Chapter 171 Disgusting Tang San

Qian Renxue swung her pink fist, wrapped in divine energy, knocking Tang San to the ground with one punch.

She kept the angelic holy sword just now, she didn't want to kill Tang San all at once!
This kind of rubbish should be tortured a little bit!

Abuse him to the point of doubting his life!
Tang San smashed heavily on the ring, several bones in his chest were all broken, and a mouthful of old blood spurted out directly.

"Cough cough cough! How cruel!"

" not...she...she wouldn't do that!"

"It's disgusting!"

the other side.

Yan and Xie Yue easily abused Dai Mubai, Oscar and Ma Hongjun.

All of them had disheveled hair, ragged clothes, and looked very embarrassed.

"I really don't understand! Why can your garbage team enter the finals?"

"It takes strength but not strength! It all depends on luck? Hehe! Luck is not everything!"

"Cough cough cough!" Yan became excited and coughed.

Dai Mubai seized the opportunity, blasted Yan away with a mouthful of white tiger light, almost sent him out of the ring.

Xie Yue squinted her eyes, "This is evil! It seems! Chen Long is right! The Shrek team is not easy!"

"Yan, luck is also a kind of strength! It's just... very illusory!"

"But... no strength! It all depends on luck! After all, he is the most incompetent!"

The two sides fought fiercely, but Hu Liena, Xiao Wu, Ning Rongrong, and Zhu Zhuqing fought harmoniously.

Without even making a move, he was always charmed by Hu Liena.

Hu Liena yawned lazily, and glanced at Qian Renxue and Tang San from the corner of her eye.

"It should be Chen Long who is leading Xue'er's body!"

Tang San shouted: "The third soul skill, cobweb restraint!"

A spider web appeared out of nowhere, above Qian Renxue's head, and was ruthlessly purified by the holy energy.

"What an evil soul skill..."

"Evil Soul Master Tang San? Interesting! Interesting!"

With a flash of Qian Renxue's figure, the holy angel sword pierced Tang San's chest, and a large amount of blood sprayed on the ring.

Everyone outside the arena was dumbfounded.

"This... this... is this going to kill people?"

"How did it become like this?"

"Murder in the finals of the Continental Advanced Soul Master Elite Competition! Is this... breaking the rules?"

Shrek Academy.

Yu Xiaogang was furious, but there was nothing he could do.

Zao Wou-ki: "Flender! We can't just stand by and watch students get killed!"

Flender shook his head, "We have nothing to do with this matter!"


"She doesn't want to kill Tang San at all!"


on the ring.

Tang San lay on the ring, struggling in pain.

It looked as pitiful as it could be.

However, in Chen Long's eyes, he wanted to laugh out loud.

Tang San!

You have today too!


Chen Long controlled Qian Renxue's body, walked in front of Tang San, was about to lift his foot, but suddenly thought of something, and put it back again.

I saw Qian Renxue's golden high-heeled shoes wrapped with sacred energy, so that there was no need to change shoes!

The needle does not poke!
Qian Renxue raised her foot again, stepping hard on Tang San's chest.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

Several screams sounded.

Those who hear it will be sad, and those who see it will cry!
Then, it directly kicked Tang San's body away, making his face in close contact with the ring.

"Cough cough cough! Hello... you are so cruel! You do this... don't you worry about her..."

"Tang San! You can't protect yourself! You still think about others! I have to admit it! You are really good at talking! You are ashamed of yourself!"

After finishing speaking, Qian Renxue raised her foot and stepped on the back of Tang San's head again.

Tang San's mouth was on the floor of the ring, kissing hard!It never stopped.

this moment.

Chen Long felt happy physically and mentally!
Qian Renxue: Chen Long!You are murderous!

Chen Long: Cher?you don't like it?

Qian Renxue: Of course I like it!I just like Chen Long's nasty look!

While the two were talking in their hearts, Tang San turned his head with difficulty.

Qian Renxue narrowed her eyes, and directly wrapped her whole body with holy energy, making Tang San unable to see anything.

Although Qian Renxue's clothes are not revealing, but she is not afraid of ten thousand, just in case!
The ghost knows if it will be seen by Tang San who has the aura of the protagonist!

However, in the next second, Chen Long and Qian Renxue were disgusted by Tang San's behavior.

I saw Tang San who turned his head, sticking out his tongue shamelessly, trying to lick the sole of Qian Renxue's high heels.

Fortunately, surrounded by divine energy, Tang San licked his loneliness.

In the eyes of outsiders, he didn't lick anything, but received cold ridicule from the audience.

"Hahahaha! Look! Is this person being beaten like a fool?"

"You actually stick out your tongue to lick it! It's unheard of!"

"Yes! Yes! This is the first time I've seen you! I've gained a lot of knowledge!"

Qian Renxue looked at the disgusting Tang San, and directly kicked him out of the ring with divine energy.

"It's disgusting!"

Dai Mubai, Oscar and Ma Hongjun on the other side were also blown away from the ring by Yan and Xie Yue one after another.

Only the Wuhundian team, Xiao Wu, Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing remained in the arena.

The three of them were still bewitched by Hu Liena.

"Have the three of them been charmed by Hu Liena?"

"Absolutely! Standing still for so long! You must be charmed!"

"Oh! what a pity!"

"The legend of the Shrek team has been broken!"

"What's the pity? The Shrek team is all about luck! Now that they have encountered an even more terrifying team, there is no room for a counterattack!"

Inside the box.

Looking at Xiao Wu on the ring, Bibi Dong always felt that this girl was a little familiar, but couldn't remember where she had seen her before!
Right now!

On the ring, the lovesickness heartbroken red among Xiao Wu's three thousand black hairs fell to the ground!
In an instant, the pupils of Qian Renxue and Chen Long shrank sharply.

Qian Renxue: Chen Long!what to do!
Chen Long: What else can I do!I can only bite the bullet!

Is this what fate meant to happen?

Nothing can change it!
"Na'er, stop using charm!" Qian Renxue said.

Hu Liena nodded, and withdrew the charm.

Xiao Wu, Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing immediately woke up.

At the same time, Xiao Wu saw the drop.Acacia heartbroken red on the ground!

For a moment, my heart was ashamed.


Lost! !
I... what should I do!
In an instant!

The titled Douluo of all parties were shocked!
Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School.

Chen Xin squinted her eyes, "Xiao Wu is actually a soul beast!"

"What? Soul beast?" Ning Feng was startled.

"Hmm! A 10-year-old soul beast! Why did it turn into a human being! It also participated in the Continental Senior Soul Master Elite Competition! It's really puzzling!"




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(End of this chapter)

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