Douluo: Began as Qian Renxue's guardian spirit

Chapter 111 Dog food is a matter of time!Straight A student!

Chapter 111 Dog food is a matter of time!Straight A student!

"You actually said that I am that kind of person! Ye Lingling, you let me down so much!"

Seeing Chen Long's appearance, Ye Lingling felt a little guilty in her heart.

Are you talking too much?

Chen Longren is a little lewd, but he really treats people well!

Ye Lingling curled her lips and rolled her eyes, "Huh! I'll take back what I just said! But men are not cheap!"

The corner of Chen Long's mouth twitched fiercely a few times, isn't this guy describing a woman...

That's how to describe him!

While Ye Lingling and Chen Long were talking, one student after another entered the door.

When they heard the conversation between the two, their jaws almost dropped.

This this…

This is too outrageous!
They have only known each other for a few days!Why can it be so close?

Even the goddess Ye Lingling in their eyes!She even rolled her eyes at Chen Long!
Ye Qingjie!
Could it be that my goddess will also fall into Chen Long's palm?

Oh my god!O earth!
Please open your eyes and see!
How could there be such a person as Chen Long in the world!

All the male students present couldn't help but grabbed the corners of their clothes, in pain.

Originally, they thought that if they avoided it yesterday, they would not have to eat dog food!

did not expect!Still got it!
It's just a matter of time!

The man cursed in pain.

Women are envious and jealous.

Why is Ye Lingling so lucky!Would he fall in love with such a strong and handsome Chen Long?

Is it true that I am not as good as Ye Lingling?


I am not angry!

After a while, the teacher walked into the classroom.

The originally noisy classroom fell silent for a moment.

Chen Long stroked his chin and looked at this teacher. It seemed that he was very dignified in Tiandou Royal Academy!

I just don't know how inferior it is compared to the three famous teaching committee members of Tiandou Royal Academy?
With Chen Long's spiritual realm, it is easy to see through the teacher's realm.

It's a Contra!

tsk tsk!
It's a bit inferior to be a teacher with this ability!
The teacher glanced across the entire class with indifferent eyes, and finally settled on Chen Long.

He remembered that this student was late yesterday!

Not late today!
not bad!
As everyone knows, Chen Long didn't listen to the teacher's theoretical knowledge at all yesterday.

I didn't even know that Chen Long also belittled the theoretical knowledge of the teacher!
If you let him know, he will definitely be so angry that his beard will fly.

Teacher: "Okay! All are here! Then I will continue to teach!"

The beeps and beeps made Chen Ting feel drowsy, and almost fell asleep.

Ye Lingling beside Chen Long couldn't help being speechless, why does this person behave like this every time!

Don't you know that this behavior is very rude to the teacher?
Although your theoretical knowledge is higher than that of the teacher, you can't do this!

Chen Long:? ! !
Is there anything more important than looking at a girl?
Is there anything more important than having a girlfriend?
Is there anything more important than getting your hands dirty when you have a girlfriend?


Don’t blow, don’t black!

My theoretical knowledge is first, listen to a hammer!
Doesn't the girl look good?

It smells old!
This lecture was passed like yesterday.

But this time, Chen Long became bolder and fatter!
Unscrupulously looking at Ye Lingling beside her, from top to bottom, from bottom to top, her face was blushing, and she didn't say a word.

Chen Long guessed that it should be because he didn't dare to speak blatantly in class, right?

The teacher kept staring at Ye Lingling's table and at the cynical Chen Long.

The teacher said that he hates iron but not steel!Very upset!
Although I'm not very handsome, it's not the reason why you keep looking at girls!

The teacher coughed softly, "Ahem! This student is not paying attention! Who are you going to be in the future?"

"Teacher, what I said is that advanced soul masters must know theoretical knowledge! Don't you think it's even fart?"

A word from the teacher made Chen Long the most beautiful boy in the audience!Became the focus!

The male student gloated over his misfortune.

"Hey hey! I see how Chen Long died! Mr. Mo is very tormenting!"

"Hahaha! I think Chen Long is very upset! Let the teacher teach him how to behave today!"

"I'm really looking forward to seeing Chen Long in a mess! Isn't he very high-spirited? How did he become so embarrassed?"

"Hey! Stop talking! Go on! The teacher is going to be angry!"



Soon, the voices of the students stopped one after another.

The teacher walked slowly in front of Chen Long, knocked on the table with one hand, and shouted: "I'm talking to you! You just ignore it, and you still don't stand up!"

"It seems that I haven't trained anyone for a long time! That's why you are so arrogant!"

Chen Long stood up, his face as indifferent as ever.

The teacher was so angry that his beard fluttered.

"Good! Good! Good! You are fine! If I don't teach you a lesson today, I won't be called Mo Shang!"

"What lesson?" Chen Long said casually.

"Get the hell out of here and run twenty laps on the playground! Don't use your soul power!"

Chen Long shrugged, "What if I don't?"

"Then answer a few questions for me! If the answer comes out! You don't have to run away!"

"Okay!" Chen Long agreed without hesitation.

"first question!"

"What role do the two auxiliary system soul masters play in the team? Why should the auxiliary system soul masters be protected?"

When Chen Long heard this question, his eyes became surprised.

What kind of brain-dead problem is this?

So simple?Still need to ask?

Don't you look retarded?

"Auxiliary-type soul masters have various auxiliary abilities, we need to see what the abilities of this auxiliary-type soul master are!
"Ordinary support system soul masters either make the team's strength to a higher level! Or make the team last longer! Or..."

The teacher listened to Chen Long's first two answers, and nodded repeatedly.

That's not a good thing to say!
But also correct!


I want to embarrass him!

Not to appreciate him!
"Go on!"

"Precisely because auxiliary-type soul masters are so useful to the team, we must protect auxiliary-type soul masters!"

"You've passed this question!"

"Then... when two thousand-year-old soul beasts meet, A is known for its attack power, while B is known for its defensive power. What will happen when two soul beasts meet? Who will be injured?"

Chen Long continued to talk eloquently.

"The two soul beasts will definitely fight each other! Both sides will think about how to kill each other! Whoever is injured must be a soul beast!"


"Because the attack of the soul beast A cannot break through the defense of the soul beast B! In addition, the soul beast A is not..."




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(End of this chapter)

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