Douluo: Began as Qian Renxue's guardian spirit

Chapter 149 Renxue's Coming of Age Ceremony

Chapter 149 Qian Renxue's Coming of Age Ceremony (Fourth Change)
Yan looked at Hu Liena at this time, wondering if it was his illusion, she looked better than before!Even more charming!

It's a heartwarming feeling!
But Hu Liena is already having an affair with Chen Long... After all, she is an outsider.

If she was happy with Chen Long, Yan would not ask any more questions.

If not happy!Even if it is death!He will also make Chen Long pay the price!
"it is good!"

"Chen Long! If you let me know that you dare to let Hu Liena down! I won't let you have good fruit!"

Putting down the harsh words, Yan turned and left.

The surrounding students looked at each other in blank dismay, followed Yan's pace and left.

If you don't leave, why don't you go to have Chen Long's soul-scrambling technique?

They don't want to!

"Let's go."


Chen Long took Hu Liena's jade hand and walked into Longxue Pavilion.

Qian Renxue: "Finished?"

"Well! It's solved! It's getting late, let's go to bed early."

"it is good!"

In the days that followed, Chen Long and the others were either cultivating their soul power and spiritual power, or they were giving the two women massages and flirting with each other.

One year and seven months later.


is a special day!
How special is it?

Today is Qian Renxue's coming of age!

According to the customs of Douluo Continent, the elders should perform the coming-of-age ceremony when they become adults.

Qian Renxue's father, Qian Xunji, died a long time ago, so it was impossible to perform a coming-of-age ceremony for Qian Renxue.

And Qian Renxue's relationship with her mother is so-so, let alone impossible!
So this burden is on Qian Daoliu's body.

Chen Long and Qian Renxue walked into the worship hall hand in hand.

Seeing Grandpa and the various priests standing in the hall of worship, the two immediately shouted:


"Grandfather Qian!"

"Xiaoxue! Today is your coming-of-age ceremony!"

Qian Renxue nodded slightly, "I know! Grandpa! Can you hurry up!"

She was anxious to do something bad with Chen Long.

How many years have you held back!

I'm almost suffocated!
If it weren't for the help of the fairy grass, Qian Renxue's body would have collapsed first!
Qian Daoliu shook his head, and said helplessly: "Okay! Okay! Okay! Xiaoxue! Don't worry! Don't worry! There is a process! Step by step!"

Chen Long touched Qian Renxue's arm, she pouted and opened her mouth and said, "Okay."

The ancient ceremony was held by Qian Daoliu, Qian Renxue walked to the center of the enshrinement hall, and listened to grandpa beeping and beeping for half an hour.

She just stayed where she was, there was too much nonsense in this coming-of-age ceremony!
at last!

Qian Daoliu raised his hands and shouted, "The coming-of-age ceremony is over!!"

At this moment, Qian Renxue vaguely felt that the shackles on her body had disappeared, and she felt so relaxed all over her body!
It's countless times easier than before.

The corners of Qian Renxue's mouth turned up, outlining a beautiful arc, turned around, and stared at Chen Long with affectionate eyes.

Chen Long smiled lightly, "Xue'er, happy adulthood."

"Hee hee hee!" Qian Renxue smiled playfully, and threw herself into Chen Long's arms in front of grandpa Qian Daoliu and all the priests.

"Chen Long... let's go."

Chen Long only felt the soft pressure on his chest, he hugged Qian Renxue's delicate body, and patted her jade back with his hands.

"it is good!"

Qian Daoliu: ...

Congregation:  ……

Unexpectedly, in my lifetime!They can also eat dog food!
Except for Qian Daoliu, the rest of them have never eaten dog food in their entire lives!

Now!Just eat it!
Strange knowledge grows! [Hot Terrier Series]
The corner of Qian Daoliu's mouth twitched a few times, and he opened his mouth and said, "Chen Long, remember what you said at the beginning! Don't let me down..."

Qian Daoliu was interrupted by Chen Long before he finished speaking.

His eyes were full of determination, and his tone was serious and serious: "I will remember what I said at the beginning in my life! I will never let Xueer down!"

After finishing speaking, he hugged Qian Renxue's delicate body and walked out of the hall of worship step by step.

After they left, the priests in the worship hall started talking.

"Great offering, do you really want to..."

"The matter has come to this, what else can I say as Xiaoxue's grandfather."

"After more than ten years of observation, we have seen the relationship between Chen Long and Xiaoxue! What's more, he has a physical body and can reproduce like a normal person! I don't have any opinions."

Yes, that's right!

Qian Daoliu and others already knew about Chen Long's physical body.


"It's useless to talk too much!"

"The next step is to think about Xiaoxue's angel assessment! It's time for Xiaoxue to refine the second angel soul bone!"



Taki Snow Pavilion.

Chen Long and Qian Renxue walked slowly into the room, looking at each other.

"Chen Long."


The feelings and desires that have been suppressed for more than ten years are all released.

Chen Long hugged Qian Renxue's delicate body, and gently placed it on the bed, and the two kissed affectionately.

After a while, the weights on the two of them became less and less...

There were strange noises in the room.

([-] words omitted)

three hours later.

Qian Renxue lay on the bed with satisfaction written all over her face.

Although there was obvious pain, it was nothing to the stubborn Qian Renxue!
At the same time, Qian Renxue's eyebrows and eyes became more mature.

Can't tell.

Perhaps this is the change from a girl to a woman.

Chen Long looked at Qian Renxue on the bed with soft eyes, and said softly, "Xue'er, are you feeling better?"

Qian Renxue rolled her eyes at Chen Long speechlessly, "You are so aggressive, even if I am a soul master and have the ability to hone my body, my physique is extraordinary! It is impossible for me to return to normal in just a few minutes!"

Chen Long touched his nose in embarrassment, "Aha, that's what Xue'er said!"

Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at the dots of residual red on the bed.

This is the 'masterpiece' of Chen Long and Qian Renxue, which means that they are no longer young children!
He didn't want Qian Renxue to conceive his child early!
Even if the probability is less than one in ten thousand!Kill it too!
Don't be afraid of ten thousand!Just in case!

Chen Long doesn't want to bring a baby early!
He's not chic enough yet!
When I get tired one day, I will have a baby with Xueer.

Seeing Chen Long's smirk, Qian Renxue felt that he wanted it again?




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(End of this chapter)

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