Chapter 186 Sky Dance!

Just like that, Tang Hao and Tang San were chased out of the Star Dou Forest by the Titan Giant Ape.

Closer to home.

Xiao Wu pursed her lips and said with a smile: "Chen Long ~ Star Forest is my home! I know this place very well! Let me show you around!"

Chen Long nodded, "Sure!"

Xiao Wu turned against the guest, took Chen Long's big hand, and led him to watch the beautiful scenery of the Star Dou Forest.

Leaving behind the bewildered titan giant ape.

My Xiao Wu... just left me like this!
The titan ape lowered its head, apparently in deep thought.

It is doubting how its monkey life will be spent.

Along the way, Xiao Wu took Chen Long to visit every beautiful place in the Star Dou Forest.

The soul beasts she met were all surprised, but Xiao Wu never expected that she would find a human male to be with her!

It turned out to be Xiao Wu's man, and the other soul beasts gave her a face and didn't show their teeth to Chen Long.

Looking at Xiao Wu with a smile on his face, Chen Long was infected by her emotions and laughed too.

"Chen Long~ Is my house nice?"

Chen Long nodded, "It looks good!"

She never expected... Chen Ting didn't forget to tease himself when he arrived in the Star Dou Forest~

Xiao Wu let out angrily: "Chen Long! You hate~"


"Xiao Wu, when will you take me to see my mother-in-law?

As soon as Xiao Wu heard Chen Long's words, she whispered, "Well... I'll take Chen Long with you..."

Xiao Wu took Chen Long's hand and walked towards the inner area of ​​the Star Dou Forest step by step.

It was eerily quiet here, not a single sound could be heard at all.

Xiao Wu explained: "This is the territory of me and my mother, so no soul beast dares to set foot!"

"Although we are soft bone rabbits, our age limit is 10 years!"

"Any soul beast under 10 years old dare not set foot here!"

Chen Long nodded, "Well, I see!"


A cold voice sounded behind Chen Long and Xiao Wu.

"Xiao Wu? Are you back?"

Xiao Wu suddenly turned her head to look, and shouted: "Mom!"

Chen Long followed the voice and saw that the woman was [-]% similar to Xiao Wu!
As expected of a mother-daughter relationship... The looks are basically the same, but there are still some differences.

Also, the atmosphere is very different!
A head of jet-black long hair hangs down like three thousand blue silks, some of which lie on a pair of proud breasts.

It may be in the Star Dou Great Forest, her clothes are very bold, with a pair of proud breasts stretched out.

The delicate pretty face, pale pink pupils, slightly raised nose tip, and pink red lips all tell Chen Ting that she is very similar to Xiao Wu!Very similar!

Looking further down, it was a light pink tight skirt, wrapping a lifelike delicate body, only showing a pair of slender hands.

Looking down, it is a pair of white and supple long legs!
Dangling in Chen Long's sight!Tempting him all the time.

Chen Long swallowed and took a breath.

Xiao Wu ran into her mother's arms and hugged her tightly, "Mom! He is my man! His name is Chen Long!"




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(End of this chapter)

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