Tian's little cook

Chapter 863 He also likes to eat?

Chapter 863 He also likes to eat?
"Are they from Huizhou?" After coming for so long, Lin Zhimo could basically understand Dashengchao's characters completely.

Huizhou is located in the southeast, with one head and one tail to the northwest. These three people actually ran so far to Yanta City.

Zhang Linghan also felt a little surprised. Judging from the body shape of the three people, they looked more like people from the north, and he had been to Huizhou, so the accents of the three people did not have Huizhou accents at all.

Lin Zhimo wanted to say a few more words to Zhang Linghan, but Wu Zhi came over and said that the horses had been harnessed, and asked them to get into the carriage.

Lin Zhimo had no choice but to give up, put Lu Yin on his body first, and then ask Zhang Linghan when he had time.

The interior of the carriage is well decorated, the seat is spacious, and there are pillows and cushions on it. Lin Zhimo estimates that the other party's family background should be very good.

After the three sat down firmly, Wu Zhi drove out, Zhang Linghan followed.

"Eh, this is shepherd's purse?" Lin Zhimo noticed the vegetable basket not far from Biyun's feet.

"Miss Lin also knows?" Wu Yaoyan smiled and said, "Today we went to pick shepherd's purse on the mountain, and we accidentally ran into the villain just now when we went down the mountain."

Lin Zhimo smiled: "Miss Wu, you went up the mountain to pick shepherd's purse, you must like this dish very much."

"It's not that the young lady wants to eat it, but that the young lady picks it up and cooks it for others to eat." Biyun interjected.

"Biyun." Wu Yaoyan glared at her lightly, but her face turned reddish.

Lin Zhimo immediately understood that the other person Biyun was talking about should be Wu Yaoyan's sweetheart.

Otherwise, this young lady wouldn't go to the mountain to pick shepherd's purse in person. Looking at it this way, she should like him very much.

"Thank you, Biyun, for your reminder, I already understand." Lin Zhimo said playfully.

As soon as she finished speaking, Wu Yaoyan's face turned even redder.

Biyun served Wu Yaoyan since she was a child, and she could tell that her lady was not angry at what she said just now, so she laughed again: "Miss's cousin wants to eat shepherd's purse dumplings, and miss has been waiting for several days, and she will come to pick the shepherd's purse as soon as it is ripe." .”

After traveling to the Dasheng Dynasty, Lin Zhimo hadn't eaten shepherd's purse dumplings in the village last year, not even in the capital city.

She thought that she was the only one who knew how to use shepherd's purse to make dumpling stuffing, but she didn't expect that Miss Wu's cousin also knew about it, and she felt like meeting a bosom friend.

Wu Yaoyan covered her mouth with a handkerchief and coughed to hide her shyness, "Biyun, stop talking."

"Shepherd's purse dumplings are delicious." Lin Zhimo remembered that he hadn't eaten it for a long time, and suddenly felt a little nostalgic.

"Miss Lin knows what to do?" Wu Yaoyan immediately looked at her.

The last time Huangfu Chu said she wanted to eat shepherd's purse dumplings, she immediately went to ask the cook in the mansion, but the cook shook his head and said he hadn't heard of it.

Although the cook provided several recipes, Wu Ruoyan didn't know which one was the taste that Huangfu Chu wanted to eat, and was worried that he would not like it after making it.

"Of course I know, I'm a cook." Lin Zhimo introduced his identity, "I used to cook a few meals when shepherd's purse came out."

"Great." Wu Ruoyan took her hand happily: "Miss Lin, please tell me what to do?"

Lin Zhimo then explained how to make shepherd's purse dumplings in detail, and Wu Ruoyan asked her to explain it again, and then repeated the steps: "Is this the way?"

"Yes." Lin Zhimo nodded, and said with a smile, "Miss Wu, your cousin will be lucky soon."

Although Wu Luoyan was shy, she didn't deny it, she just smiled more happily.

Lin Zhimo felt a little sour in her heart, she really wanted to see Huangfuchu sooner and make him a meal of shepherd's purse dumplings.

(End of this chapter)

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