Tian's little cook

Chapter 888 Sharing the World

Chapter 888 Sharing the World
Lin Zhimo stared blankly for a long time before recovering, and sighed to Huangfu Chu who was beside him: "It's really spectacular, it makes people feel proud."

Huangfu was surprised at the beginning, few women would be attracted by the military camp, and said what Lin Zhimo said just now, "Zhimo, why do you have such a view?"

Lin Zhimo took a few steps forward, as if he wanted to feel the atmosphere further.The strong wind blew up her dress and hair, fluttering with the flags on the sidelines.

Lin Zhimo didn't answer his question, "Lin Jiao, I think of Liu Bang."

"What did you think of?" Huangfu walked up to her side.

"At that time, Liu Bang saw Qin Shihuang traveling and exclaimed, 'A man should be like this'." Lin Zhimo looked ahead and suddenly laughed: "Although I am a woman, I also want to say this sentence."

Everyone has blood in their hearts. Even as a woman, Lin Zhimo was aroused by the scene in front of her to defend her family and the country.

At this moment, she realized more deeply that she is a member of the Dasheng Dynasty, not just a soul that has traveled through time.

Her flesh and blood, her soul, and everything about her are so distinctly rooted in the land of the Dasheng Dynasty.

Huangfu Chu's heart was slightly shocked because of Lin Zhimo's astonishment, he reached out to hold her hand, and slowly clenched it.

If he wins the country, he will share the world with her.

As long as it is what she wants, he will definitely deliver it to her.

"Your Highness!" At this moment, a soldier ran over and knelt in front of him: "Your Highness, I just caught a spy from the Sharong Kingdom on the west side of the camp."

"Where is the person?" Huangfuchu immediately asked.

"Stopped in a POW camp."

"Go, go and have a look." Huangfu Chu gave the order, and the others immediately cleared the way to follow.

"Zhimo, you go first." Before Huangfu could finish speaking, Lin Zhimo shook his head, "I'll go too."

"Okay, let's go." He originally wanted Lin Zhimo to rest in his tent first, but since she was going and the surrounding environment was absolutely safe, Huangfuchu had no objection.

The two lieutenants who rushed over saw Lin Zhimo for the first time, and they were shocked when they saw her being held by Huangfuchu's hand and interrupting the prince's words directly. Moreover, Huangfuchu was not angry at all, but listened to her instead.

But now is not the time to inquire about the news, they hurriedly followed Huangfuchu.

The prisoner-of-war camp is the standard configuration of each camp, located at the westernmost point of the camp, and used to detain local soldiers who surrendered or were captured.

Although the two countries were at war, Huangfu Chu would not mistreat the Sharon prisoners of war. He also asked military doctors to treat them, provided them with two meals a day, and waited until the end of the war to make plans.

The captured spy had already been tied up and knelt on the ground, his mouth was gagged with a cloth, and he could only hear the whining sound.

"See Your Highness." Huangfu Chuyi walked over, and the other soldiers immediately knelt down to salute, only this spy still held his head up, with a look of disdain.

Lin Zhimo took the opportunity to look at it, and the appearance of the Sharong man was obviously different from that of the Dashengchao man.People from the Dasheng Dynasty have a typical appearance of the Han people, while the facial features of the Sharong people are more three-dimensional, which is close to the appearance of Westerners.

"Excuse me." Huangfu Chu glanced at the spy and said, "Let him speak."

A soldier tore off the cloth strip from the spy's mouth, and the man immediately yelled, "Let me go quickly."

Although he spoke the language of the Dasheng Dynasty, his tone was obviously blunt and weird, and he could tell he was from a foreign race.

Huangfu chuckled at first, but was not angry, "Why did you let you go?"

The spies replied confidently, "If the two countries go to war, the envoy will not be beheaded."

(End of this chapter)

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