of what happened next. Yu Xian, whose left hand was cut off, was in a coma again due to excessive blood loss. Now he can only feel that he is slowly falling down.

It's so black, is it the same way of death as before? This way of death can't be changed, right?

It hurts, is this really the experience that a normal person should have? If God gives me a chance, I would rather change to a scumbag skill.
"Yu Xian, Yu Xian!" In a daze, Yu Xian heard someone calling his name.

Uh, what's going on, no file loaded?Shouldn't it be "Shui Dun, Shui Qingbo!".

Yu Xian can still remember the state when loading the file, and now this situation is definitely not loading the file.I didn't die!That's not bad!My arm is gone, why not read the file!
He opened his eyes hard, trying to see who was calling him.Fortunately, it's dark enough here without too much dazzling light. The only thing that feels uncomfortable is the oil lamp placed on the cabinet.

"Obito?" The things in Yu Xian's eyes changed from fiction to reality, and the hazy image in front of him gradually turned into Obito.

Seeing Yu Xian's eyes open, Obito finally laughed, "It's good that you're fine."

What do you mean I'm fine, I'm obviously missing an arm
"By the way, why did you come back so soon this time?" Yu Xian expressed his doubts just now.

"Jue and I set up a sensor on the detonator. After the detonator exploded continuously, Jue received the news, and he and I hurried back." Obito explained to Yu Xian.

After hearing this, Yu Xian nodded slightly, "So that's the case, no wonder you guys are so early this time." After asking, Yu Xian suddenly realized that there is still a real business that he didn't ask, "Well, did you take my arm back? "Now Yu Xian has no consciousness except his head, and he doesn't know what's going on with his arms.

There's no medical ninja here, so it's probably too much, Yu Xian thought to himself, is it okay to jump off a cliff or something?This is the only way to get a perfect clearance after reading the file and reading it back.

"No." Obito's words made Yu Xian feel disappointed. Although the result had already been calculated, Yu Xian still couldn't accept it. This was his own arm.

"But." Obito gasped, "I used the cells between the columns to help you reinstall it. You were not afraid of pain last time, but this time it's as you wished."

At this time, don't breathe too much when you talk. It's fine if you pick it up, otherwise it will almost kill me.

Wait, no, intercolumn cells!My hand is replaced by an arm made of interstitial cells?Is this a blessing in disguise?Blessing in disguise?

But Orochimaru's hit really hurts, if I read the file again and know that I will replace the interstitial cells, I still don't want to be cut
"Where's Orochimaru?" Yu Xian will never forget the culprit.

Obito had a guilty face on his face, "He ran away, I couldn't control him, his ninjutsu is a bit weird. After all, he is one of the three ninjas, and he still has the ability. But don't worry, I will definitely avenge you next time .”

Yu Xian doesn't care anymore now, Dashemaru is known as a Naruto scientist, and it's normal for ninjutsu to be strange.Because of this, I got the cells in the column, and I also accepted the love of Orochimaru, although the other party didn't think so, and I didn't seem to accept the love.
"Forget it if you don't catch it, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future." Yu Xian didn't worry about it anymore.

"Since you're fine, you should rest well, I won't go out these few days." Obito brought a glass of water to Yu Xian's bedside, and said, "I'm going out first."

Hey, what is this called? I broke my arm out of nowhere
(End of this chapter)

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