Naruto from scratch

Chapter 65 Jiraiya in Creation

Chapter 65 Jiraiya in Creation

"Boss, is your "Legend of Swordsman" really ready to end?" Still the same as before, Yu Xian's package was carried on Xinxiang's back.As for Feng Molei, it fell into Yibuki's hands.At this time, Xinxiang, who was carrying two backpacks, was asking Yu Xian.

Yu Xian and Feng Molei walked in front, when they heard Xinxiang's words, they turned to him and said, "Yes, I'm going to finish writing a new book."

When Xinxiang heard this, he immediately stepped up and followed, "Don't, boss, this book is much better than the previous Three Kingdoms Water Margin Westward Journey, so why don't you write more?"

"How can I write it after it's all finished?" Yu Xian was just about to write it down. In the book, there are several Shattered Voids, and the protagonists and supporting roles have changed a lot. If you continue to write it, it will be another book.

"But, it's really beautiful. Flying around is much more interesting than ninjutsu." Xinxiang still couldn't let go of the end of "Legend of Swordsman", and continued to persuade Yu Xian.

Yu Xian glanced at Xinxiang, and said, "Ninjutsu is not interesting, so why do you learn it?"

"You still have to learn ninjutsu, but you can still read the books." Xinxiang continued without giving up.

"Okay, "Legend of Swordsman" is definitely coming to an end, but well, I can write about Xianxia in the next book." Xianxia is so popular now, there is no reason for Yu Xian to let money go without making money, isn't it?

Hearing this, Xinxiang finally smiled, "That's good, boss, when are you going to write your new book? Don't you want to save some drafts in advance?" "You want to read it first?" Yu Xian could see that Xinxiang real intention.

"Hey." After being exposed, Xinxiang patted his head.

Xinxiang talked happily in front of it, but Yibuki in the back is not happy. He doesn't like the current "Legend of Swordsman".When he heard that Yu Xian was going to write about Xianxia in his next book, he became very angry, "I said Xinxiang, you are never finished, why are you always bothering the boss, why don't you go your way."

"Hey, I'm asking what's your business." Xinxiang turned his head and said to Ibuki who was chasing up.

Yibui stared at Xinxiang, and said, "I can't talk about it if it's not about me?"

"Okay, you two, why have you become like this now?" Yu Xian was also speechless. Ever since his "Legend of the Swordsman" came out, these two people have been fighting over each other. One likes Xianxia, ​​the other likes Fantasy, it made Yu Xian's head big.

Before the two of them were about to stop, Yu Xian continued: "Stop, stop, don't talk about it. After the legend of Xianxia is forgotten, I will double open the head office, right? One is Xianxia, ​​the other is Fantasy, you are satisfied now." right?"

oh?Seeing that Yu Xian finally let go of writing fantasy, Yi Bui immediately beamed with joy, "Hey, I knew the boss wouldn't favor one person over another."

"Come on, you." Xinxiang folded his hands, despising Ibuki.

But now Yibuki doesn't care about Xinxiang's ridicule, as long as Yu Xian agrees to continue writing fantasy.

"Huh? Xinxiang, look, among the two people squatting in front, does one look like Jiro?" The four of them had just walked into the country of fire, not far from the border of a small village, and suddenly saw a wooden fence. , squatting two people.

Xinxiang looked at Yu Xian's fingers, observed carefully, and said, "It seems to be that guy, didn't he say to go to Lord Jiaodu? Why did you come here?"

Yu Xian saw that he did not identify the wrong person, so he said: "Come on, go up and see, what the hell is Hirata Jiro doing, and he tricked me into saying to go to Kakuto, see if I don't deal with him kid." Hirata Jiro was originally an enemy.But for some reason, as the time went by, the two of them had the best time.Yu Xian's conclusion is that immortal people have high sex, and there is no other explanation.

When Yu Xian led the three of them closer and closer, the person beside Jiro Hirata also showed his figure.

Dress up?Could it be him?
Yu Xian was still thinking about it, but Xinxiang next to him spoke first, "Jiro Hirata, what are you doing sneaking around here? Didn't you say you were going to Jisu Castle?"

Hearing Xinxiang's voice, Hirata Jiro was startled, turned his head hastily, and pressed his index finger to his lips, "Hush!"

Yo, boy, what are you doing?
When Hirata Jiro turned his head, the white-haired man next to him also turned around.Now, Yu Xian could see clearly, isn't this the Jiraiya of one of the Sannin?The goal of meeting Qi Sannin that I have been waiting for for many years has finally been achieved.

"You! You are Master Yu Xian!" When Zi Lai also saw Yu Xian, stars appeared in his eyes instantly, walked over in two or three steps, stretched out his hand to hold Yu Xian.

Here, what's the situation?Neither did Yu Xianzhao, nor did he hide, he just stood there in a daze.What the hell is Zilai also calling himself a master?

"Master Yu Xian, you don't know that I have read all your novels and have kept them in my collection. Look." As he said that, he took Yu Xian's novels one by one from his pocket. took out his book.

"Don't speak so loudly!" Hirata Jiro was in a hurry, Jiraiya, why did he turn his back halfway, and told himself to keep quiet just now, but now he is yelling so loudly.

"Ah!!! Pervert!"

As soon as Hirata Jiro finished speaking, a basin of water was poured over the place where he was squatting.

"Where? Where is the satyr?"

After a shout, the whole small village became lively, and all the idle men and women took action.

"Run." In the end, Jiraiya, the old driver, reacted quickly, pulled Yu Xian who hadn't reacted yet, and ran towards the distance.

Feng Molei and the others didn't react, but when Yu Xian was pulled away by Zilaiye, they also followed. "Don't wait for me." Hirata Jiro, who was soaked behind, looked at the menacing people in the village, called out, and followed.

"Huh, it's so dangerous." Several people ran to a hilltop, and Zilai seemed to have calmed down.

I figured it out, Jiraiya is here to create with Jiro Hirata.
But when did Jiro Hirata get mixed up with Jiraiya?Just because of similar interests?

"Master Yu Xian, let's continue discussing about your book." Although Jiraiya was older than Yu Xian, he didn't pay much attention to being him, and he still took Master Yu Xian one by one.

But Yu Xian couldn't stand this title, he made himself look like a magic stick, he quickly waved his hands and said, "Don't, don't, don't call me master, just call me Yu Xian, you are Konoha's Sannin Zilai Your Excellency?"

"Haha, yes." Zilai also knew that he was quite famous, even though he was not as famous as Yu Xian who is now famous all over the mainland, it was normal to be recognized.It would be a great honor to be recognized by Master Yu Xian.

(End of this chapter)

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