super hero doctor

Chapter 200 Growing up in those joys and sorrows [He Danran Ruyan becomes the third leader of this b

Chapter 200 Growing up in those joys and sorrows [He Danran became the third leader of this book]

Cui Lihong's lips were soft, Xiao Jiang was stunned for a moment, he never thought that Cui Lihong would kiss him on his own initiative.Her lips were so soft, Xiao Jiang's face flushed instantly, he was a little at a loss, he had never kissed a girl before, and no girl had ever kissed him on her own initiative.

Although the brothers who live in the same room have had experience in that area for a long time, and they always discuss together in the dead of night, Xiao Jiang always listens, and occasionally interjects, because he doesn't understand, and has been ridiculed.

But today, he finally ushered in the first kiss in his life, and it was the person he liked. He was a little excited, but more surprised.

Cui Lihong whispered in his ear, "Kiss me."

He didn't expect all this to happen so quickly, and he didn't even have time to think about it, everything just happened naturally.

【Great God of River Crab passing by】

The morning sun shines into the room through the window, Cui Lihong wakes up gently, seeing Xiao Jiang who is still sleeping, she smiles, without disturbing him, gets out of bed, and walks into the kitchen.

Xiao Jiang walked in without knowing when, and gently wrapped her arms around her waist from behind.

She turned around gently, kissed him on the lips, and said, "Go back and sleep again!"

Xiao Jiang said, "I can't sleep without you."

Cui Lihong's heart was instantly wrapped in softness, she patted Xiao Jiang's face, and said softly: "If there is no me in the future, take good care of yourself, don't be like a child."

Xiao Jiang hugged her and said: "We will be together from now on." Cui Lihong didn't resist and let him hold her, the two of them cuddled together, quietly feeling the warmth.

Sending Xiao Jiang away, Cui Lihong tidied up the house silently, making it spotless. She packed up her clothes and put them in boxes, and then put together the things Xiao Jiang put here, and put a letter gently On the top, he touched Xiao Jiang's clothes with his hands, looked here with infinite nostalgia, pushed open the door, and left without looking back.

The seventeenth day of the first lunar month.

Hua Tianyu drove back to the school. The school started today. He first went to the school to report that the internship for a holiday was coming to an end. After the start of the new school year, they prepared the graduation thesis and some related activities, and then faced the choice of graduation.

Dormitory 316 resumed its former vitality, and several brothers came back one after another.Gao Weidong pulled Hua Tianyu to the door of the dormitory, and whispered: "Boss, Xiao Jiang can't be contacted, I can't make a phone call, I don't know where he went."

Hua Tianyu said, "Is he still with that head nurse?"

Gao Weidong replied: "The head nurse has resigned."

Hua Tianyu asked in surprise, "Why did you resign?"

Gao Weidong shook his head and said, "I don't know, and I don't know where Xiao Jiang went."

In the morning, the school held a meeting for all the graduates who were about to graduate. At the meeting, the main leaders of the college gave a speech. Xiao Jiang still didn't show up for the meeting. Hua Tianyu helped him ask for leave from the guide and gave him a reason.

Until the evening, Xiao Jiang still didn't show up, and the brothers couldn't sit still.Gao Weidong scolded: "This dead pig doesn't show up, it doesn't turn on, why is this? Boss, will something happen to him?"

In the dormitory, Gao Weidong knew about the relationship between Xiao Jiang and Cui Lihong, and he also participated in the design of Chen Yifei. Now that Cui Lihong resigned and Xiao Jiang disappeared, he was a little worried.

Hua Tianyu frowned, thought for a while, and then said: "Go, go there." The place Hua Tianyu said was the place where Cui Lihong rented.

The brothers wanted to follow, Hua Tianyu said: "Okay, don't make trouble, just me and Weidong."

The two drove directly to Cui Lihong's place. Gao Weidong heard from Jiang Jingzheng that Cui Lihong lived on the third floor, so the two of them got off the car and went straight to the third floor.The door of the building was half-closed, and the strong smell of alcohol wafted out from inside.

Hua Tianyu frowned and asked, "Is it here?"

Gao Weidong stretched out his head to take a look, it should be here.The door of the building was not closed tightly, and there was a gap left. The two opened the door. The room smelled of alcohol, and the curtains were all drawn, so there was no light.

Hua Tianyu called out, "Xiao Jiang, are you there?" No one answered.The two went in and turned on the lights. The room was very clean, and the smell of alcohol came from the bedroom.

The two walked in, startled.Xiao Jiang sat on the ground, leaning against the bed, his eyes were dull, he was holding a letter in his hand, Hua Tianyu and the others came in but they couldn't make him recover from the dull state.

Hua Tianyu turned on the light, and saw that Xiao Jiang seemed to be a different person, with sunken eye sockets and disheveled hair.He was startled, and shook Xiao Jiang vigorously.

"Jiang, what's wrong with you, why do you drink so much wine?"

Xiao Jiang raised her head and saw Hua Tianyu, her eyes became brighter, but then her eyes turned red, and tears flowed out all at once.

"Boss, she's gone." The voice was hoarse and scary.

Hua Tianyu understood who Xiao Jiang was talking about, and when he saw the letter in Xiao Jiang's hand, he pulled it over and took a look.

Cui Lihong's handwriting is very beautiful, she wrote in the letter.

Xiao Jiang, thank you for taking care of me for so long, I am very grateful, it is you who made me renew my longing for life and the courage to continue living, thank you.

I know thank you is not enough to express my gratitude to you, but I still want to say thank you.

You are the kindest, most sincere, and most responsible boy I have ever seen. I hope you can find the girl who suits you in the future. Please forget about me. I am an ominous woman and cannot give You give birth to a child without giving you a full, recallable love.

I shouldn't be in your life, so I'm gone, to a place you'll never find me, forget me, don't think of me, don't come to me, my little boy.

You have transformed from a boy to a man, remember, a man has to be strong to face everything, I don’t want to see you weak, you have to be strong, remember what my sister said, there will be no me in the future, you have to take good care of me Own!
Farewell, my little man!
Hua Tianyu held the piece of paper, he understood everything, he folded the letter, stuffed it into Xiao Jiang's front pocket, and beat him hard.

"Get up, like a man."

Hua Tianyu let out a sigh of relief, he was in awe of Cui Lihong!

(End of this chapter)

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