Tian's little cook

Chapter 1150 1 Will Save Him

Chapter 1150 Will definitely save him
Two crows suddenly flew over the mass grave, and the sound brought Lin Zhimo back to his senses.

"Is Huangfu Jue with you?" Lin Zhimo asked.

"Yes." The middle-aged man nodded: "Empress, Cao Min wanted to leave the capital with the young master, and live incognito from now on, but we can't leave the city at all."

Although Huang Furui was dead and the rest of the party was almost wiped out, his son Huangfu Jue's whereabouts remained unknown.

Therefore, the martial law in the capital has not been lifted. They analyzed that Huangfu Jue should still be hiding in the capital. Even if they dig three feet, they must find him.

"The master said that if Caomin can't take the young master out of the city, let Caomin find a way to find you. She said that you promised to save the young master's life."

It is treasonous for the current queen to rescue the son of the prince who is plotting to usurp the throne.

"Shut up!" Zhang Linghan reprimanded, "Who told you to talk nonsense."

If it is found out by someone with a heart, or if this person is sent by someone else, as long as Lin Zhimo agrees, no one can save her.

"The grass man is not talking nonsense." The man said and knelt down again: "The empress, the grass man's death is not a pity, but the grass man promised the master that he must save the young master. The empress, the young master is still so young, please save him."

"Get up." After Lin Zhimo finished speaking, he turned to Zhang Linghan and lowered his voice.

"Brother Ling Han, I did promise Mrs. Lu that I would save Huangfu Jue."

"Zhimo." Zhang Linghan said anxiously, "This is..."

"I know." Lin Zhimo interrupted him, "I will explain the whole story to you."

Now is not the place to talk, Lin Zhimo asked the man, "Where's Huangfu Jue?"

"The young master was hidden in a house by the grass-roots people." The man wiped away his tears: "It's inconvenient for the grass-roots people to take the young master with them when they come out."

Lin Zhimo still hesitated a bit: "Where do you put him?"

The man reported the name of a place, which is a mixed place in the capital, and it is indeed a good place to hide.

Only when he saw Huangfu Jue could Lin Zhimo fully believe his words.

But now, with Jing Zhong and his secret guards by her side, she couldn't get away to see Huangfu Jue at all.

After thinking about it, Lin Zhimo called Zhang Linghan aside and expressed his thoughts.

Zhang Linghan would naturally not refuse what she wanted to do.

After the two discussed it, Lin Zhimo gave the man a few more instructions to let him leave first.

The man nodded quickly, knelt down to her, and then quietly walked out from the path he came from just now.

Lin Zhimo explained to Zhang Linghan that he was in danger once, and Lu Shi happened to save him and recognized his identity, so Lu Shi asked her to promise that he would save Huangfu Jue one day.

She concealed the fact that Yuanxue wanted to do something cruel to her, the less people knew about it, the better.

After paying homage to Su Gu, Lin Zhimo found Lu's tomb according to the direction the man pointed.

She stood in front of the grave and said silently: "Sister Lu, don't worry, I will save your son and let him live well."

Walking out of the mass grave, Jing Zhong was really guarding outside.

Lin Zhimo said that he wanted to buy something, but Zhang Linghan said that he still had some personal matters to deal with.

The two agreed to meet at Fenglaixuan, a famous restaurant in the capital, and have lunch together.

Jing Zhong followed Lin Zhimo with his secret guards, and Zhang Linghan hurried to work alone.

Lin Zhimo wandered around the capital for a while, bought a lot of things, estimated the time, and went to Fenglaixuan.

Zhang Linghan arrived before her, and had already booked the largest box in the restaurant.

Jingzhong didn't dare to disturb her meal, so he guarded outside.

(End of this chapter)

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