Naruto from scratch

Chapter 38 The third generation thinks "Three Kingdoms" is very good

Chapter 38 Three generations think "Three Kingdoms" is very good

The distance from Konoha to the country of Taki is still relatively far, and it is not much different from the distance from the country of sand to Konoha.

What Yu Xian didn't know was that on the second day after he left Konoha, the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" he wrote had already been transported to Muye Village.

"Hizan, don't be too sad. After all, Lake Biwa and Minato have already gone, we can't keep looking at the past, Konoha's future still needs you to guide the direction." In Hokage's office, Zhuan Xing Xiaochun was still sad to him Three generations said.

"Shuimen has always been my optimistic future, but I didn't expect it, alas." Sandai sighed again.

Mitomonyan next to him shook his head and said, "Hiizan, don't sigh, I found a good book today, I'll show you. Don't sigh all day long, you're Hokage now, the whole wood Ye Ke is looking at you."

"That's right, Sarutobi, pay attention to your body." Shimura Danzo, who had been silent all this time, heard a flash of unhappiness in his eyes when Midai said he was optimistic about Minato.But after Mitomonyan finished speaking, he still gave a symbolic word of comfort.

The third generation looked up at his former teammate Men, smiled from the bottom of his heart, and said, "I'm sorry to bother you, I will read Men Yan's book, but it's getting late, you should go to rest too. As for me, look at the official documents again, after all, no one has dealt with them these days."

"Okay, but don't worry too much. If you are too busy, you can ask Danzo and the others to help." Zhuanzhu Xiaochun said.

Danzo's eyes lit up after hearing these words, and he looked at Sandai expectantly.

"It's not necessary anymore. Although I'm old, these things can still be handled." The third generation politely rejected Xiaochun's suggestion.

Hmph, you still want to reserve the position for your disciples!

First there is Orochimaru who defected, then there is Jiraiya who is disheartened, and then there is Princess Tsunade of the Senju clan, even your disciple and grandson can be Hokage!
Now one defected, two left, and one died, and you still refuse to give me the position of Hokage!

Danzo's heart was full of anger. He was dissatisfied with the second generation's decision, and he was still dissatisfied with the third generation's decision.

"If that's the case, then we're leaving." After the three generations refused, Zhuanzhu Xiaoharu and Mitomenyan didn't intend to continue talking about this matter, and stood up and prepared to leave.

After walking out of the office, Xiaochun turned to Danzang and said, "I've said everything I need to say. Now, give up, right? It's not like you don't know Hirizhan's personality."

Danzo didn't speak, but went straight downstairs.

"Sigh." Looking at Danzo who had disappeared from his eyes, Zhuanzhu Xiaochun sighed, and said to Mito Monyan: "The two of them are still the same."

"Let them make trouble, maybe it's a good thing for Konoha." Mitomenyan said, confrontation may be much better than only one person's will, Mitomenyan thought so.

Turning to bed Xiaochun nodded and said: "I hope so."

After the three left, the third generation began to write official documents.

It wasn't until early in the morning that Sandai yawned, rubbed his sore eyes with his hands, and said to himself: "I'm getting old, as expected, time is not forgiving. If it was back then, staying up for a few nights would be easy .”

"My lord, it's time for you to rest." At some point, Anbu appeared in Hokage's office.

"Well, it's time to rest, um, let's go." Sandai stretched himself, stood up and was about to walk towards the gate.

Just when he was about to walk out of the gate, Sandai paused and said, "Oh, help me bring that book with me."

"Okay, three generations of adults."

"The general trend of the world, the long-term must be united, and the long-term must be divided. Is it implying a war in the ninja world?" The third generation returned to the residence and did not fall asleep immediately. Instead, he picked up the book on the table and read it. Unexpectedly, he was instantly attracted .

"Who does Hanyin Village refer to? Konoha? Or the Immortal of the Six Paths?" Three generations pondered what the book referred to, but he didn't know that it was just Yu Xian who made it up based on the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.
Ten consultants?Danzo
The three generations became more and more fascinated by watching it, and they continued to find the connection with reality. Before they knew it, the sky had turned white.

"Father, Father." A child's voice sounded outside the third generation's dormitory.

"Asma, come in." Sandai said to the people outside.

"Squeak." The door was pushed open, and a 16-year-old boy with a cigarette was in sight. "How many times have I told you! Don't learn to smoke at such a young age! You just don't listen! How good you can learn from your brother!" Seeing the boy who was smoking, the third generation roared with staring eyes.

Asma waved her hand and said, "Oh, I learned this from you."

"If you don't learn from it, your mother won't." Speaking of Sarutobi Lake Biwa, the third generation felt sad again.

Seeing the three generations with a downcast expression, Asma was stunned for a moment, then quietly extinguished the cigarette in her mouth: "I'm sorry, my lord father."

The third generation waved his hands and said, "It's none of your business. Didn't you go out with your brother to do the mission? Why did you come back so soon?" Three generations.

"Father, are you awake?" Asma looked at the dark circles on the third generation's eyes and said in surprise. "Konoha still needs you to lead, don't be too sad, if you do anything else, Konoha can't afford it."

cough cough.Sandai coughed twice in embarrassment, and quietly put the book in his hand under the table.

"Father, what is that?" Asma's eyes were sharper, and she saw the three generations making small movements.

"It's nothing, you go out first, I'll go to the office after changing clothes." The third generation drove Asma away. "Okay, you have to pay attention to your body." After finishing speaking, Asma exited the room.

Huh, fortunately.The third generation took out "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" again, stroked his chest and said, "It can be considered that this kid didn't see it."

"Father, what book is this?"


The third generation did not expect that Asma would go and come back, and came back with a carbine!

"Didn't I tell you to go out!" Sandai shouted to Asma.

Asma scratched her head and said, "I left the cigarettes on the table and forgot to take them."

The third generation grabbed a pack of cigarettes on the table and threw it at Asma, "Not leaving!" "Yes."

"Brother, I really saw Father holding a book and reading it all night, don't you believe me, don't you think Father?"

The third generation who had just walked out of the bedroom heard Asma making a small report to her brother in the living room.

Three generations are burning with anger, you haven't settled for what happened just now, how dare you spread gossip!Angrily said, "Asma! Run 500 laps around the village for me!"


(End of this chapter)

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