Douluo: Began as Qian Renxue's guardian spirit

Chapter 107 Ye Lingling's Shock

Chapter 107 Ye Lingling's Shock

There are Xue'er, Na'er and Yanyan at home!


It will take more than a year to will take four or five years!

Take turns!
LOL!It won't get boring at all! [Hot Terrier Series]
Ye Lingling, who was listening carefully, frowned slightly, and said in a very low decibel: "Can you listen to the lecture with all your heart?"

"You're not coming..."

Chen Long shrugged, "I know all these theoretical knowledge! Even richer than the teacher's theoretical knowledge!"

"There's a beautiful woman by your side, it's disrespectful not to look at her~"

Ye Lingling rolled her eyes, "Glib! You're not ashamed!"

"Humph! Believe it or not! Don't believe me, pull me down!" Chen Long said solemnly, and began to whet Ye Lingling's appetite.

Ring Ring Ring!
Ring Ring Ring!
The sound of the sounds of nature sounded, indicating that Chen Long and others were liberated!
Ye Lingling listened to Chen Long's serious words, and then looked at the serious face.

Could it be... What Chen Long said is true?
Is he really richer than the teacher's theoretical knowledge?

But he is so young!

Not likely!
Ye Lingling thought in her heart.

Ye Lingling's pretty face flushed slightly, she reached out her jade hand and took Chen Long's hand, coquettishly.

"Why don't you tell me, Chen Long?"

She didn't realize at all that she had changed!Will act like a spoiled child!

Chen Long felt the soft jade hand holding him, and his breathing became short of breath.

No one can resist the beauty's acting like a baby!

The students around were all dumbfounded.

what did they seeWhat did you hear again?
The indifferent Ye Lingling actually acted like a baby!Even pulling a opposite sex!
This this…

This is impossible!

They don't believe it!
The goddess they have a crush on!
Just disappeared?
Ye Qingjie!
Many male students had extremely ugly faces!
He is just an exchange student of Wuhundian Senior Academy!But they got the two goddesses recognized by their Tiandou Imperial Academy!
Dugu Yan has fallen into Chen Long's hands!

Is Ye Lingling going to follow in Dugu Yan's footsteps? !

"Ahh! Get out of the way! I can't stay any longer! I'm leaving!"

"I'm leaving too!"

"I'm starving to death! Jump from here! I don't even know how to eat dog food!"



The male and female students present all left.

Only Chen Long and Ye Lingling were left.

Ye Lingling never expected that a small action of hers would cause such a big reaction!

at the same time!

She also realized that she had indeed done a little too much just now...

I have never done this before!
what's wrong with me?
Could it be... do I really like Chen Long?
Do not!
I just have a crush on him!
Only good feelings!

Chen Long smiled slightly, "Lingling, you have already said it, then I will definitely tell it! In order not to be said by outsiders that I don't give you face, Lingling, do you think so?"

Ye Lingling lowered her head and said 'hmm'.

Chen Long thought for a while, organized his language, and started talking.

"As we all know! The absorption period of each soul master's soul ring is fixed! No one can break the limit of each soul ring!"

"For example, the first spirit ring can only absorb 420 for three years!"

"But no one knows that the absorption period of the soul ring can be broken!"

Ye Lingling didn't think that what Chen Long said was reasonable at first, but after she said the last sentence, she was stunned.

Isn't the time limit for a soul master to absorb a soul ring fixed?

Could it be broken?

Chen Long closed his eyes, and a disguised soul ring hovered around his body.

Two yellows, one purple and two blacks!
The reason why Chen Long disguised the soul ring was because Xueer obtained the ability to disguise when refining the first soul bone!
As Chen Long moved in and out of Qian Renxue's body, he gradually learned the ability to pretend!

Speaking of going in and out, it's been a long time since Chen Long got into Xue'er's body~
As soon as Chen Long released the soul ring, he opened his eyes suddenly, "Lingling, please feel the age of my first soul ring."

"it is good!"

Ye Lingling relied on her own soul power to carefully feel Chen Long's first soul ring.

She was surprised to find that the age of Chen Long's first soul ring exceeded the absorption age of the soul master's first soul ring!

The 500-year limit has been reached!
Although the age difference is not much, the soul power contained will be much more than the 420 three-year soul ring!
"How did you do it?" Ye Lingling asked curiously.

"Train your body."

"As long as the body is trained well, the absorption period of the spirit ring will be higher and higher! Even your first spirit ring can last for a thousand years!"

"What!" Ye Lingling was in a bad mood.

As long as you hone your body's first soul ring, you can absorb the thousand-year soul ring!
How terrifying this is!

Ye Lingling didn't dare to think about it any further.

It's so scary!

"Then Chen Long, do you have a way to break the absorption period of the soul ring?"

Chen Long smiled faintly, "Of course!"

Ye Lingling thought for a while, then whispered, "Is there something I should say?"

Chen Long rolled his eyes at Ye Lingling, "What is your relationship with me! Lingling, you can say whatever you want!"

"Even if you scold me! I don't mind at all!"

Ye Lingling gritted her silver teeth, "It's Chen Long, how did you hone your body? Can you bear a soul ring with a higher age?"

She is not a fool, she would not know that it is impossible to hone her body without unique skills to exceed the number of years for absorbing spirit rings.

But she also knew that it was not that simple to obtain the unique skill of honing the body from Chen Long.

The next second was beyond Ye Lingling's expectation!
Chen Long: "It's not impossible to get benefits from me! It's just a price!"

"What price?"

Ye Lingling clenched her fists tightly, bit her red lips with her white teeth, feeling uneasy.

I wonder if Chen Long will take advantage of him...

If you want to discuss the communication in you agree or not?
Chen Long giggled, stretched out his hand and gently tapped Ye Lingling's little head!

"That's the price! I'm not the kind of person who forces others to do what they don't like!"


Ye Lingling froze for a moment, she didn't know why there was a feeling of emptiness in her heart, as if something was missing.

"However... the method of tempering the body is given to you, and it doesn't have a great effect on you!"

"This is to be practiced from childhood to adulthood! Your body is already formed, and it is not difficult to hone your body!"




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(End of this chapter)

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