Naruto from scratch

Chapter 19 I have a fate with Sannin?

Chapter 19 I have a fate with Sannin?
"It's really annoying to use this pen! I still like the crackling sound of the computer." Yu Xian, who was working hard, stared at his calloused fingers. It's only been a few days, and they're callused.

"Yu Xian, I've finished reading the chapters you gave me, how much have you written now?" Yu Xian didn't know how people like Hokage could understand Chinese characters.No, Jue was walking in from the outside holding a few pages of paper.

Yu Xian was furious, "You think I'm a machine! I'm almost suffocated! I guess I'll vomit blood and die in this small room before I lose my brilliance."

"Ahem, then stop writing and go out for a stroll?" Jue also knew that enough was enough, and it would be the worst thing if Yu Xian was forced to stop writing.

Hey, that's a great idea!

"What do you look like?" Yu Xian stood up, looked at the black and white Jue, and was very worried, "Would you be dragged to study while walking on the street?"

Uh, I was stunned for a while, it seems to be such a truth.

"Bring a mask!" Yu Xian suggested. "And your clothes are no good, you need to change them, I'll redesign them." Yu Xian began to draw on the unwritten paper after speaking.

After a while, Yu Xian lifted up the paper, pointed to a painting on it and said, "Isn't this much more handsome?"

"What are you?" Jue took a closer look, but couldn't see why.

"Can't you see it?" Yu Xian was a little puzzled, isn't this just a picture of you?Isn't it just adding the cloak of the future Xiao organization, so you don't recognize yourself? "Isn't this you!"

It’s not that I don’t know myself at all, but that Yu Xian’s paintings are so abstract that it’s normal for him to not realize, “Is this me?” Jue picked up the paper and looked carefully, “Are you sure these lines are me? ?" After finishing speaking, he looked up at the instigator, Yu Xian.

Cough cough, I just want to draw faster, "Don't worry about it so much, what do you think of this dress."

"The clothes are not bad." Jue looked at Xiao Zhi's cloak with red clouds on the black background, and said, "It's pretty nice."

Yu Xian nodded, "It's okay, you have good eyesight, you go find a mask first, we'll go out and make clothes."

"Well, I'll borrow one first." Jue said, putting away the paper on which Xiao Organization's cloak was drawn.

Forget it, I don't even want to talk about you, so just borrow it if you want.

Yu Xian and Jue walked in an ordinary market in the Land of Fire, and Obito didn't come, it seemed that they were practicing Sharingan at the base, probably because they wanted to be more proficient in controlling Kyuubi.

"You said, what mask did you 'borrow', why can't you just pick it up and borrow it again?" Feeling the gazes from all around, Yu Xian wanted to cover his face and leave it behind.

You said you, why are you looking for a sheep's head mask!Isn't it beautiful!You're not doing comedy!This is the bloody Naruto world, okay?
"What's the matter?" Jue felt Yu Xian's gaze and asked.

Hey, forget it, I can't save your IQ. "Forget it, let's go and see what's interesting."

The market is bustling, although it is not big, but it is very lively.

"There are still shops selling ninja tools. Are there many ninjas here?" Yu Xian asked when he saw a shop with a huge shuriken hanging on the signboard.

The shop owner seemed to have heard Yu Xian's words. He is an old man in his 70s and [-]s. It is not easy to live to his [-]s and [-]s these days. He looked over from the counter and said, "Not much, the business is about to fail. Well, it turns out that this is the front line of the battle with Kirin. Now, the war has stopped, and there is no business for a long time. I plan to sell the shop in two months and move to Konoha to enjoy my old age.”

"Go to Konoha?" Yu Xian was startled, he will raid the village in a short time, aren't you courting death by going there?

"Yes, go to Konoha. I saved some money and took my grandson to Konoha. Compared with our place, there is heaven." The old man paused, "Maybe my grandson can go to Muye Ye's ninja school to study and become a ninja, so that he won't die inexplicably like his parents."

It seems that this old man is also a man with a story.But being a ninja is not a good choice. "If you believe me, it's better not to go to Konoha this year. It's not peaceful there."

"Boy! What do you mean! Is Konoha bad?!" The old man didn't reply, but there was a burst of scolding from behind Yu Xian, "Tell me where Konoha is bad!"

Why is this voice so familiar?

Yu Xian turned his head and looked, sure enough, he had blond hair with twin ponytails, a crystal-like inlay on his forehead, and then his speechless figure.Behind her was a weak girl with black hair, who was holding a little piglet, maybe she was silent.Yes, this is Tsunade Hime, one of Konoha Sannin!

What luck am I having?After sending away Orochimaru on the front foot, he met Tsunade on the back foot.Am I destined to be entangled with Sannin?
"Konoha is fine, it's nothing." Yu Xian didn't want to continue entanglement with Tsunade.

Tsunade took a step forward, and continued: "That's not what you said just now." Although Tsunade left Konoha, Konoha is after all the hard work of his two grandfathers, and it is also the place that Sarutobi-sensei has maintained all his life. Let you kid talk nonsense.

"It's really nothing, I'm just talking nonsense, please let me go, I have to go." It's not suitable to stay here for a long time, it's better to go first.

"Stop." Tsunade grabbed Yu Xian's shoulder, forcing Yu Xian to stop who was about to leave.

The moment Tsunade made his hand, Jueya punched him. "Stop, stop! We're not here to fight today!" Yu Xian hurriedly stopped the urge to strike. "Can you let go first, this strength is too great."

"Hmph." Tsunade snorted coldly, and let go of Yu Xian's left hand.

Yu Xian touched the shoulder where Tsunade was afraid his handprints would be caught, and said, "Hey, I didn't invite you, so I did it even if there was a disagreement." "Hmph, who told you to slander Konoha?" Tsunade Of course he won't apologize, he still said strongly.

"All right, all right, it's my fault, I shouldn't slander Konoha, whether the old man likes to go or not, that's okay, right?" Yu Xian had no choice but to say.

Tsunade has also seen that these two are ninjas. Although this young man is not very good, the one with the sheep's head mask is much stronger. Although he can beat him, the residents here are terrible.Besides, the other party didn't do anything harmful, so it really shouldn't be done like this. "Mute, let's go."

Let's go, each go their own way, I want to go shopping more.

Tsunade, no, it looks like I can get some benefits! "Wait!" Yu Xian called to Tsunade who had already walked a few steps.

"What? Still want to fight?" Tsunade turned around and gestured with his fist.

"How about we play a few rounds?"

(End of this chapter)

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