Chapter 11
After Hua Tianyu finished speaking, he stood up and walked out, leaving only a few people in the coffee shop in astonishment.

It wasn't until Hua Tianyu's figure disappeared at the door, and Manager Dong chased him out, that An Yixuan finally came to her senses, bit her lower lip angrily, and sat down angrily.

"Yiyi, why is he like this, he has no manners at all." An Yixuan said angrily, it was the first time she had lost face like this when she was so old, never had a boy disrespected her like this, let alone she paid such a high price, In her mind, this is already a sky-high price.

"I think he just wanted to blackmail me, seeing that I paid such a high price, so he deliberately didn't sell it, right, Yiyi, he is too cunning."

The price An Yixuan gave was what she checked on the Internet just now. The dzi beads in Hua Tianyu's hand are indeed worth this price, but she doesn't know that the value of the raw materials of this kind of dzi beads is completely different from its own added value. It's different, the string of dzi beads Hua Tianyu wears was worn by the living Buddha, and master Yinsheng has blessed it for decades. This is a Buddhist artifact. If it really goes to the auction house and can be sold for a sky-high price, it will be priceless. Things, it's not that she doesn't understand, Hua Tianyu and others don't understand even more, if Hua Tianyu really sells, then An Yixuan has really picked up a big leak.

Liu Yiyi smiled and said: "Miss An, as far as I know, Hua Tianyu is not that kind of person. If he says he won't sell it, it will be difficult to convince him. Besides, is the string of beads worth so much money? Are you rich? Dihua, why don't we go to Puji Temple to buy another string of Buddhist beads like that." Liu Yiyi thought that the price An Yixuan offered was too high.

"Yiyi, you don't understand. The string of Buddhist beads in Hua Tianyu's hand was blessed by Master Yinsheng. They are dzi beads. I just checked on the Internet. That kind of beads are indeed worth that price. I didn't give him less money."

Liu Yiyi was surprised and said: "It's really worth so much money. Didn't Yu send it that day? Going to the monastery and getting such a priceless item, is the monk crazy?"

Liu Yiyi had a surprised expression on her face, isn't this the same as picking up money?How come Hua Tianyu is so lucky.

An Yixuan nodded Liu Yiyi's forehead and said: "You don't understand, Buddhism talks about fate, Master Yinsheng is a famous eminent monk in the Buddhist world, he gave Hua Tianyu Buddhist beads and taught fate, but he has What's so good, a cheapskate has fallen into the eyes of the master."

An Yixuan didn't say a word. In her eyes, Hua Tianyu was just a college student with nothing special about him. How lucky he was to get a string of Buddhist beads from the master for no reason. It's really annoying.

Thinking of Hua Tianyu turning his head and leaving just now, An Yixuan burst into anger. This person ignored her, which is really hateful.

Liu Yiyi smiled and said: "Okay, don't be angry, I will ask the manager to do his job, this task is entrusted to me, I must ask him to submit the beads obediently, if not, we have to let the beautiful woman Ann Go out and perform the beauty trick yourself, and he still obediently sends you the beads."

"Fuck you!" The two girls giggled.

Panting, Manager Dong caught up with Hua Tianyu: "Tianyu, why are you running so fast? I'm exhausted. Your brain is rusted. They offer 100 million, why don't you sell it?"

Hua Tianyu smiled wryly and said: "Brother, you really think I don't want to sell it, I'm afraid I won't be able to make up my mind if I don't leave, but it was given to me by Master Yinsheng, and I haven't put on the warmer yet, so I turned around and took this If the beads are sold, then what kind of person will I become? A gentleman loves money and gets it in a proper way. I am still young, and I still have a lot of opportunities. If I make a fortune by relying on this, let alone outsiders, even I will look down on myself."

Manager Dong smiled wryly and said: "I know you are lofty. As soon as Yiyi mentioned this, I knew it was useless, but An Yixuan is very sincere. It's not good for you to turn around without saying a word like this!"

"Is there anything good or bad? If you don't sell it, you don't sell it. That's fine, take me home. I haven't been back since I came out this morning. Today's New Year's Day, first accompany me to grab some medicines, and then send me to the store. I have to Go to the store to help, so we can have a reunion dinner early!"

Manager Dong drove, and the two grabbed some medicines from a Chinese medicine store. These medicines were for Master Yinsheng. The prescription Hua Tianyu had already drawn up in his brain, and he bought another set of medicine for acupuncture. The silver needle, and related items, returned to his store.

As soon as the two got out of the car, they saw a taxi parked next to them. An Yixuan and Liu Yiyi got out of it. Liu Yiyi was still carrying two boxes of hardcover milk powder for the elderly.

Hua Tianyu was taken aback, he didn't expect these two people to catch up so quickly.

Seeing Hua Tianyu staring at the two of them blankly, Liu Yiyi smiled and said, "Why, Tianyu, your eyes are straightened when you see a beautiful woman." Hua Tianyu's face turned red when Liu Yiyi said it, this girl is too direct Even An Yixuan felt uncomfortable.

It turned out that when the two saw Hua Tianyu and Manager Dong leaving, An Yixuan still didn't give up. The two of them were fine anyway. After thinking about it, it's better to talk to Hua Tianyu again to see if he can change his mind.

Liu Yiyi often accompanied Manager Dong to Hua Tianyu's small shop to see Hua's mother. Hua's mother was Manager Dong's godmother, so she didn't say hello and killed her directly. She expected that Hua Tianyu should return to the shop at this time.

Seeing these two also coming over, Hua Tianyu was also speechless, of course he knew what the two beauties were up to, so he had to invite them into the shop, and it was not easy to drive them away.

Because today is New Year's Day, many people rushed back from other places to celebrate the Gregorian New Year, so people from time to time came to buy some cigarettes, alcohol and other things in the small shop. It was already afternoon when Hua Tianyu came back, and the number of people gradually decreased.

Hua's mother was counting the money. In the past half a day, more than 4000 items were sold, more than three times more than usual. I saw Hua Tianyu brought Manager Dong, Liu Yiyi, and an extremely beautiful girl into the shop. In the store, the old lady couldn't help but cheer up.

Hastily said: "Tianyu, hurry up and ask Yiyi and the manager to sit on the stool." Eyes glanced at An Yixuan, and she didn't know whose girl it was, thinking that this girl is so beautiful, if she becomes her own daughter-in-law How nice it should be.

Thinking of this, Mother Hua's face became more smiley, telling Hua Tianyu to ask An Yixuan and Liu Yiyi to sit down.

Liu Yiyi said sweetly: "Auntie, don't be too busy. I just came to see you and Uncle Hua. This is for your two elders." To win Hua's mother's favor, she suggested to Hua Tianyu several times that when looking for a daughter-in-law in the future, she would have to follow Liu Yiyi's standard.

Hua's mother said angrily, "Come here whenever you come. We always bring something. We don't need anything. As long as you and the manager come here often, my aunt will be happy. My aunt hopes that you will marry the manager soon. I'm still in a hurry to hold my grandson!" Liu Yiyi hesitated for a while.

After chatting a few words, the store door was pushed open, and a middle-aged woman walked in with a crying baby in her arms.

"Sister-in-law Hua, is your son here? I remember you said that he is a medical student. My granddaughter has been crying since morning, crying again after being coaxed, and then took a nap at noon.

My son and daughter-in-law work overtime during the holidays and are not at home. The child is not hot, and I don't know what's wrong. I can't take the child to the hospital by myself. Is your kid here? Can you let him take a look. "

The middle-aged woman who came in was a resident of the upper floor. She often went to the store to buy daily necessities. She was also familiar with Hua's mother. When she was free, she came to chat about some household affairs. Knowing that the Hua's child is a medical student, she came here with her granddaughter in her arms. .

Hua's mother hurriedly welcomed the middle-aged woman in: "My son is here, let him take a look for you. You know my old Hua's rheumatism. When you brought the child here yesterday, his knuckles were swollen like steamed buns. My son's swelling went down with a decoction last night, otherwise how could he come over and help me today."

Mother Hua introduced her son's ability to the middle-aged woman with a smile. If the son has the ability, it is an honor to be a mother.

Hua Tianyu shook his head with a wry smile. His mother was afraid that others would not know that his son was a medical student. Parents in the world would not want their children to succeed. Hua Tianyu felt a heat in his heart. He would definitely work hard to make himself the pride of his parents.

The middle-aged woman said eagerly: "That's great, then I'll trouble your kid."

"Hurry up and help Aunt Xu take a look." Mother Hua said to Hua Tianyu, the old lady's heart was unusually warm, so she hurriedly called Hua Tianyu over.

An Yixuan and several people looked at Hua Tianyu at the same time, which made Hua Tianyu feel more pressured, the old lady would really give him a job!

(End of this chapter)

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