Douluo: Began as Qian Renxue's guardian spirit

Chapter 117 Going to the Sunset Forest

Chapter 117 Going to the Sunset Forest
Chen Long: (┯_┯)
My Cher... Gone Forever!

Oh oh oh!
Chen Long was so sad that he turned into an incorporeal body, and with a "whoosh", he got into Qian Renxue's body, and accompanied her to a beauty sleep.



It should be hunk sex! (funny)

the following few days.

Either he was practicing, or Chen Long was messing with the four daughters Qian Renxue, Hu Liena, Duguyan and Ye Lingling.

On the penultimate day.

Chen Long made up his mind to take Qian Renxue, Hu Liena and Ye Lingling to hunt soul beasts!
They are stuck in their respective bottlenecks and can't break through for a long time, it's time to hunt soul beasts!
As for Dugu Yan, she was brought by Dugu Bo to hunt soul beasts to obtain a soul ring!
So I can't take her with me on this trip!
If Dugu Yan is still with him, Tiandou Royal Academy will be suspicious!
Chen Long is planning to take Ye Lingling and Dugu Yan away!
after all…

The entire Tiandou Royal Academy knew that Ye Lingling and Dugu had been in Chen Long's yard for more than ten days!

What happened in the past ten days!
The male students of Tiandou Royal Academy dare not think about it at all!
I was afraid that my little heart could not bear such pressure and collapsed.

Why is there such a big difference between people!

Tiandou Royal Academy Education Committee.

Zhilin: "I'm the first to disagree! Ye Lingling is from our academy! Why should an outsider take her to hunt soul beasts! Does he have the qualifications?"

Bai Baoshan: "I don't know if he is qualified or not! But I don't think Chen Long is a bad person! He probably wouldn't run away with Ye Lingling?"

Meng Shenji frowned, and said lightly, "Let's leave it at that!"

Zhi Lin: "No way! What if we run away with Ye Lingling? What we lose is the genius of our Heaven Dou Imperial Academy!"

Meng Shenji: "Tianjiao has the pride of Tianjiao! He won't do anything that damages his image! Besides! Duguyan didn't go!"


"I'll see what you say if something goes wrong!"


Qian Renxue, who was actively held in Chen Long's arms, held Hu Liena with his left hand and Ye Lingling with his right hand.

Behind them is Dugu Yan seeing them off.

"Chen Long! Lingling! Sister Xue! Sister Na! Go all the way!"

"Hmm!" The three girls responded in unison.

Chen Long smiled at Dugu Yan, "Yanyan! You have to take good care of yourself alone! Do you understand?"

"Understood! Chen Long, don't worry! Yanyan, I will take care of myself!"

Only then did Chen Long walk forward in peace of mind.

Not long after walking out of the yard, they encountered male and female students of Tiandou Imperial Academy one after another.

Their eyes all stayed on Chen Long.

no way!
He is so bright!
A goddess in my arms!
One goddess in each hand!
Can this not be eye-catching?

The eyes of countless male students were full of envy and hatred.

Why not yourself!
Why is it that Chen Long got the most benefit!


Many male students whose mentality was imperceptibly disturbed by Chen Long fainted immediately when they saw this scene.

"I'm mad at me! I'm mad at me!"

"Ahhh! I don't want to see this couple of dogs in my life!"

"How do you talk! It's okay for a man, but how can you say that for a woman!"

"Ah... why did you pretend to be a licking dog behind my back?"

"Have you forgotten what you said?"


"Whoever licks the dog is the younger brother!"



that's it.

Under the angry and jealous gazes of male and female students, Chen Long and his party left Tiandou Royal Academy.

The destination of this trip is the sunset forest not far away!

They didn't have the speed of Title Douluo, so naturally they wanted to rent a carriage!
Rent a carriage!
Famous scenes must not be missed! (funny)

Bumping all the way for several days, I felt that my body was being tortured by soft pressure all the time.

Chen Long was 'exhausted physically and mentally', his face was full of serenity.

"Don't hit it! If you hit it again, you will die!" Chen Long said with a smirk.

Qian Renxue, Hu Liena and Ye Lingling in the car all rolled their eyes at Chen Long.

This man is so dishonest!
The brain is always full of bad thoughts!

Bad intentions are to take advantage of them.

Fortunately, the sound insulation effect of the carriage was excellent, and the movement in the carriage did not affect the groom at all.

In the words of the groom: women only affect the speed of my driving!

Let's fencing! (funny)
Ups and downs for several days.

Chen Long and his party finally arrived at Sunset Forest.

In an instant, Chen Long's spiritual power enveloped the setting sun forest.

A flower and a grass, all flashed in Chen Long's mind.

If it weren't for the memory of Huntian, this blow would have blown Chen Long's head.

Chen Long turned to look at Hu Liena, "Na'er, your martial soul has mutated into a nine-tailed demon fox! What kind of soul beasts did your previous soul rings hunt?"

Regarding this point, Chen Long really didn't know!

After all, it wasn't even written in the original book, so how could I know?
"My master said that it is best to use a fox-type soul beast as my soul ring! Because generally foxes have the ability to charm more or less! But... there is a prerequisite!"

"What conditions?"

"It must be mother!"

Chen Long: ...

Good guy.

I'm straight guy!

Also denominator...

Am I going to grab the fox-like soul beast and turn it over to see if it's a female?


"Well! I see!"

Chen Long turned to look at Ye Lingling again, "What about Lingling?"

"I can do any kind of soul beast!"

Chen Longzhou frowned, what are you talking about!
How could it be any soul beast!
How irresponsible is this to yourself!
Ye Lingling also seemed to see Chen Long's thoughts, and explained: "Because... my martial soul is Jiuxin Begonia! It is destined to be a range of treatment! As long as the age of the soul beast is longer, it will be more useful to me!"

Chen Long smacked his lips, wanting to say something, but had nothing to say.

As expected of the Nine-Hearted Begonia Martial Soul!
Just different!

Qian Renxue stepped on the golden high-heeled shoes, and said lightly: "I don't need to ask, Chen Long, you understand in your heart!"

The corners of Chen Long's mouth twitched a few times, and he coughed lightly: "Xue'er, you don't need to say it! I know it too! You need to hunt soul beasts with sacred, flame, and light attributes!"

Qian Renxue, who was originally serious, relaxed after hearing Chen Long's answer was correct.

If I forgot, I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep with Xue'er in my arms today! (dog head)

"Humph! It's almost there!"

"Well... that's how it turned out! Then let's help Lingling hunt soul beasts first! Her requirements are not high, and it is easy to find a soul beast with a high age and suitable for her!"

Qian Renxue and Hu Liena looked at each other and nodded, indicating that there was no problem.




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(End of this chapter)

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