Naruto from scratch

Chapter 40 Unique Caves in the Land of Taki

Chapter 40 Unique Caves in the Land of Taki
Yu Xian and the others wandered around the country of Taki for two days, but they couldn't even find a village.

"My lord, let's really go." On the way, Hanayamain Ibuki, who had been instilling the idea of ​​retreat, continued.

Yu Xian glared at him, and said, "I've been looking for it for two days, how could I just leave like this."

"My lord, there's someone there!" Sato Xinxiang, who was on guard, suddenly said loudly to Yu Xian.

someone? !After walking for so many days, I finally met someone!
Yu Xian stood up happily, and looked in the direction of Sato Xinxiang's finger. Sure enough, a middle-aged strong man with a hoe was walking on the road full of waterfalls.

"Go, hurry over." Yu Xian didn't want the only clue he was looking for to disappear again.

"Hey, fellow, wait! Don't run!" The strong man with the hoe ran back after seeing the four of Yu Xian.But it is a pity that it is impossible for him to run past a few ninjas.

After several people caught up, Sato Xinxiang grabbed the man's arm and said, "What did you see us running for?"

"Aren't you from the Sacrificial Sect?" The middle-aged man breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that no one had done anything.

"What sacrifice religion?" Yu Xian was taken aback when he heard this. Isn't this Fei Duan's religion?But isn't Hiduan in Tango Country?And he's just a kid now.

Seeing that Yu Xian didn't seem to know the Cult of the Evil Gods, the strong man said, "Are you just here?"

Seeing Yu Xian nodding, the strong man continued: "That's no wonder, this sacrificial religion was passed down from the country of Tang, it seems that it has only been established for two months. But this sacrificial religion is too cruel, people who believe in it That's killing people on sight, and several villages have been wiped out." Speaking of this, the strong man was still a little scared. "Fortunately, no one in our village believes this, otherwise it will be miserable."

"Then your Longyin Village didn't send someone to investigate thoroughly?" Yu Xian asked, this Longyin Village doesn't care about everything, right?

"The ninja from Longyin Village came out to take care of it, but this is a temporary solution, not the root cause. Who knows who in the village believed and who didn't. Once the ninja leaves, they will still kill people." The strong man sighed: "Oh, what a mess!" All the villages are afraid to come out for activities, if I didn’t grow my own vegetables, I wouldn’t come out.”

It turned out to be like this, no wonder I didn't see a single person along the way.

"Where is your village? Can we go and have a look?" Yu Xian asked the strong man.

The strong man looked at the four people, saw the forehead protectors of the four, and said, "Are you ninjas?"

"Yes." Yu Xian said.

"Okay, let's go, it's much safer to have ninjas in our village." The strong man doesn't care which country the ninjas belong to these few months, as long as he is strong, anyway, there are no wars now, everyone is the same.

Yu Xian and the others followed behind the strong man and came to the bottom of a relatively large waterfall.

"Did you forget the way home? What are you doing under this waterfall?" Sato Shingo asked, looking at the big waterfall.

The strong man smiled and said, "This is our village."

"You live in this water?" Sato Xinxiang was stunned, he didn't expect that people in this country of Taki still have this hobby.

The strong man looked at him with funny eyes, "We are not fish, why do we live in water, come with me, guests."

After speaking, the strong man walked towards the waterfall.

oh.So they lived in the Water Curtain Cave?Yu Xian thought for a while, probably the same effect as the Water Curtain Cave.

Sure enough, after Yu Xian went in, there was a big hole inside, and a gravel path was located in between. "Let's go." The strong man waved his hand, motioning for several people to follow.

Although it is a cave, surprisingly there is still a light source.

Is it because of the stone?As Yu Xian walked, he touched the glowing wall.It's really strange.

"Everyone, we're here." The strong man stopped at a fork and said.

Everyone looked at the three-way intersection, and the three openings lead to three directions, one is like a square, the other is like a residence, and the other is like a commercial street.

"This is the venue for our gatherings. Guests can go this way. There are restaurants and hotels here." The strong man said, and led the four of them to the right.

"Do you still have people here? There is also a hotel." Yu Xian asked with some doubts.

Speaking of this, the strong man laughed, "Haha, our village is not a small village. We are a big village in the south of Taki Country. Even the mission entrustment office has a station in our village." These, the strong man is obviously a little proud.

"Mission entrustment office?" Is it the place that Jiaodu likes to go?Yu Xian couldn't help thinking that Jiaodu must like things that have anything to do with money.

"You guys are ninjas, so you should know better than me. It's a place where you spend money to find people to do things. If a few guests are interested, you can also try it." The strong man recommended to Yu Xian.

Yu Xian nodded and said, "If I have a chance, I will go and have a look. By the way, I forgot to ask what your name is."

"Haha, my name is Buer Yousi, my name is a bit confusing, everyone laughed at me." Buer Yousi said with a smile.

As soon as he finished speaking, Buer Yousi pointed to a cave in front of him and said, "Here we are, this is the hotel."

It's really distinctive.
"Everyone, go in by yourself, I have to go back and cook for the children." Bu Er You Si said.

Yu Xian smiled thoughtfully at Bu Er, and said: "Then thank you for leading us the way, we are going to stay here for a few days, since you are busy, I will treat you to dinner another day."

"Haha, okay." Buer Yousi smiled generously, and it was obvious that he was a good mountain man.

After Buer Yousi left, Yu Xian raised his legs and walked towards this hotel full of local characteristics, "Let's go, what are you doing in a daze, it's good to have a place to live. Do you still want to sleep on the street like a few days ago?"

Yu Xian had had enough of living in a tent.

"My lord, in fact, I have long wanted to ask what are we doing in the country of Taki?" Sato Shingo finally asked the question he had wanted to ask when he was walking towards the hotel. what a beauty.

Yu Xian said to him: "Find someone and see if there is a chance to get him into the organization." Yu Xian said truthfully, anyway, he will talk about it after he finds Jiaodu.

"Looking for someone? Tell me, I'm looking for someone to leverage." Hearing that he was looking for someone, Sato Xinxiang became interested.

Yu Xian glanced at him in disbelief, "You? What's the trick to finding someone?"

"My lord, my psychic skills are quite good at finding people." Sato Shingo began to boast.

After hearing this, Yu Xian thought, could it be a dog like Kakashi?But you have to get the things to smell. Where can I go to help you get things? If I get everything, do you still need to look for it?

"Dog?" Yu Xian said.

Sato Xinxiang hurriedly said: "How could it be a dog? That's so unskilled."

(End of this chapter)

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