Naruto from scratch

Chapter 96 The Supreme Battle

Chapter 96 The Supreme Battle (Happy New Year)
There is nothing commendable about the power of a heretic golem without the blessing of a tailed beast.

What's more, the opponent is the former ninja god Senshou Zhuma and Yu Xian, who is almost as different from him in strength.

"You have no chance, Obito." Although Yu Xian was separated from the crowd, his expression did not change at all.

Now with the soil, it is impossible to defeat himself and Senjujuma.

"So what! Yu Xian! It's you! It's you who ruined everything! It's you! It's you and Kakashi!" Obito Uchiha was almost insane, and the closer he was to failure, the deeper his hatred for the two .

Everything that is happening now, in Obito's view, is because of his best friends, Kakashi and Yuxian.Of the two, one killed Lin, and the other ruined his plan.

"You guys don't understand anything..." After roaring wildly, Obito felt a little frustrated for a moment, "Only by completely changing this world can we gain a new life! You guys don't understand anything..."

Obito is complaining, complaining that Yu Xian has always been by his side, but he doesn't understand his painstaking efforts.

"At that time, Rin will come back; Sensei will also come back; everything Kakashi has done will be undone; you won't stand opposite me..." Obito murmured alone there, as if Forget that this is a battlefield.


Yu Xian was also a little moved after hearing Uchiha Obito's confession.

In the final analysis, all of this is still Uchiha Madara's plan, and Obito is just his pawn.

"Obito, you have to know that even if all of this comes true, it's not real. It's just a dream, a dreamy and fragile dream." Yu Xian took a step forward and said, "Let everyone Do you think it’s okay if your wish is fulfilled in your dream?”

"Dream? So what if it's a dream! In a dream, everything will be there! Yu Xian! There's nothing to say, since you think it's a dream, come and help me smash it!" Obito said with a grim look on his face.

Well, I still don't have the talent to escape with the mouth.If I had known earlier, I should have brought Naruto, who is full of mouth escape talent.

"According to what he means, is he going to destroy the world?" Senju Hashirama, who had been waiting for a long time, got a rough idea. The Uchiha clansman in front seems to have inherited the tradition of the Uchiha clan.

"That's almost what it means." Yu Xian nodded and said.

After hearing Yu Xian's words, Senshou Zhuma scratched his head, "Why does this kind of thing happen all the time?" For him, playing cards is a serious matter, and this kind of thing should be handled by his younger brother.

"Don't think about it, just stop him first." Yu Xian stopped Senshou Zhujian's nagging, turned around in an instant, and rushed towards Obito.

"Hey! Wait for me!" Zhu Jian was still chanting, only to see that Yu Xian in front of him had disappeared, and hurriedly kicked his feet to follow.

At this time, Uchiha Obito in the field had been waiting for a long time, and saw Yu Xian and Senju Zhuma rushing over.He and Payne joined forces, and a series of ninjutsu flew towards Yu Xian and Zhujian as if they didn't want money.

"Woodun! The tree world is coming!"

In the enchantment covered by Uchiha Obito, the wooden traps between the Senshouzhu began to grow wildly, and in an instant, the entire enchantment was filled.Moreover, there is a tendency to break through the barrier.

"Wind Dun! Big breakthrough!"

Yu Xian followed the passage created by Feng Dun, and continued to quickly rush towards Obito.

(End of this chapter)

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