Naruto from scratch

Chapter 49 Disaster Wind Orochimaru

Chapter 49 Disaster Wind Orochimaru

It's over, there is no one left now, only Nagato and Xiaonan are left.But why is that guy not moving?Did you see me or what?
"What's the matter?" Seeing that Orochimaru still refused to move, Nagato continued to ask him.

Orochimaru is in a panic now, what should I do!He glanced at Yu Xian in the crowd, and then at Nagato beside him.never mind!It's all here, what are you afraid of!do my best!

"It's okay, I thought wrong just now." Orochimaru exhaled, and said to Nagato.

Nagato saw that Orochimaru was weird, so he didn't bother to ask, but said: "It's fine, let's go." He waved his hand, and continued to invite Orochimaru to walk to the base.

When he walked to the door, Orochimaru looked at Yu Xian specifically, and the two looked at each other, their eyes were full of entanglement.

What to do!
"Payne, let me tell you something." At this moment, Yu Xian took the first step, walked out of the crowd, and came to Nagato's side.At this time, Nagato's lower body is equipped with a walking puppet made by Urenin, which looks a bit tall.

Payne looked down at Yu Xian. He was very curious about this Uchiha Madara's friend. To be Uchiha Madara's friend, he must not be an ordinary person.It's probably because he has always treated Yu Xian with courtesy. "Oh, it's Yu Xian, what's the matter?"

Yu Xian glanced at Orochimaru who was sweating coldly beside him, and whispered to Payne, "Where did you find this guy?"

"You mean Orochimaru?" Payne said, looking at the Orochimaru mentioned by Yu Xian.

Yu Xian did not follow Payne to look over, but continued: "Yes, it is him, this guy is not a good person, he has been to our base once!"

"Come here?" Payne was a little surprised, he didn't know about it, could it be before he came? "What did he do?" Payne was still more interested in this matter.

Cough cough, Yu Xian coughed twice, feeling a little embarrassed to say this.After all, it wasn't a highlight moment, but Orochimaru chopped off a hand, which made me say, "Well, it's not a good thing anyway, it's better not to recruit this guy."

"But he's a Kage-class man, and he's from Konoha, so he's of great help to us." Payne still recognizes Orochimaru's strength. If it's not a big deal, just kick Orochimaru out like this. Payne Still somewhat reluctant.After all, he is still a movie class, and it is difficult to find people with this kind of strength.

This is how I said, "Oh, forget it, it's up to you." Anyway, there are so many people in the base now, this guy doesn't dare to do any tricks.Find an opportunity by yourself in the future, see if I don't find Obito Jiji to treat you.

Yu Xian glared at Da Shewan with his eyes, counting you lucky kid, the last time's debt will only be settled with you next time.

The voices of the two were relatively low, so Dashewan didn't quite hear what Yu Xian and the two were saying, and could only see the gnashing of teeth on Yu Xian's face.Are you all right?Seeing the change in Yu Xian's expression, Dashewan guessed whether it was Payne who persuaded Yu Xian not to bother him.

But Orochimaru only guessed half right, Payne really planned to keep Orochimaru, but Yu Xian's matter of making trouble was not over.

"Okay, since you're fine, let's all go in. Let me introduce you to everyone." After discussing with Yu Xian, Payne waved his hand and called everyone into the base. Now he is Xiao Xiao. The titular boss of the base.

"Okay, everyone, be quiet." When he came to the open space in the base, Payne pressed his hands together, signaling to everyone in front of him to be quiet.

After Payne made a gesture, the crowd fell silent in a sensible way.After all, they were old comrades who were with them before. Apart from Hanazanin Ibuki and Sato Shingo, among these people, they were all former Urenin's robes. Although the boss is now replaced by Yu Xian, they still recognize Payne.

"Let me introduce to you, this is Orochimaru, one of the Konoha Sannin from former Konoha." Payne introduced with his left hand pointing to the smiling Orochimaru.

"Konoha Sannin?"

"Did he defect to Konoha?"

"Boss Payne actually found such a strong man."

The crowd talked a lot, and they were quite surprised by the arrival of Orochimaru. After all, they grew up listening to the story of Konoha Sannin fighting Sansho Hanzo.I feel very far away from these legendary characters, but I never thought that now I can face such a strong man, and even become my teammate!
Cut, isn't it just a Konoha Sannin, why are you so excited.If you know that the people in this base will be big bosses in the future, then you don’t want to lift the top of the base, not to mention Uchiha Obito and Payne, even the soy sauce Senju Hashirama is better than what you discussed The three ninjas are ten thousand miles away, okay?

Yu Xian was very dissatisfied with his subordinates' flattering of Orochimaru, so he clapped his hands and said, "Don't shout, let Payne finish."

The current boss had spoken, and Yuren's people were still very obedient, and immediately stopped the discussion.

This guy's strength is not very good, and his position in the base is not low!Orochimaru was a little surprised to see that Yu Xian stopped the chaotic crowd with a single word, it seems that this kid will not be easily offended in the future.

"There's nothing else to do, so let's leave." Payne didn't make a long speech like other leaders. He introduced Orochimaru hastily and was ready to end.

That's all for now?I thought Orochimaru would be speaking.Yu Xian was a little disappointed, he was going to ask Dashewan two sharp questions.

Payne took Orochimaru to the bedroom assigned to him, and Yu Xian saw that there was nothing interesting, so he went back too.

"That guy was the one who made trouble in the base last time, right?" Obito was already waiting in Yu Xian's room, and just as Yu Xian walked in, Obito said to him.He had actually seen Orochimaru in Konoha, but he was not very familiar with him.This is also normal. At that time, Orochimaru was at the peak of his life and a powerful heir of Hokage.As for Obito, he is just an unknown crane tail, and it would be nice to meet him a few times.

"Oh, you're here." Yu Xian didn't expect Obito to keep paying attention to Orochimaru.

Obito gave Yu Xian a place, and Yu Xian walked to his desk, and continued: "That's the one from last time, oh, I got angry when I saw him." "I didn't expect Payne to find him." Obito also Unexpectedly, the first time Payne went out to recruit, he found the person who attacked the base last time.

"Do you want to teach him a lesson?" Obito is not very optimistic about this guy who gave his friend a knife, even if he is a movie class, he still wants to find his way back.

Yu Xian nodded in agreement and said: "Of course, if I don't teach him a lesson, my knife is not in vain. For Payne's sake, his life can be spared, but the death penalty is inevitable. He tried the welcoming ceremony organized by Akatsuki."

"When does our organization have a welcoming ceremony?" Obito didn't know there was such a thing.

(End of this chapter)

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