Naruto from scratch

Chapter 30 Reaching Konoha

Chapter 30 Reaching Konoha
After delivering 30, Hanazanin Ibuki followed Yuxian and his party, and the team heading for Konoha changed from four to five.

"Why did you run back to the border after you ran away?" On the way, Yu Xian asked Huashanyuan Yibuki.

"I'll get something." Hanayamain Ibuki said truthfully.

Oh, it turned out that something was hidden, couldn't it be the 30 yuan? "Very important?"

"Well, it's very important."

Then there will be no money. To you, 30 is so important. "Can you tell me about you and the Fourth Kazekage?" Yu Xian asked Yibuki.

"You want to know? It's just some mundane things." Yi Bui looked at Yu Xian, but he didn't expect that this adult also likes gossip.

I just like this kind of mundane things. "It's okay, you say, anyway, there is nothing to do on the road, so let's take it as a boredom." Yu Xian continued.

"Luo Sha, also known as the Fourth Kazekage in your mouth, is the eldest son of the previous generation, the eldest son of the eldest son." Hanayamain Ibuki began to talk. "As for me, I'm just an illegitimate child of the previous generation, and I don't even have the qualifications to enter the Luo family."

Such a bloody romantic drama?Yu Xian did not expect to hear such a story from Yi Chui.

"As an illegitimate child, I can only be fostered in my mother's Huashanyuan family. You have to know, as the largest family in the Kingdom of Wind, how can it tolerate a woman who is unmarried and pregnant. My mother, in order for me to live, How much suffering did she suffer in her mother's house? She died of overwork and illness when she was less than 30 years old. Does Luo Sha know? Wasn't the previous generation handing over the scroll of magnetic escape to me to repay the sins of the year? Why do you want to hand over the scroll to him! You want to get the scroll in my hand, unless I die! No, I won’t give it to him even if I die!” Huashanyuan Yibuki became more and more excited, and his eyes watered when he said it Bloodshot, not knowing whether it is the miss of his mother, or the hatred for the previous generation and Luo Sha.

Is that why you want to give away Citun at will?
Although it sounds very touching, if Naruto and the like are probably full of enthusiasm, he vows to help you take back the property and ascend to the throne of the fifth generation of Sand Hidden Village.But unfortunately, I was eroded by too many bloody dramas in my previous life.

"Ahem, look away, people cannot be resurrected after death, if you really want your mother not to waste her life in vain, then live a life of your own, let the fourth generation take a good look at it, you Hanayamain Ibuki is the real one Heir!" Yu Xian found that he was also very gifted in speech, and his eloquence was not like his previous self, and it was good to stay with a master of speech writing like Obito for a long time.

After Huashanyuan Yibuki heard Yu Xian's comfort, he felt better. After rubbing his eyes, he said, "Thank you, you are the first person to comfort me."

This time, Yu Xian didn't think any more.After hearing these words, Yu Xian was truly moved to sympathize with what happened to Ibuki of Hanayamain.

Coauthor You haven't met a single person who sympathizes with you in all these years?How sad you are!
"Then what are you going to do in the future?"

"Let's take one step at a time. I want to go to Konoha with you first to see if he can take me in." Huashanyuan Yibuki answered Yu Xian's question.

Yu Xiandao: "How about following me? There is no salary for eating, and food and lodging are included. The treatment is still good."

"I don't think you guys can resist Luo Sha, forget it, I don't want to cause trouble for you." Although Huashanyuan Yibuki was more optimistic about this proposal, he still rejected it. After all, in his eyes, Yu Xian only had two people. One Jōnin and two Chunin are definitely not enough for the colossus of Shangsha Hidden Village.

Sato Xinxiang on the side couldn't listen anymore, and said: "What nonsense, we are very strong."

The lame man in the base, the masked man, the black and white man, and that female ninja are all very strong, okay? You can't slander our Akatsuki organization.

Yu Xian didn't expect Sato Xinxiang, who had just joined the organization, to have such a strong sense of belonging to Xiao's organization, and said with relief: "Yes, Xinxiang is right. Our organization is not limited to the four in front of you. Our department is very strong. Why? So, do you want to think about it?"

Although Yu Xian can't practice Magnetic Escape, he still welcomes the owner of the Blood Successor Boundary.After all, no one with a blood succession limit is a weak person.Being able to pull in one is one, and the Xiao organization is stronger, so the sense of security will be greater.

"Sorry, I still want to go to Konoha to try first." Hanayamain Ibuki still rejected Yu Xian.

That's right, Konoha is now at the pinnacle of the entire ninja world, so it's understandable to try Konoha first.

"Okay, but if there is a chance in the future and you want to join us, you can go to me directly, or go to the bookstore in Jisucheng to find Hachiko, the owner there. I guess I will go there regularly in the future." Yu Xian said to Huashanyuan Ibuki Said.

Hanayamain Ibuki nodded, and said: "If there is a chance, I will definitely look for Your Excellency Yuxian." Huashanin Ibuki was still very moved by Yuxian's persistent win over, after all, he was hunted down by the fourth generation of Sand Hidden Village. Taking him in with such a big danger, it can be seen that the other party really values ​​him.

Alas, I still want to collect a blood successor limit, it seems that the chance is not great.Hanayamain Ibuki would never have guessed that Yu Xian was holding the idea of ​​collecting Blood Successor Limits, if he knew, Yu Xian would probably be buried with a magnetic escape.

It seems that the only way to attract these ninjas is to make the Akatsuki organization bigger and stronger, break out of the rain country, and face the whole continent.

The plan to attack Konoha with Obito was very close, and under Yu Xian's constant urging, the team speeded up. Apart from camping at night and having meals on weekdays, the time was basically on the way.

This is a bit different from my own travel journey.Yu Xian was jumping on the branches, regretting that he had chosen such a path, he would have known better if he and Obito were not together.It's good now, I don't see much scenery, and I'm on my way every day.

"Master Yu Xian, it's almost time for Konoha." Watanabe Koji approached Yu Xian and reported to him.

Is it finally almost there? "I've been exhausted for the past few days, but I've arrived. How long will it take?" Yu Xian asked Koji Watanabe while walking forward.

"Less than half an hour." Monologue Hello Er replied truthfully.

An hour? It's finally coming to an end. "Hurry up, go to Konoha to take a bath first." Yu Xian sped up his speed and ran towards Konoha.

"Stop! Who is it!" At Konoha's gate, two Konoha ninjas in vests stopped the Yu Xian five who had just arrived.

With such a blunt tone, it really is the number one village in the world.It's still the Uchiha family, let alone, the temper must be stinky.

"We are ninjas from the Land of Rain. We are ordered by the new leader to deliver the customs document to Lord Konoha Hokage." Among the crowd, Kimura Xuming took out a document, stepped forward and handed it to the Uchiha people.

"The Land of Rain? The new leader, where is Sansho Hanzo?" The Uchiha tribe took the document and looked at it, and found that the signature was the word "Penn", and asked.

"Sanjiao Hanzo is extremely tyrannical and has already been put to death. Our newly elected leader, Mr. Payne, deeply feels the strength of Konoha, so he wants to apply to Konoha for trade clearance in order to seek peaceful development." Kimura Xuming put his figure in a relaxed manner. Very low, just like a ninja from a small country.

"Hmph, let's go in." After returning the documents to Kimura Xuming, he said to the ninja next to him, "Fuda, lead them in to meet Hokage-sama."

(End of this chapter)

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