Douluo: Began as Qian Renxue's guardian spirit

Chapter 145 Daoliu agrees to the engagement!

Chapter 145 Qian Daoliu agrees to the marriage contract! (fourth more)
Yu Long and Lianxue escaped from the worship hall as quickly as possible.

What will happen in the shrine afterward!It has nothing to do with them!
"What a guardian spirit! You actually want to be my grandson-in-law! I won't let you succeed!"

As everyone knows, the back is really fragrant!

No one knows Zhenxiang better than me! [Hot Terrier Series]
Two 10 minutes later.

Chen Long and Qian Renxue walked into the worship hall hand in hand.

The corners of Qian Daoliu's mouth twitched violently a few times, calming down the unrest in his heart, and showing an amiable smile to Qian Renxue.

"Xiaoxue! You're here!"

"Well! Grandpa, I'm here to see you!"

"Grandpa Qian!" Chen Long said politely.

Qian Daoliu frowned.

Can be called by the guardian spirit Chen Long!Am I surprised?
But when he thought of their purpose of coming to worship the hall, Qian Daoliu felt very sad.

Qian Renxue is his granddaughter!
He really didn't want the guardian spirit Chen Long to have an affair with his granddaughter!
But the granddaughter turned her elbow outward!

As a grandfather, he can't help it at all!
I'm afraid that outsiders' evaluation will affect Xiaoxue!

Living with a man for so long!Failed to give birth to a child!
Both of them will be talked about more or less by the world.

It's not a problem with men, it's a problem with women!
As everyone knows, Chen Long already has a physical body!
Want to have a baby?

Just have a hand!


As long as there is chicken! (dog head)
What's more, now is not the time to talk about these things!
Qian Daoliu raised his hand and touched Qian Renxue's small head, his eyes were gentle, "Xiaoxue! You have grown up."

The corners of Qian Renxue's mouth curled up, outlining a beautiful arc.

She took Qian Daoliu's hand and pulled it hard, "Grandpa!"

"Xiaoxue! Tell me what you want!" Qian Daoliu sighed.

What should come will come after all!

Can't hide!
Chen Long took a step forward and coughed lightly, "Grandpa Qian! That's right! I want to sign a marriage contract with Xue'er!"

The moment Chen Long opened his mouth, Qian Daoliu's whole heart beat violently.

He was clearly prepared, Qian Daoliu's heart trembled when he heard Chen Long's words!I'm so upset!
Qian Renxue on the side raised her head, staring at her grandfather with a piercing gaze.

The look in her eyes is not without saying: Grandpa!grandfather!You promise it!Yes!

Qian Daoliu was silent.

The atmosphere of the entire worship hall became serious.

The other offerings were called away by Qian Daoliu early on.

There are only Qian Daoliu, Chen Long, and Qian Renxue here!

Seeing that Qian Daoliu didn't speak, Chen Long fell into silence.

He knew that Yu Long and Lixue must have reported this matter to Qian Daoliu!
Otherwise, with Qian Daoliu's temper, he would definitely be shaking!

Instead of being silent now.

Chen Long took out a pre-written castration version of the method of tempering the body from the space-type soul guide, and handed it to Qian Daoliu.

"Grandfather Qian! This is my wish! Please accept it!"

Qian Daoliu frowned, what is this?
a book?

What is recorded in it?
Chen Long gave it to him!
Certainly not everything!

After all, Chen Long's identity is the guardian spirit, and he has many secrets that no one knows!
Maybe there is some secret of Chen Long in this book!

Qian Daoliu opened his mouth and said, "What is this?"

Chen Long explained: "Grandpa Qian! This is a book on how to train your body!"

"The method of tempering the body?"

"Yes! That's right!"

"Grandpa Qian! Don't underestimate this book!"

"As long as you practice the method of tempering your body! Then the limit of your soul ring absorption years will be broken!"

"For example! Originally, everyone's first spirit ring is less than 423 years old! But if you practice the method of tempering your body and reach a small achievement, you can absorb spirit rings less than 800 years old! And so on!"

"Every time a small class is promoted, the original basis will be doubled!"

"What!" Qian Daoliu shrank his pupils and exclaimed in surprise.

Even Qian Daoliu, who has lived for so many years, has never heard of such a terrifying method of tempering his body!The effect is still so good!
Is this the guardian spirit Chen Long's mind?
It's not too bad!

Qian Daoliu took a deep breath, "Are there any cultivation requirements?"

Chen Long shook his head and said, "No! But the younger you are, the better!"

Qian Daoliu nodded thoughtfully, this sentence is correct!

The earlier you practice, the more benefits you will have!

Chen Long glanced at Qian Daoliu, then at Qian Renxue behind him.

"Then...the marriage contract I signed with Xue'er..."

Qian Daoliu took a deep look at Chen Long and Qian Renxue, and sighed: "Forget it! Forget it! This is for you young people! I'm old and useless!"

When Qian Renxue heard this, she became ecstatic.

She pulled Qian Daoliu's arm excitedly, "Grandpa! You are the best for Xiaoxue!"

Qian Daoliu: ...

When you need me, ask for me!

Don't come to me when you don't need me!
I am quite a tool man!
Toolman Qiandaoliu is online! [Hot Terrier Series]
Chen Long chuckled, "Grandpa Qian! I will definitely protect Xue'er! I won't let her suffer any harm or wronged!"

"Hmph! It's best!" Qian Daoliu snorted coldly.

Chen Long reached down and took out a piece of marriage contract paper.

"Grandfather Qian! Please take a look!"

Qian Daoliu took the engagement paper coldly, looking at the words line by line, tears flashed in his eyes.

"As long as Grandpa Qian puts your handprint on it, you agree to my engagement with Xue'er!"

Qian Daoliu looked at the engagement paper in his hand with a dazed expression.

Do you really want to print it?
Do you really want to print it?
Qian Daoliu asked himself, but couldn't think of a reason.

He sighed, used his soul power to scratch a bloodstain on his thumb, and imprinted it forcefully.

It means that Qian Daoliu agreed to the marriage contract between Chen Long and Qian Renxue!
Qian Daoliu casually threw it to Chen Long, and turned around, tears streaming down his eyes.

Chen Long consciously took Qian Renxue's jade hand and left the worship hall.

After they left, Qian Daoliu was the only one left in the hall of worship.

Under the setting sun, that figure was extremely lonely and somewhat sad.

"Hey! Why... there is this alien!"

"Is my choice really good?"

Qian Daoliu said to himself.

"Even if I don't choose, it will make Xiaoxue feel uncomfortable... Sigh!"

"I only hope that the method of tempering the body given by Chen Long is true!"


Chen Long took Qian Renxue's jade hand and walked to her yard.

Although they haven't been here for a long time, the place is as clean as ever.

Obviously Qian Daoliu asked the maid to clean it!



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(End of this chapter)

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