Naruto from scratch

Chapter 52 Treatment of Blood Inherited Diseases

Chapter 52 Treatment of Blood Inherited Diseases

The things of learning Mutun and writing novels are very boring, and Yu Xian will spend the next few days in this kind of boring.

"I found something about that person." Zhu Jian, who was teaching Yu Xian at the training ground, said to Yu Xian, who was resting.

Yu Xian was sitting on the ground, when he heard Zhujian's words, he raised his head and asked in doubt, "What? Who are you talking about?"

Zhujian also sat down with Yu Xian, and said, "It's the man in the cell." "Him?" Yu Xian was a little surprised, he didn't expect Zhujian to have found the way of this immortal cultist in just a few days .

After being surprised, Yu Xian continued: "What have you researched?" He is still quite curious about this thing, maybe Zhujian discovered the secret of immortality from it?

"His cells should be able to be transplanted just like you used mine." Zhu Jian's words shocked Yu Xian, can it really be done?

Yu Xian followed up and asked: "Is it possible to achieve the same immortal body as him?"

Zhu Jian rolled his eyes at him, and said angrily: "How is it possible, don't think about these useless things." "No? Then what are you talking about?" If it's other discoveries, Yu Xian is not interested.

"Didn't you tell me to heal the waterless moonlit night in that hidden water village that day?" Hashirama continued.

Yu Xian was puzzled and said: "Yes, but what does this have to do with the Undead Cultist you mentioned today? Could it be that this Undead Cultist can help his illness?" Zhu Jian mentioned Shui Wu Yue Ye, Yu Xian reacted.

"You're not stupid, it really helped his blood-inherited disease." Zhu Jian said.

Yu Xian's eyes lit up, and he said happily, "How to do it? Is it enough to just transplant it?" If it's that simple, when Orochimaru comes again, he can consider treating Minazuki Ye.

"Basically, the principle should be similar to your transplant." Zhu Jian pointed to Yu Xian's left hand and said.

Yu Xian touched his left hand. Although he used it no differently than before, his mood was different. After all, he had been slashed, "Then give him a slash?" The him Yu Xian was talking about was There will be no moonlit night for the water that is about to receive treatment.

"It's definitely necessary, but you don't need to be so ruthless as you. You actually cut off your arm with a single knife." Zhujian didn't know that Yu Xian's was chopped off by Orochimaru, and he thought Yu Xian was for transplantation. Chopped off.

"Me? I won't chop off my own arm because of these ghost cells, I'll forget it, and tell you that you don't understand." Yu Xian didn't want to talk about such embarrassing things with Zhujian.

Zhujian was also not interested in Yu Xian's matter, but changed the topic and said, "Your Three Kingdoms is finished?"

"Yeah, didn't I show you everything." Yu Xian gave Zhujian the last chapter of the Three Kingdoms last night.

Zhujian was a little sad, not sure if it was because of the end of the Three Kingdoms, but Yu Xian still persuaded: "Isn't it the end? What are you struggling with? Isn't there still Journey to the West for you to watch?"

"That's not what I'm thinking about." Zhu Jian shook his head and said, "Yu Xian, do you think our world can really be like in your novels, where the world is unified and the world is prosperous and peaceful?"

Zhujian's question was a bit esoteric for Yu Xian, and he didn't know how to answer it suddenly.

Isn't it about the cells, the novel is well said, why do you have to agree with the ninja world?
"Well, this question, it's really hard to say." Yu Xian was telling the truth. When Yu Xian came to this world, the last words were still the five shadows meeting, which shows that the ninja world is also fighting against Kaguya. Temporary unification was completed.It's really like the unity of the three kingdoms, the long-term must be united, and the long-term must be divided, the gap is not 01:30.

Hashirama had expected such an answer a long time ago, and he didn't have much hope for it.After all, my best friend also left the village at the end and broke with me.Even a village can become like this, let alone the entire ninja world.

"But I still hope that day will come." Hashirama looked at the wall ahead and said hopefully.

"I hope." Yu Xian agreed.

"who are you?"

In front of the city lord's mansion in Jisu City, Xiao organized a party who arrived a few days late because Jiaodu took on a mission midway, and was blocked at the door by the servants of the city lord's mansion.

"Let's find your city lord." Kimura Xuming walked up and said to the servant who blocked the way.

The servant also recognized these people as ninjas, and didn't dare to offend them. He grinned, bowed and said, "Okay, I'll go in and let you know, everyone." After speaking, he walked quickly inside went.

"It looks good from the outside, he should be quite rich." Kakuto observed the appearance of the city lord's mansion, and immediately thought of money, and said to Kimura Xuming next to him.

"After all, he is the city lord of Jisu City." Kimura Xuming said with a smile, a city lord, no matter what, he still has some money.

While Jiaodu was talking with Kimura Xuming, the servant had already run out, followed by the man in red from that day, but today he had changed into a blue suit.The son of the city lord came to Jiaodu, looked at Jiaodu who was more than a head taller than him, and said, "Are you here to apply for the job?" He had already heard the servant's report and knew what kind of bodyguards these people were here for , although I don't know what a bodyguard is, but the person who applied for the job must be right.

"Yes." Kimura Xuming continued to speak.

The man looked at the 20 people behind Kokatsu and Kimura Xuming, and said with some embarrassment: "But, we can't recruit so many people."

Last time he saw that there were only two or three people, so he went up to ask. This time, so many people came suddenly, which made him a little difficult to handle.Let's promise, recruiting so many people is not easy to get a salary, don't promise, they are all ninjas, I don't know if they will explode and hurt people if they refute their face.

"You don't need to recruit all of them, just tell us as much as you need." At this time, Jiaodu also said beside him.

"Oh? That's it." The man breathed a sigh of relief. He struggled for a long time after seeing so many people. He didn't expect these people to be so easy to talk to.

He would also like to thank Yu Xian for telling Kimura Xuming that the customer is the first, otherwise, according to the temper of these ninjas, you really have to give him a good look. With so many of us coming, you don't even give this face?
After getting the explanation, the man continued: "Then I'll recruit four first, no problem?"

"Of course it's okay." Jiaodu agreed without hesitation. "Then let's talk about the commission first?" Jiao Du is still quite interested in this person, as long as it is the company's money, Jiao Du has agreed with Yu Xian, and he has to pass it through his own hands.

Even if you don't get all of it in your own hands in the end, it's good to keep it for a few days.

(End of this chapter)

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