Naruto from scratch

Chapter 72 Visit Uchiha Sasuke

Chapter 72 Visit Uchiha Sasuke

"I heard that Uchiha Itachi, the genius of the Uchiha clan, rebelled against the village."

"Really? When?"

"Last night, it seemed that all the Uchiha clan were killed."

"So miserable!"

"Isn't it? It seems that there is still a child who survived."

On the next day, Konoha Street was full of news about the Uchiha clan.Yu Xian, who was wearing a mask, shook his head. The news spread really fast. It was only this morning, and it spread all over the streets and alleys.

"My lord, last night you were..." Feng Molei said, before stopping, this is the street, there are some things that cannot be said.

But Yu Xian nodded and said, "Well, I went to see it yesterday."

Feng Molei was not talking, as long as Yu Xian was fine.

"Boss, when are we leaving?" Xinxiang next to him was a little tired of staying in Konoha, and wanted to change to another instance.

Yu Xian cast a glance at him, and said: "You just can't take it easy, soon, it won't be long, when the time comes, let's go to the Kingdom of Tang."

"That's a good idea." Xinxiang liked to travel, and when he heard that he was going to a new place, he immediately laughed.

This guy is very happy to hear that he is going to run around.

"Boss, what are we doing out today!" Jiro on the other side asked in confusion.He is not interested in Tango Country, the base camp where he is going to organize.

Yu Xian replied: "Go find someone." "Who?" Hirata Jiro continued to ask.

Annoyed by Hirata Jiro's questioning, Yu Xian patted him on the head, and said, "You'll know when you go, so what are you asking?"

Hirata Jiro, who was beaten for no reason, still couldn't fight back.

The purpose of Yu Xian's trip is Uchiha.

Among the extinct Uchiha clan, there is also a future absolute male second, Uchiha Sasuke.

Yu Xian was going to get acquainted, so that the two Children of Destiny would not fail to recognize him in the future.No matter what, I have been to Hokage, and it is always good to hang out with the two protagonists.Although the current Yu Xian already has the ability to directly destroy the two of them, Yu Xian still tries not to touch the direction of the plot. After all, it will be much better with the advantage of the plot.

"Here we are." Unknowingly, a group of people have arrived at Uchiha's residence.

The current residence of the Uchiha clan has been temporarily controlled by Konoha Anbe and Ne, and inside, a group of secret ninjas are handling the scene.

Yu Xian had been allowed by three generations, so he entered Uchiha's residence smoothly.

"Master Yu Xian," Kakashi who was in charge of receiving Yu Xian came over and said.

Yu Xian nodded, as a response, he still doesn't like Kakashi Hatake who killed him as soon as he arrived in Hokage.Although, he used to be one of his favorite ninjas in the previous world.

"Is he awake?" Yu Xian asked, of course it was Sasuke Uchiha, the second pillar.

Kakashi shook his head and said, "Not yet, but the doctor said it's coming soon, Master Yu Xian, do you want to go and have a look?"

"Yes, let's go and have a look first." Yu Xian nodded and said.

Just like that, Kakashi led the way, and a group of people walked towards Sasuke's room.

Yu Xian looked at the Uchiha people who had been cleaned up on the road, there probably were many of them whose eyes had been gouged out by Danzo, right?
This guy Danzo is really a cancer of Konoha.

"Here we are, Master Yu Xian." Kakashi pointed and said.

 I will make up for it during the break... Also, I will end the Uchiha immediately, and I will enter the plot...

(End of this chapter)

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