Naruto from scratch

Chapter 67 Yu Xian's Fame

Chapter 67 Yu Xian's Fame

"Hahaha, Yu Xian, I didn't expect it to be so long, and you're here again." The third generation can be said to be Yu Xian's old book fan, and when he saw Yu Xian brought in by Anbu in the office, he said with a big smile.

Yu Xian wasn't too polite, and sat directly on the sofa beside him, "I haven't been here for a year."

"Oh? Really, haha." Sandai took off his pipe and smiled. "I'm old, I can't remember."

Yu Xian also smiled, and said, "Three generations of adults are still in good spirits, why are you getting old?" Well, I don’t have the strength anymore.” Sandai shook his head, time is not forgiving, it’s not just a joke.

Hehe, don't worry, you still have ten years to be Hokage.Yu Xian, who knows the direction of the plot, will not really believe that the third generation has no strength. When Konoha collapsed, he still fought back and forth with Orochimaru.

"Why did you come to Konoha?" San Dai asked Yu Xian after taking another puff of cigarette.

Yu Xian sat paralyzed on the sofa, and said, "I've been at home for a long time, and I want to go out for a stroll." "Oh, it's better for you, you can go out for a stroll, unlike me." The third generation shook his head ,road.

"Hey, if I were Hokage, I would be the same as you, so you have to be mentally prepared for being a Hokage." Yu Xian said with a smile.

The third generation nodded, and said: "You are right, but it's a pity, you are a Urenin, otherwise, you would be a good candidate for the next Hokage." "Come on, Hokage is not a human being." Although I know It was impossible, but Yu Xian still complained.

At this time, Zilai, who was following Yu Xian, also walked into the house.

When the third generation saw Zilaiye entering the room, he was stunned for a moment, and then said: "You are still willing to come back." "Hey, teacher, I am busy." Zilaiye stroked his thick white hair and said.

The third generation gave Zilai a blank look, did not speak to him again, but continued to turn his head and said to Yu Xian: "You don't really come to Konoha for a stroll, do you?" He doesn't believe Yu Xian's words, this brat It's on.

I am going to watch the Uchiha genocide incident, but can I tell you?Obviously not.

"Didn't I invest in hand-painting, and by the way, I came to see how his shop is doing." Yu Xian casually found an excuse and said.

Zilai who was on the side also heard this, but interrupted: "Didn't you tell me that you are here for some signing event?" Come also this half traitor.

"Oh? The last time you promised me to sign ten books, you haven't fulfilled it yet. Let's sign together this time." The third generation does not doubt that there is him. Yu Xian, who likes to wander around the mainland, In the past few years, apart from those countries in the sea, there is really no one that Yu Xian has not been to.

"I haven't asked yet. Why do you want ten books? You can't collect so many." Yu Xian received a letter from the third generation last month, asking him to sign ten books and send them over. Yu Xian has been unable to do so. Understand what the three generations are doing.

The third generation took a few puffs of cigarettes, and then said: "Isn't this the ninja school that is about to start? I'm going to give it to those students as a gift for the beginning of the school."

Feelings are to use one's own things for favors, but Yu Xian did not refuse, and the face of the three generations should be given some.

"In the future, we can do this all the time, I think it's pretty good." Seeing Yu Xian, the third generation agreed to it, and continued. "At the end of the term, we can also set up an award called the Yuxian Award. What do you think?"

Without waiting for Yu Xian to refuse, the three generations finished speaking in a crackling manner.

Originally, when he heard that he had to provide it every year, Yu Xian refused, but later he said that there would be a Yu Xian award.Yu Xian's eyes lit up immediately, this thing is good, when you meet 12 Xiaoqiang in the future, you can ask, who among you has won the Yu Xian Award?Don't talk to me if you haven't had one, haha.

"Okay, no problem." Yu Xian nodded in agreement.

"Haha, then it's settled." The third generation said with a happy smile.

Jilai also heard the conversation between the two, and said at this time, "Teacher, in fact, my book can also be sent to the students of the ninja school." "You? Go a little farther away, just your book , give it away, those parents must not demolish the ninja school?" Although the third generation themselves appreciate Jiraiya's intimate paradise, it is too exaggerated to send it out as a gift, after all, others Still a child.

"Ah, teacher, that's not what I'm talking about." Jiraiya had a bitter look on his face, as if he would send those gentlemen to heaven.

"Then what else do you have besides this?" Sandai looked at Jiraiya and asked.

It seems that my teacher has forgotten his other books besides making love to heaven, "I'm talking about the Bugen Xingren Biography." This book has been out of stock for a long time, and it's pretty good as a gift. of.

"You don't say I'm almost finished, you still have this book." Sandai nodded, thinking of Jiraiya's book.

Is my Bu Gen Xing Ren's facsimile so out of your eyes, Zi Lai also supported his forehead, secretly saddened.

Yu Xian watched the two masters and apprentices playing tricks, and smiled unconsciously, "Okay, let's talk about the rest tomorrow. I guess I will stay in Konoha for a long time, and I will talk about it slowly later." After finishing speaking, Yu Xian then stood up, ready to find a hand to beat first.

The current shop is considered big, and it is no problem for four or five people to live there.

"Okay, it's getting late, you can go to rest first." Sandai looked at the scenery outside the window, and it was almost evening.

"Well, see you later." Yu Xian nodded, opened the door and left.

"Boss." The three people from Xinxiang at the door did not go in, but stood at the door, waiting for Yu Xian.

Yu Xian smiled at them and said, "Let's go, let's find a hand to fight first."

Xinxiang and the others are familiar with hand-made, so they found a hand-made shop after being fairly familiar with the road.

The handmade shop was still in its original location, but after Yu Xian’s reinvestment, it was completely bought out, demolished and rebuilt, and a small three-story building was built.

"Let's go, let's try the ramen first." Yu Xian, who hadn't eaten handmade noodles for a long time, was still looking forward to it.

"Master Yu Xian, you are here!" Not far from the door, Calamus saw Yu Xian who was entering the door at a glance, ran over a few steps, and grabbed Yu Xian's clothes.

Over the past few years, I have grown a lot taller, and I am no longer the little girl I was before.

"Father, Father, Master Yu Xian is here." Iris, who was pulling Yu Xian's clothes, shouted in the lobby.

With this shout, things went wrong, and the diners in the lobby all turned their heads to look at Yu Xian.

"It's really Master Yu Xian!"

"Master Yu Xian, can you sign for me?"

(End of this chapter)

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