Douluo: Began as Qian Renxue's guardian spirit

Chapter 129 Xiao Wu has grown up again~

Chapter 129 Xiao Wu has grown up again~ (first update)
"Beat people? I have talent in this area! Dean, leave it to me!"

Flender nodded in satisfaction, "Wuji! You are sensible!"

Zao Wou-Ki: ? ? ?

This sentence... why does it feel weird?

As if taking advantage of me?
It seems not!
Zhao Wuji gritted his teeth, and walked towards the gate of the academy with big strides, he wanted to see who came to play wild in their territory!

If there is no good talk, talk bad!Just beat yourself up hard!
I want to go back!Do it!
When Zhao Wuji came to the gate of the academy, he saw Chen Long and his party, two women and one man.

It doesn't look like someone who is doing things!

All of a sudden, Zhao Wuji became depressed.

I thought I could move my muscles and bones well!

Uncomfortable batch!
When Chen Long saw that the person who came was Zhao Wuji, he recalled how he had tortured him...

Chen Long put one hand in front of his mouth, and coughed lightly: "Ahem! Zhao Wu... Long time no see, Mr. Zhao!"

Zhao Wou-ki frowned, and stared at Chen Long with big eyes, "Do you know me?"

Chen Long: ...

Good guy!
How long has it been!Just forget about me!

It seems that the lesson I taught Zhao Wuji was too light!
"Ms. Zhao! I came here just to visit my little sister Xiaowu!"

"Sister Xiaowu?" Zhao Wuji raised his brows, looked at Chen Ting with scrutiny, and then looked at the two women beside Chen Ting.


Is it so pretty?

He had never seen such a beautiful woman in his life!
So there is a feeling of déjà vu?

I remembered!
She... isn't she Xiao Wu's sister?
Then he... is Xiao Wu's brother!

Thinking that he had to do something to them just now, Zhao Wuji gave up his head in embarrassment, "Oh oh oh! I remembered! You two are Xiao Wu's brother and sister!"

"Sorry! Sorry!"

Chen Long gave up, "It's okay, can we go in then?"

Zhao Wou-ki nodded, "Of course! You can stay for a few more days if you want!"

"Thank you, Teacher Zhao!" Qian Renxue responded politely.

The crisp voice rang in Zao Wou-ki's ears like the sounds of nature.

He gasped, he didn't expect such a beautiful woman...with such a nice voice!

I'm so envious!

Envious of having a girlfriend!

Zhao Wou-ki felt quite helpless and lonely at the moment.

In the end, he was nothing!

Nothing at all!

Not even a girlfriend!
What's the use of living!
Although I often went out to hunt chickens with Dai Mubai, Ma Hongjun and Oscar, but it was only for a while!Not for one lifetime!

Seeing Chen Long sitting on a man with two beauties, he just stared blankly!Still eating dog food!

It hurt him to death!
If it wasn't for the relationship between them and Xiao Wu, Zhao Wuji would have already wrinkled severely!
Soon, Zhao Wuji brought Chen Long, Qian Renxue and Hu Liena to the central square of the academy.

Just ran into Tang San who was scornful of Xiao Wu!
Qian Renxue's calm heart suddenly became angry.


When they left, Tang San dared to treat Xiao Wu like this!

I'm afraid he has eaten the heart of a bear and the guts of a leopard!

If it wasn't for the kindness of Xiaowu's younger sister, she has been patient with Tang San!

After Qian Renxue came, he was blown away!

Qian Renxue was so angry that she spread her golden wings on her back, flew over, wrapped her pink fist with holy energy, and blasted Tang San who was caught off guard with one punch.

Xiao Wu suddenly raised her head, her eyes widened, her figure trembled slightly, and she said excitedly, "Sister Xueer! Sister Xueer! You came to see me!"

"Brother Chen Long..." Xiao Wu hesitated to speak, with a somewhat lonely expression.

Qian Renxue smiled slightly, stretched out her finger and pointed behind, "Chen Long came with me too!"

Xiao Wu looked back along Qian Renxue's finger, and saw the man she was thinking of!

Chen Long!

"Brother Chen Long!" Xiao Wu ran towards Chen Long excitedly, and when the distance between the two got closer, she threw herself directly into Chen Long's arms.

At this time, Xiao Wu was wearing a pink and white dress, and her development was getting better and better!

A few months ago, it was pretty small there!
In just a few months, it has grown a lot!
Oh!Do not!
It's two laps bigger!
Chen Long wanted to ask Xiao Wu what she ate to grow so much in a few months!
However, there were too many people here, Chen Long had a thick skin, and he didn't dare to ask Xiao Wu in front of so many people.

"Brother Chen Long! Xiao Wu misses you so much! You finally came to see Xiao Wu!"

Xiao Wu's pretty face rubbed against Chen Long's arms again and again, which made Chen Long's close buddies tense up.

Xiao Wu in her arms felt the pressure in front of her, her pretty face flushed, she lowered her head, and said shyly, "Brother Chen Long! are not serious!"

"Hahahaha! Sister Xiaowu! I miss you too!"

Hu Liena on the side kept looking at Xiao Wu, her heart trembled slightly.

This girl is Xiao Wu in the mouth of Chen Long and Xueer!
It looks like it's cute!

Unexpectedly... Chen Long is so good at this mouthful!

Xiao Wu slowly left Chen Ting's arms, and she happened to catch a glimpse of Hu Liena next to her out of the corner of her eye.

"This sister..."

"Xiao Wu let me introduce you, she is Hu Liena!"

"Sister Na!" Xiao Wu said politely.




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(End of this chapter)

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