Chapter 7
When he returned to the heretic golem, Uchiha Madara was already dead, lying alone on the bed, still feeling a little desolate.

No matter how powerful and invincible you were before, but now, isn't it the same.

After Uchiha Obito has suffered such a big blow, it is of course impossible to care about Uchiha Madara's life and death.His body must still be collected.

"Just buried like this?" Standing behind Jue, Yu Xian asked Jue who was digging a hole.

Jue looked at him suspiciously, and said, "If you don't bury him, what else do you want to do?"

"No cremation or something? Burying the country like this is not supported."


"Cut, who cares." Yu Xian spat, turned and left.

"Obitu, let's be sad. After all, people cannot be resurrected after death." Yu Xian, who came to Oita's room, looked at Oita sitting on the bed in a daze, and enlightened him.

Obito didn't answer, and stared blankly at the front, a transplanted black pupil, a kaleidoscope with powerful divine power.Powerful yet scattered, majestic yet bleak.

Yu Xian walked over, sighed, put one hand on Obito's shoulder, and sat down with him.

"The old world has decayed, and the new world can live forever. Who said that people cannot be resurrected after death? I, Obito Uchiha, will use my hands to reshape a world!" When Xiandu was about to fall asleep, he suddenly burst out.

"Reshape a world?" Yu Xian murmured.

Obito Uchiha's blood-red eyes were filled with fighting spirit again, "Yu Xian, do you want to welcome the new world with me? Will you help me?"

Facing the anticipation on Obito's face, what else could Yu Xian say, "I, of course, who made us friends." At this moment, Yu Xian already regretted a little, why didn't he tell Obito the truth first, now, everything is in jeopardy. too late.

With a face covered in tears and blood, Obito smiled, as if he was very happy, his friend.Yes, Obito Uchiha still has friends.

"Haha, Lin, wait for me, I will pick you up."

The whole room was filled with Uchiha Obito's laughter.

The darkness, blood and cheerful laughter made Yu Xian, who was standing aside, feel unspeakable fear.Hey, this is the world dripping with blood, how can it be as beautiful as seen in anime.

A month later, Obito finally recuperated the fused body and got rid of the haze of Lin's death, although the latter was only superficial.

At Yu Xian's request, Obito began to teach Yu Xian the ninjutsu.

"To be honest, it's the first time I'm teaching others, haha." In normal times, Obito's way of speaking is still the same as before, and he still hits [-] feet.If one only looked at the surface, no one could see how serious the wound in Obito's heart was.

"It's okay, it's my first time learning." Yu Xian also smiled.

At this moment, Obito Uchiha took out a thin piece of paper from his pocket. Could this be the legendary chakra paper!Yu Xian was excited, is the toughness of life about to start from now on?

All attributes, high bones, strong talent, haha, life is still so easy.

"Yu Xian? Yu Xian? What are you thinking? Try it quickly." Obito patted Yu Xian's arm, bringing him back from his fantasy.

Um, Yu Xian touched his head, and took the chakra paper over in embarrassment.

"Just like what I taught you yesterday, concentrate and concentrate the chakra on the chakra paper between the index finger and middle finger, remember, don't get distracted." Obito instructed.


Chakra is a kind of energy produced by the perfect fusion of mental energy and physical energy. It is generally used to perform ninjutsu, and it can also be made into a thread to bind the opponent or cut off the substance that is also composed of Chakra.Simply put, Chakra is the energy necessary to use ninjutsu.And this kind of energy is roughly composed of: 1. The body energy absorbed by each cell from the 130 trillion cells in the human body. 2. The spiritual energy exercised through many practices and accumulated experience.In other words, the so-called "ninjutsu" is to absorb these two kinds of energy from the body, and after refining (this is called chakra extraction), the will will be activated after going through the steps of "knotting".

There are five chakra attributes: fire, wind, thunder, water, and earth.

The presentation on the chakra paper is that the fire will burn, the wind will split, the thunder will wrinkle, the water will become wet, and the earth will shatter.

Yu Xian put the chakra paper between his index finger and middle finger, closed his eyes, and tried hard to gather the chakra on his hand.

As soon as Yu Xian set up his position, Obito's voice sounded again: "Okay."

So fast, shouldn’t the strong winds blow up and the earth tremble to welcome such an unborn genius like me?It has to be said that Yu Xian's secondary illness is comparable to that of Obito.

"Oh? Dual attributes, thunder and water." Obito said, looking at the wrinkled and wet chakra paper.

Only dual attributes?
Yu Xian was very disappointed, why the protagonists of other novels can be so crazy, but when it comes to him, it will be so difficult.dead, dead
"That's right, most people are single-attribute." Obito saw Yu Xian's frustration, and comforted him.

Well, it's still a good place to start. "Then let's refine the chakra like yesterday first." Obito still dropped the used chakra paper and said to Yu Xian.

"When can I learn ninjutsu?" This is what Yu Xian is most concerned about. What is there to refine from this chakra.

Obito shook his head and said: "Your chakra is still too little, you can't even support the simplest ninjutsu, and you can't use it after learning it. You should refine your chakra first."

Hey, this is life. "Okay, you practice here first, and I'll find you later." Obito finished his explanation and prepared to leave.

"By the way, are you preparing some kind of plan?" Obito has been very secretive for the past few days, and Yu Xian is probably planning the Nine-Tails attack on the village.

"It's nothing, you won't be able to help if you talk about it. You'd better concentrate on chakra refining." After Obito finished speaking, he left in a blink of an eye.

What is this called.I am a dignified traveler, why can't I even participate in the preliminary preparations.
Forget it, let's refine chakra honestly, and I will be regarded as a member of half of the Akatsuki organization in the future. By then, everyone else will be a kage, and I will be embarrassed as a chunin jnin or something.

No, it's scary to think about it, so hurry up.

"What do you think of Yu Xian's talent?" On a hillside in the distance, Obito was looking at Yu Xian who was cultivating, and asked Jue next to him.

Jue curled his lips, and said: "Although I don't like this guy, but his talent is still excellent, and it's not in vain for Mr. Madara to keep him."

Obito nodded at the side. He really has no experience as a teacher, and he has absolute approval. Obito still has the confidence to teach Yu Xian well.

I lost Rin, lost my friend Kakashi, my teacher, Mr. Minato, and now, you are my only friend, the friendship I must protect.

 If you have a recommendation, please give a recommendation. This data looks a bit miserable.

(End of this chapter)

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