super hero doctor

Chapter 210 The Invincible Beautiful Girl

Chapter 210 The Invincible Beautiful Girl (Please vote!!)
(Ask for all kinds of tickets, all kinds of rewards from the brothers)

Hua Tianyu was so frightened that he wanted to leave. Before he could stand up, he saw everyone's eyes fixed on the entrance of the library.

He also looked towards the entrance, and saw little Zhuyin walking in in a black leather jacket and pants.She was originally sweet and cute, but when she appeared in this outfit, she immediately shocked all the male and female students.

This is an invincible girl's attire. The black leather jacket outlines her figure vividly. The two bulges on her chest represent the girl's beautiful growth. Her slender legs are stretched round and charming by the black leather pants. This pair of invincible beautiful girl's attire immediately amazed everyone.

Bing Bing's appearance was powerful, while Xiao Zhuyin's appearance fascinated a group of young boys, and many students' eyeballs were about to fall out.

But what made everyone collapse instantly was that after Xiao Zhuyin walked in, he stood at the door and pointed in Hua Tianyu's direction with his hand.

Everyone turned their attention to where Hua Tianyu was, and saw Hua Tianyu standing up from the crowd of beauties, and then walking towards the invincible beautiful girl.

Everyone was dumbfounded, including the brothers who lived in the same room. They had never seen Xiao Zhuyin. Fan, who was an invincible and beautiful girl, was so addictive that he couldn't pay for his life. When did the boss hook up with such an invincible and beautiful girl? These brothers Think so.

But those juniors are not calm anymore, this shit is still unbearable, just now Bing Bing came, and the two swan geese passed the book like no one else, making everyone jealous to death.Just as Bingbing left, another invincible beautiful girl came, and she came from Benhua Tianyu, can you leave one for others, and eat all of it?
Hua Tianyu didn't care what these juniors thought about him, when he saw Xiao Zhuyin, he hurried over, "Why are you here?"

Xiao Zhu gave him a blank look: "Why can't I come." Turned around and left.

The library was very quiet, and everyone could hear the two people's conversation clearly. There was adultery, there was adultery, and countless versions of speculation were generated in an instant.

Especially Xiao Zhuyin's supercilious look, which has turned the hearts of countless teenagers so cute, don't be so cute, please, it will make people die.

After leaving the library, Hua Tianyu followed closely: "Walking so fast, why are you looking for me?"

Xiao Zhuyin stopped in her tracks: "Of course I have something to do with you, otherwise why do I need you?" The voice was clear and pleasant to the ear.

Hua Tianyu said: "Girl, can we not be so aggressive when we talk, it's too choking!"

Xiao Zhuyin stared at Hua Tianyu: "Is it choking? I always talk like this." She puffed out her mouth, looking petite and cute.

Hua Tianyu nodded affirmatively: "I'm choking."

Xiao Zhuyin ignored him: "You owe me something, it's time to pay me back."

Last time he begged Xiao Zhuyin to accompany him to Miaojiang and begged He Gu Po to get rid of Gu every day, Xiao Zhuyin followed without saying a word, Hua Tianyu had no reason to refuse.

He said, "Yes, as long as it can help."

Xiao Zhuyin said, "You can definitely help."

Hua Tianyu asked, "What do you want me to do for you?"

Xiao Zhuyin's eyes were full of anger: "It's our man, who was led into the encirclement of Japanese ninjas by a wizard. He was injured by Kazuto Kiritani, the number one kendo master of the Black Dragon Association. His meridians were broken. You will get thirteen stitches from Guigu." , Do you have a way to help him recover?"

Hua Tianyu frowned immediately: "Didn't the wizard catch you last time?"

Xiao Zhuyin shook her head: "The wizard was injured and fled all the way. His whereabouts were strange. Only Fengshen caught his trace, chased him all the way and seriously injured him. He ran to Japan, colluded with the Black Dragon Society, and set up an ambush , seriously injured Fengshen."

Hua Tianyu asked: "Fengshen, is he a sharp-edged man?"

Xiao Zhuyin said: "Four masters of Sharp Blade, Fengshen Chu Yunfeng ranks first.

In order to avenge the doctor, he found the trace of the wizard and chased him all the way. Unexpectedly, the wizard defected to the Black Dragon Society. They designed to lure Fengshen into the encirclement. The Black Dragon Society used the top S-level ninjas to besiege Fengshen. Fengshen.

The wind nerve was broken by Tong Gu Heren. If the doctor is still alive, his ghost valley thirteen needles can restore Fengshen's meridian. I know you know this kind of acupuncture, so please go and save Fengshen. "

Hua Tianyu asked: "Where is the other person?"

Xiao Zhuyin said: "After he was seriously injured, he fled all the way. Our people picked him up at the border of the Yalu River. Fengshen killed more than a dozen top Japanese ninjas all the way. He is now on the plane and is flying towards Tianning. He was traumatized. It doesn't matter, the point is that the meridian is broken, I want us to contact a medical expert in this area, I thought of you, so come here directly."

Hua Tianyu said: "I will try my best, I want to go home to get my silver needle, let's go now."

Xiao Zhuyin said, "Get in my car."

Without hesitation, Hua Tianyu got into Xiao Zhuyin's car and directed her to drive home and entered the community. Hua Tianyu ran out of the car and went upstairs. A security guard not far away saw Hua Tianyu and gave someone After making a phone call, Hua Tianyu didn't stop talking until he got into the car, and then returned to the security room as if nothing had happened.

Xiao Zhuyin drove her car out of the community and went directly on the road. Zhu Yin was driving towards the suburbs of the city. The car left the main city and just arrived at an intersection when four off-road vehicles rushed out from both sides and took Xiao Zhuyin car stopped.

Xiao Zhuyin slammed on the brakes, with murderous looks in his eyes, and stretched out his hand to push the car door.The doors of the four off-road vehicles were opened at the same time, and more than a dozen burly men got out of the car. Wu Linhao also got out of the car at the same time, and there were several young people of his age beside him.

Hua Tianyu immediately recognized Wu Linhao. This kid is Yan Ruyu's half-brother. He still has red and swollen finger marks on his face. He is here for revenge.

Wu Linhao saw Hua Tianyu at a glance, with vicious hatred in his eyes. When did he grow up so old, he was beaten by others.He has already investigated Hua Tianyu's identity, Yan Ruyu is cooperating with him, he is Yan Ruyu's concubine, if he dares to beat him, he will kill him today.

Wu Linhao entangled several second generations who usually played hard together, brought out all the bodyguards from several companies, and bribed the security of the community. As soon as Hua Tianyu came back, they would know the information, and then asked someone to follow Hua Tianyu The car, they squatted here first and waited, just to clean up Hua Tianyu.

Seeing Xiao Zhuyin get off the car first, the eyes of several young people brightened up instantly.

One of them shouted first: "I X, the invincible beautiful girl, Haozi, you didn't say that there are such beautiful girls, this is my food, the benefits belong to me, and the men belong to you."

"Sui Wendong, that's not going to work, it's my thing." Several young people immediately began to quarrel.

Xiao Zhuyin looked at several people coldly: "I'll give you a chance to disappear from my presence immediately."

"Fuck, this girl is hot, I like it, but I don't know if it's hot on the bed." Sui Wendong was the first to yell loudly, looking at Xiao Zhuyin with a mean face, wishing he could eat her right away.

Hua Tianyu walked up to Xiao Zhuyin and said, "It's for me, a few flies!"

Xiao Zhuyin said: "I don't care about others because the leg of the mouth is broken."

Hua Tianyu said: "If you are so ruthless, will something happen?"

Xiao Zhuyin said: "Do you know, our organization can deal with such rubbish first, and we don't even need to report. If something goes wrong, I will let it go."

Hua Tianyu's eyes brightened: "You mean, no matter how we play, nothing will happen?"

Xiao Zhuyin said: "Whoever blocks the sharp blade will die!"

Hua Tianyu said: "Dead people can't do it, just educate them. It's all used by the family. If you have a broken leg, you can't blame others. In this way, how about half of each person, the left one belongs to me, the right one belongs to you, we two How was the game?"

Xiao Zhuyin said, "How do you compare?"

Hua Tianyu grinned: "Let's see who knocks down the most."

Xiao Zhu Yin glanced at Hua Tianyu: "You are doomed."

Seeing that these two people were not afraid, but were discussing how to distribute them, Wu Linhao almost turned his nose in anger.He has led twelve strong men, he knows Hua Tianyu can fight, these twelve people are professional bodyguards, if they can't deal with Hua Tianyu and the others, these people can go to hell.

Wu Linhao yelled directly, "Hit them for me."

Sui Wendong hurriedly shouted: "Don't hurt women, it's no fun!"

Following Wu Linhao's order, more than a dozen strong men rushed over.

Hua Tianyu took a deep breath, and instantly entered an ethereal state, thinking about rushing up. From the corner of his eyes, he squinted at Xiao Zhuyin, and saw her slowly reaching her back, and then directly took out a pistol.

Hua Tianyu made a 'poof', but didn't come up in one breath, Nima, no wonder he said he was doomed, with this thing, could he beat Xiao Zhuyin, he stopped immediately.

Xiao Zhuyin raised her hand without even thinking about it. When she raised her hand, the gun rang out. The strong man who ran over screamed and fell to the ground. He was shot in the leg.

The moment Xiao Zhuyin pulled out the gun, these people saw it and thought that the little girl was holding a fake gun. Who would believe that a beautiful girl who looks like Kawaii would have a real gun in her hand, and she would be so cruel, How dare you shoot someone.

Those strong men were all dumbfounded, they stopped almost at the same time, some timid legs trembled, they knew they had encountered a ruthless character.

I originally thought that these second generations would be ruthless enough, but I didn't expect a more ruthless one to shoot directly. What kind of person is this?

Those second generations were all [forced] one by one, what's going on with this shit.

Xiao Zhuyin blew on the muzzle of the gun with her mouth, and said with a cute face: "Who else wants to eat a gun and come here by himself."

Except for the man who was shot lying there crying, no one dared to speak. You look at me, I look at you, dare to speak, this invincible girl with a cute face really shot, who lived? Impatient yet?

Zhu Yin pointed to Sui Wendong, who was the one with the cheapest words just now, and said, "Come out, I promise I won't beat you to death."

Sui Wendong, who was so mean-spirited just now, turned pale with fright, he didn't care about his face, and knelt down at once: "Woman, please forgive me, please forgive me, I'm a cheap talker, I deserve to die."

This guy is also a real man who can bend and stretch. He kneels when he says he wants to.

Xiao Zhuyin showed a disgusted expression: "You bastard." After she finished speaking, she turned and got into the car, started her car, stepped on the accelerator, and slammed into one of the off-road vehicles viciously, knocking the car over , and then reversing and crashing the car, the action was smooth and flowing, and the four brand new off-road vehicles were instantly smashed into a car by Xiao Zhuyin.

Hua Tianyu was overjoyed, this little girl has a violent factor.

He looked at Wu Linhao, and Wu Linhao was stupefied at this moment. When did the second generation who grew up in a greenhouse like them see such a brutal scene? It was even more violent than in the movies.

Who did they meet, could it be the legendary terrorist?These people are completely [forced], is there such a plot in real life?These second generations were all dumbfounded, their faces were all pale, who did Wu Linhao provoke.

If you want them to play with a girl, drink a little wine, and spend money on a woman's bed, they are good at it.

If you want them to bully others, they can fight and fight, but when they encounter this situation, they are completely dumbfounded, and they can't figure out the situation at all.

At first, I thought that I would bring someone to vent my anger on Wu Linhao, break the boy's leg, and then spend money to settle the matter. Anyway, Wu Linhao took the lead, and a month's pocket money was more than enough to settle the matter. Who would have thought that he would encounter such a scumbag.

Hua Tianyu walked up to Wu Linhao, patted his face with his hands and said, "I won't hit you today, nor scare you. You are young and spoiled by your family. For someone's sake, I am no longer as knowledgeable as you today, and I will wake up when I go back. I can't mess with anyone, and I can't touch anyone.

Don't think that you can do whatever you want with a little money in your family, accumulate some virtues, and do some good deeds. "

After Hua Tianyu finished speaking, he stood up, opened Xiao Zhuyin's car door, and the two walked away.

It wasn't until Hua Tianyu and the others walked away that Sui Wendong grinned and said, "Haozi, what kind of person you provoked dared to move a gun. What's the matter?"

Only then did Wu Linhao come to his senses. When he heard the word 'gun', he immediately reacted.

"They fired, fired, they dared to fire, I want to call the police, I want to kill him, he dared to fire." Wu Linhao said incoherently.

(End of this chapter)

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