Naruto from scratch

Chapter 61 A short battle

Chapter 61 A short battle

Yibuki, as a native of the Land of Wind, of course knows Scorpion. Scorpion's popularity in the Land of Wind is no less than that of Namikaze Minato in the Land of Fire.But the only difference is that the scorpion betrayed the hidden sand village.Moreover, Scorpion is also his biological father, the murderer of the Three Kazekages.

However, Yibuki doesn't really care about this. To him, Sandai Kazekage is just a father in name, and he hasn't even met him a few times, let alone have feelings for him.

When Yibuki escaped from the Land of Wind, it was also when Scorpion killed the third Kazekage.After Luo Sha came to power, the hunt for Ibuki began.

In a sense, Scorpion is also the chief culprit for Ibuki's current situation.

"I didn't expect you to use such a trick." Zhu Jian was careless and almost let Xie succeed. If Yu Xian hadn't reacted in time, the three people on Yu Xian's side would have to lie down.

Scorpion grinned: "At this time, there is no distinction between good and bad."

I have to say, what Scorpion said was pretty good, and the fights started, who cares so much.

At this time, Xie's Feiliuhu had been entangled by Zhujian's ninjutsu, and Xie had no choice but to show his body. "It seems that I have to use all my strength." Zhu Jian's strength scorpion recognized it, and if he didn't use his full strength, let alone win, it would be difficult for him to run away.

"Hmph, then I want to see what your full strength looks like." Hashirama also smiled, and he also wanted to experience the true strength of the shadow-level powerhouses of this era.

"Then, watch it!"

Sure enough, as Yu Xian expected, Xie summoned his ace puppet, Sandai Kazekage.

"!" Seeing the appearance of Sandai Kazekage, Ibuki was stunned. He only knew that Sandai was killed by Scorpion, but he didn't expect that Scorpion actually made Sandai into a puppet.

Yu Xian looked at Yi Buki's reaction, it was okay, it wasn't too big, so he didn't say anything to persuade him.

"Magnetic escape, sand and iron rain!" As soon as the third generation was summoned, he directly cast the blood follower limit, a magnetic escape, and went directly to the pillar.

Everyone is in the desert, which is the home field of Citun, so the ability of Xie's puppet has increased a lot.On the other hand, Hashirama has to suffer a lot. Summoning water attribute chakra out of thin air consumes a lot, but fortunately, Hashirama is a pure chakra body, otherwise even if it is replaced by the second generation of water god, it will be too much to fight for a long time.

"Wood Dun! Arrival of the Tree Realm!" Seeing the sand and iron attacking him, Hashirama finally resorted to the Arrival of the Tree Realm.The saplings that broke through the sand began to grow wildly, and in the blink of an eye, they grew into a small forest. In this place full of yellow sand, if you let outsiders see it, it is really spectacular.

However, everyone in the battle didn't care about this. After his Sand Iron Shiyu didn't work, Xie frowned. The opponent was really difficult to deal with.

"Magnetic escape, sand and iron attack." The puppet of the scorpion is another ninjutsu, with a long knife appearing in both hands, rushing towards the tree boundary between the pillars.

"Wood Dun! The Book of Wooden Dragons!" Zhujian took advantage of the arrival of the tree world, and then used the ultimate move - Wooden Dragon.

When the three generations of puppets were about to approach the forest, they only heard the sound of "bang bang", and a huge dragon's head jumped out from inside, galloping towards the scorpion.

Oops!The scorpion couldn't dodge in time, and was knocked down heavily by the wooden dragon. The third-generation puppets also lost control because of the scorpion's fall.

But fortunately, Scorpion's body has been transformed so that it is indistinguishable from a puppet. Otherwise, any normal person would be thrown with his internal organs displaced.

Scorpion, who was knocked to the ground, lifted the sand that covered him, and stood up again, "You are really strong, it's a pity not to be a puppet." Scorpion looked at the pillars standing on the top of the tree, He said with some regret, in his opinion, what's so bad about eternal life?Why do so many people refuse it.

"You're not bad either." Hashirama smiled, looking at the little guy's strength, it's really not bad, at least in terms of controlling the puppet, he has reached the peak.

"Stop fighting, I'm leaving." To Yu Xian's surprise, Xie actually chose to give up. This is not the Xie in his impression.What's more, your body hasn't even made a move yet, so why don't you fight.

Yu Xian was still preparing to observe and observe from the side, but the scorpion stopped beating suddenly, which made him a little uncomfortable.

"Oh? Really, that would be such a pity." Zhu Jian also guessed that Scorpion still had a backup, but the other party didn't want to fight, and he didn't want to chase after him.Anyway, he moved his hand, which temporarily satisfied Hashirama's desire to fight.

"Hmph, there will be chances in the future." Xie smiled, walked to his Fei Liuhu, lifted Fei Liuhu up with one hand, and walked towards the distance.

The third generation, who had already fallen to the ground, also got up, followed Scorpio's back, and chased after him.

"Why did you let him go like that? He was going to kill us just now." Xinxiang was very puzzled why Zhujian let him go, and even Yu Xian didn't stop him.

Of course Yu Xian would not tell him that Hui just now became your colleague in the future, but fortunately, Zhu Jian was there, and his answer spared Yu Xian's words, "He still has a lot of room for growth. If he is killed now, it will be very difficult for him." It's a pity." Saying that, Hashirama looked at the direction where Xie disappeared and smiled.

What kind of answer is this? Xinxiang was speechless for a while. If he was stronger, the few of us would die.He finally knew that he was not in the same line of thought as these movie-level powerhouses, hey, you can do whatever you want.

"Yi Bui, are you alright?" Yu Xian found that Yi Bui hadn't spoken, and asked him.

Yibuki turned his head and said: "It's okay, I just saw the third Kazekage and felt a little touched." "Is he the third Kazekage?" Xinxiang's eyes widened. This red-haired guy is actually the third Kazekage?Didn't he die long ago?And looking at the age, it doesn't look like your father's age.
"That's not him. What Yibui was talking about was the puppet just now." Yu Xian knew that Xinxiang had misunderstood, and corrected him.

"Is it a puppet?" Xinxiang was startled, a Kazekage Tangtang was actually made into a puppet, what happened to this world.

"Let's go, don't talk about it, everyone else is gone, what are we still doing here?" Yu Xian didn't want Xinxiang to continue discussing the matter of the Three Kazekages in front of Yibuki, although Yibuki said he didn't care on the surface, but who knows What was he thinking?After all, he is a father, so no matter what, he will never have no feelings at all.

At this moment, Xinxiang also thought about how talkative he was just now, under Yu Xian's stare, he shrank his neck, and went to clean up the things that fell on the ground just now.

"If someone sees this in a few days, they will probably be quite frightened." Yu Xian thought as he looked at the forest summoned by Zhu Jian.

These forests can last for more than ten days without the continued output of Chakra. When the people in the Kingdom of Wind see a forest appearing in their desert, they don't know how they will feel.

(End of this chapter)

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