super hero doctor

Chapter 204 Enmity and Enmity

Chapter 204

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The four men put the wreaths at the door of the store and turned around to leave. The security guard didn't react at all. Liu Fang trotted all the way over and said out of breath, "Boss Yan, someone is making trouble."

Yan Ruyu had already seen that the security guard quickly carried the two wreaths away as they walked down the stairs. Many guests saw this scene, and they didn't know who was causing the trouble. The four men had already run away.

Yan Ruyu walked to the welcome red carpet in front of the shop, her eyes filled with evil spirits.A red BMW drove over from the left side and stopped right in front of the red carpet. The window was rolled down, and a young man wearing sunglasses threw a bag of broken shoes through the window onto the red carpet.

Pointing at Yan Ruyu and cursing: "Bitch, this is for you, take it and play with it!" Dozens of tattered shoes of various kinds were scattered everywhere, a real shame.

After the young man insulted him, he started the car and wanted to leave. A commercial Buick accelerated and ran into him head-on. The young man didn't expect the car on the other side to hit him so desperately. He turned pale with fright and screamed, Feel a stream of fluid running down between the legs.

The Buick Business hit his car hard and hit his car directly on the curb. Although the Buick Business hit hard, but because of the short distance, it did not form a huge impact, so it did not affect the young man. The man did substantial damage.

Hua Tianyu pushed open the door and got out of the car in a heroic manner.Song Yao didn't expect that it was Hua Tianyu who hit the BMW car, she opened her small mouth in surprise, she was shocked by Hua Tianyu's shocking appearance, her eyes brightened instantly.

Hua Tianyu strode up to the BMW, dragged the frightened young man out of the car, and slapped him with a big mouth. He saw this scene just after he came over. Seeing that the red BMW was about to run, Hua Tianyu immediately slapped him. Hit it.

This scene happened too fast. When Tian Manqiong and others came out of the business hall, they saw Hua Tianyu slapping the young man. The guests at the scene were completely stunned by the successive accidents.

That young man couldn't stand Hua Tianyu's beating. If he spoke up, he would be beaten.The four men who ran away to deliver the wreaths ran back at this time, and the young man came back to his senses, pointing at Hua Tianyu with tears in his voice and saying, "Damn it, if you dare to hit me, kill him!" .”

When the four men heard the young man's order, they rushed towards Hua Tianyu immediately.The guests who came to congratulate were all stunned. What's the matter? Are you going to stage a martial arts show?
The four men rushed over like wolves and tigers, and Yan Ruyu rushed over like a madman: "I see who of you dares to touch him." She stood in front of Hua Tianyu, like an old hen guarding chicks.

Hua Tianyu was moved for a while, Yan Ruyu had to stand in front of him at this time, thinking that the last time their factory was attacked by someone, it was Yan Ruyu who blocked him, and she was not injured.

The opening of Yixiao Qingcheng, the other party jumped out to make trouble again, last time he didn't find out that person, this time Hua Tianyu didn't want to let it go, so when he saw the BMW car running away just now, he directly ran into it.

He pulled Yan Ruyu behind him. If this grandson got his way today, he wouldn't have to be a man anymore. He was paralyzed and bullied to the top of his head.

Now he and Yan Ruyu can be said to be in solidarity, and the cooperation between the two parties in all aspects, from "Smile Allure" to the pharmaceutical factory, can be said to be both prosperous and harmless.

How could he let Yan Ruyu get hurt? He pulled Yan Ruyu behind him, and stepped forward majestically: "You women are not needed when men fight."

The kung fu man he was speaking has already rushed over, and at the same time as his body moved, Hua Tianyu's abdomen squirmed, and a gust of air flowed out from his mouth, and the spell came out in response. He used the word "fight", which represents bravery Decisive and indomitable.In Buddhism, Dou Zijue is equivalent to the seal of the lion outside the knot, the lion's roar in Buddhism.

When he uttered this sound, the four men froze at the same time, feeling a sense of fear from the bottom of their hearts.This is the power of the spell. Through the vibration of the sound, a special sound frequency can be emitted, which can make people feel awe from the heart. This is the power of the spell.

Several people were affected by the spell at the same time, but Hua Tianyu's body had already arrived. He punched the first man in the face, then kicked the second man in the stomach, and put them on the two of them in an instant.

Hua Tianyu would be fine if he didn't make a move, but he would be merciless once he made a move.After putting two people down one after another, he didn't stop, and rushed to the other two, and put them all down neatly.The movements were like flowing water, and the four of them were caught in the trick before they had time to react.

The people around were dumbfounded, thinking that Hua Tianyu must suffer a loss, but the situation was completely opposite, Hua Tianyu was like a tiger, after rushing in, he followed four times, and the four elders were stunned, unable to fight back. Fell to the ground by him.

It wasn't just the young man who humiliated Yan Ruyu, but also Yan Ruyu who was dumbfounded.She opened her mouth wide in surprise. If she hadn't known in advance that Hua Tianyu could not act with others, she could have believed that they had done enough to act.

Because Yan Ruyu knew Hua Tianyu's details, but now she didn't seem to recognize Hua Tianyu at all. When did he have such a strong fighting power?
Song Yao was also surprised. She came here to congratulate the opening of the "Smile Allure" branch. She knew that Hua Tianyu would definitely be there today. Make time to meet up.

It is difficult for a woman with Song Yao's personality to be devoted to a man. Even for Hua Tianyu, she only has a good impression. She had deliberately seduced Hua Tianyu a few years ago.

Seeing Hua Tianyu put down four men in an instant by himself, Song Yao's eyes sparkled.When a man is the most charming, it is when he exudes a domineering spirit. Male animals are naturally aggressive animals.

This is the case in the animal world, and it is the same in human society. A man with strong fighting power can become the object of admiration of the opposite sex at any time.

Hua Tianyu's outburst of combat power also touched many women at the scene, what is a man, this is a man, who can go to the battlefield, gallop on the bedside, this is a man.He knocked down four people by himself, cleanly and neatly, he was so handsome, and Song Yao's heart was instantly drunk.

Hua Tianyu didn't know that the fighting power he showed made many women on the scene admire him. After putting the four of them together, he walked up to the young man, grabbed his neck, and lifted him up like a chicken.

At this time, the young man still said unforgivingly: "Boy, you are fucking dead, you dare to hit me."

Hua Tianyu said: "Tell me one more sentence, believe it or not, I will beat you to death."

The young man stared at Hua Tianyu viciously, and did not speak. A hero does not suffer from immediate losses. He cannot beat Hua Tianyu. After he said something harsh, he stopped talking. It would be unwise to provoke him at this time.

Yan Ruyu walked over and looked at the young man: "It will be very easy if I don't trouble your family. If you insist on messing with me, please be smarter, please go back and tell your adults, don't use this kind of scumbag in the future." Means, we have to do it, let's do it openly, if I, Yan Ruyu, are afraid of you, counting from me up, the eighteen generations of ancestors are all bastards."

The young man's face flushed red, he stared at Yan Ruyu, didn't speak, just stared at her fiercely.

She said to Hua Tianyu, "Let him go."

Hua Tianyu glanced at Yan Ruyu, then at the young man, he let the young man go without saying anything.The young man looked viciously at the two of them and left without looking back. He didn't even want his car.

Hua Tianyu explored and looked at Yan Ruyu, this woman changed in a blink of an eye, she took Hua Tianyu's arm and giggled: "What are you looking at, my sister has flowers on her face? There are so many people, let's entertain guests. "It seems that what happened just now has nothing to do with her.

Yan Ruyu's strong organizational ability allowed her to quickly control the scene, warmly entertained the guests to sit inside, as if nothing had happened just now, Hua Tianshou couldn't explore Yan Ruyu's secret at this time.

Song Yao came over to say hello: "Tianyu, long time no see."

Hua Tianyu's eyes fell on Song Yao's body and his pupils shrank obviously. Song Yao wore a black tight jacket today, which outlined her plump mature body very attractively, mature yet charming, charming yet charming The style is generous and decent, but it also gives people a special charm.

Song Yao only put on light makeup today, which clearly outlined the lines of her face.In terms of appearance, there is a certain gap between Song Yao and An Yixuan and others, but she naturally exudes a very attractive temperament and charm, making up for the gap with Yan Ruyu and others.

Hua Tianyu hurriedly greeted him, he and Song Yao were already very familiar, and they were not strangers.

Song Yao looked at Hua Tianyu with watery eyes, leaned close to Hua Tianyu, stood on tiptoe and whispered in his ear: "You were so handsome just now, why didn't you realize that you are so good at fighting?"

She exhaled like blue, and her fragrant breath hit Hua Tianyu's ear, the crisp and itchy feeling made Hua Tianyu's face turn red.

He doesn't want to discuss too much with Song Yao on this topic, some secrets cannot be shared with outsiders.He smiled and said, "It's not that I can fight, it's that those people are too weak."

Song Yao giggled coquettishly: "You are modest, do you know that modesty makes people old, I still like your flamboyant appearance, like just now, you are so handsome."

Yan Ruyu came over and pulled Song Yao away: "Why, recommend yourself a pillow mat, this kind of thing needs to be done at night, forget it during the day, I will send him to your place in the evening, and now preside over the opening ceremony for me. "

After speaking, she pulled Song Yao away, turned her head and winked at Hua Tianyu.

Hua Tianyu smiled, walked up to Tian Manqiong and said, "Sister Manqiong, let's go up and talk!"

[Recommended by my friend Yaoyue Baihu's new book "Life Again", it is an absolute food, everyone can read it. ]
(End of this chapter)

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