Naruto from scratch

Chapter 2 Africans, can you not be scary?

Chapter 2 Africans, can you not be scary?
Or go to Kakashi to see if there is a turnaround?
Forget it or not, I don't like this kind of people who shoot at a disagreement.Yu Xian thought viciously.

Then go in the opposite direction. After making up his mind, Yu Xian turned around smartly and started his journey again.

How big is this forest?Why can't I see the side after walking for so long?I won't get lost, will I?How does this damn Naruto world tree grow, even the sun can't be seen, and the nutrients are too good.

"Boom." "Boom."

Uh, come again?

Turned around and turned here again?Is it the call of fate?
"Hide well first! This time, you can't go out without saying anything." Yu Xian, who approached and saw a pile of boulders buried Obito, told himself to come.

"Lin, let me stop these guys, let's escape!" Kakashi who used Rachel said to Lin behind him.

Yu Xian covered his eyes that suddenly saw a strong light with his hands, why is your supporting role so radiant, but I, the protagonist, can only feel sad here.The world has changed.

"Obito entrusted you to me, so I will protect you even if I die!"

It's a pity, it won't be long before Goddess Lin, whom you want to protect with your life, will die by your own hands.

Gradually getting used to it, Yu Xian withdrew his right hand, and murmured to himself in a low voice: "This guy, Madara, is really unscrupulous for his purpose. If his clansman said to cut in half, he would cut it in half. Such a beautiful girl It can also be used as bait. It's really reckless."

Forget it or not, it will be a disaster if he rushes out and kills himself later.This world is dangerous, it's better to be cautious.It really hurt TNND just now, don't do it a second time.

Yu Xian touched his chest, which was hit by Kakashi's Kunai, and trembled.

If you have an idea, you must act. I am an actionist.Anyway, these two people are fine for the time being, and I can't help much, so I'll see you first.

Turning around, Yu Xian was stunned.

I'm going, it's scary!

You said you look like this, why are you wandering around!Is an African-European mix handsome?And he has such a personality!One side is white and the other is black, I admire you too.

Yes, that's right, standing in front of Yu Xian is the famous Hei Jue!A black-hearted and black-skinned monster.But I can't stand the good background of others, the son of the final boss!Born with BUFF, the current self is probably not as strong as his one finger.

"You walk silently?" The two looked at each other for a long time, and it was Yu Xian who broke the silence.

Hei Jue looked at Yu Xian with great interest, grinned and said, "How did you know Master Madara's plan?" "What plan? What do I know? I don't know anything!" Yu Xian pretend to be stupid.

I almost forgot that this guy was nearby, so I just thought about it, what the hell did I say, and now I probably have to burp again.

"I think you're a smart person, you should know what I'm talking about." Hei Jue still looked at Yu Xian with a smile on his face.

"Unfortunately, my IQ is only 100, which is the level of a normal person. Not as smart as you said, hey, don't move, I know, I know." Looking at Hei Jue who took a step forward, Yu Xian was startled, and quickly replied.

Hei Jue smiled brighter: "I'll just say you're a smart person, so go ahead."

"How about I want to meet Madara first?" Yu Xian went all out, isn't it just a death, no one would die, your brother and I have never died.If it hurts, it hurts a little bit, after the pain, I will be a hero again!
Hei Jue's smiling face disappeared, and he stared at Yu Xian, which gave Yu Xian a chill. This guy's orientation was not explained in this anime.

"Yes, I can take you to see Madara." What Yu Xian didn't expect was that Hei Jue agreed.

"That's kind, Brother Jue, how about calling you Brother Jue? Doesn't it sound very kind?" Yu Xian climbed up the pole, walked to Hei Jue's side, and put on a rope to get close.


Before the voice in Yu Xian's throat could come out, he felt a pain in his head and passed out.

Is it true that gangsters like to use this trick? Yu Xian, who gradually regained consciousness, touched his aching head with one hand, propped up his body with the other hand, and reluctantly sat up.

It's pitch black, why do villains like this kind of place, are you afraid that others won't know you are a villain?

"You are much weaker than I imagined." The voice was old and hoarse, and it looked like he was dying.

Yu Xian shook his head, trying to wake himself up.

"Uchiha Madara?"

The first thing Yu Xian saw was not Madara, but the huge heretic golem behind Madara, which looked really ugly.

"Oh, it's exactly as Heijue said, you know me." Uchiha Madara tried hard to open his closed eyes, and now he is dying, separating the so-called own will - Heijue After coming out, Uchiha Madara's body is rapidly weakening.

"Uh, I barely know each other." Yu Xian replied, I know you but you don't know me.

Although he was dying, Uchiha Madara's gaze was still full of prestige: "You, what else do you know?" "I know a lot, go cough, I only know a little bit."

"Boy, you don't seem very honest."

Can you see this?I am indeed dishonest.
"Let's put it this way, I do know something. I can also tell you, but you have to make it clear to your subordinates. How about saving my life in the future?" Although I can read the file, it is better not to die Well, it's not bad to be a magic stick and follow the plot comfortably.

Uchiha Madara seemed to want to stand up, but it didn't work out. His old body was exhausted. "Live? It's good to live. Who in this world doesn't want to live? I promise you."

"Okay, then the deal is done, how about a high-five? Uh, I think let's forget it, don't beat you to death later." Yu Xian was also much happier after receiving Uchiha Madara's guarantee.

"Now, can we talk?"

Yu Xian got up from the ground, patted the dust, and said: "Of course, I am a good man who will do what I say and do what I say. Then just listen to me slowly."

"In other words, when the chaos was first opened, there was no living beings and everything, and the heaven and the earth became one. At this time, a giant tree seed."

"Speak the key."

Yu Xian frowned, walked over and sat next to Uchiha Madara, and said, "Don't like listening to stories? Isn't it some time before your plan can be completed? Although it looks very fragile, it's not like you're going to die right away. No hurries."

"The agreement is void?"

"do not!"

(End of this chapter)

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