super hero doctor

Chapter 235 Evil Fire

Chapter 235 Evil Fire
In a general sense, political struggle refers to the contradictions and conflicts between different political groups within a certain class or strata.On a more general scale, political struggle is a way of resolving dissent.

In this political struggle within Liaodong, the core of the focus of the two sides is Tian Jingyun's political thinking and method of administration, whether he can continue to implement after he leaves office and the contradiction between the interests of the successor political group.

Tian Jingyun hopes that his political ideas can continue, and with his way of thinking, the chariot of Liaodong Province can continue to drive smoothly on the road of rapid development. The focus of all his work before leaving office is based on this thinking Only when his successor can agree with his political ideas can his ideas be realized. .

To be clear, he has planned a grand blueprint, and he hopes that his successors can continue to draw on this blueprint and finally draw this blueprint.

And Zhou Min was undoubtedly excluded by him. The political group Zhou Min belonged to and his ideas contradicted Tian Jingyun, which was one of the reasons why the conflicts between them could not be reconciled.

Zhou Min knew that necessary concessions were necessary at this time. Before Tian Jingyun left Liaodong, he had to avoid his sharp edge. No matter how the political group behind him handled future affairs, he could only choose to keep a low profile now.

On the one side, the flags and drums are silenced, and on the other side, Xiaoxiao is shaken.The methods are different, but they are all looking for a balance point so that the battleship Liaodong can sail on a smooth ocean.

Hua Tianyu spent a whole day sharpening the blade, and Chu Yunfeng collected all the medicines for healing, and he boiled the medicine all day. Chu Yunfeng's internal injury was very serious, but after collecting all the medicines, he was confident that it only took half a day. Chu Yunfeng's injury will be healed within a month.

It was already eight o'clock in the evening when I returned to Tianning, and the proposal handed in by Oban Ichiro was already in his office. Yan Ruyu sent him a copy and asked him to read it, then boiled a pot of boiling water and soaked it for him. Just sit there with a cup of green tea and wait for him to finish reading.

Ichiro Oban is indeed a rare talent. He made a detailed plan for the future vision of the entire pharmaceutical factory and the classification of products produced by pharmaceuticals.

When we met yesterday, Hua Tianyu gave Oban Ichiro the range of medicines to be produced by the pharmaceutical factory to treat diseases.The next brand that the pharmaceutical factory will launch is red wound medicine. Hua Tianyu and Yan Ruyu preliminarily set a name for this medicine: Wanjindan.

Oban Ichiro summarized Wan Jindan's future orientation in detail in just one day.In the plan, he gave Wanjindan a complete set of suggestions from production to manufacturing process, to product packaging, positioning, and promotion. There are many places that Hua Tianyu is not aware of at all, and Ichiro Oban is also written in the plan.

It took Hua Tianyu an hour to see the whole plan, and he finished reading the plan, only then remembered that Yan Ruyu had been in his office the whole time, and he was too concentrated just now.

He looked up, Yan Ruyu was sitting on the sofa and fell asleep at some point, looking at the time, it was almost ten o'clock.

Seeing Yan Ruyu sleeping so sweetly, Hua Tianyu didn't wake her up, took a piece of clothing and gently put it on her body.

Yan Ruyu was breathing evenly in her sleep, her fur trembled slightly with her breath, her red lips parted slightly, Hua Tianyu put the clothes on her body, looked at her delicate face, couldn't bear to look away for a moment .

Thinking that he kissed Yan Ruyu in revenge last night, and now he can still feel the softness of her lips, Hua Tianyu shook his head, and drove the charming thoughts out of his mind.

He continued to read Oban Ichiro's plan from beginning to end.There are many things that he needs to discuss with Yan Ruyu before they can be put into practice, such as the establishment of a special laboratory in the plan, and the introduction of nanotechnology in traditional Chinese medicine in the product expansion, which is to use nanotechnology to formulate prescriptions. further processing.

There are some advanced concepts and assumptions that cannot be applied at present, mainly in terms of funds and scale, and they cannot reach that height for the time being, but Hua Tianyu takes it very seriously. The standards that cannot be achieved now do not mean that they will not be able to achieve them in the future. Unable to achieve, he has great confidence in his own prescription, the value of the medicine itself determines the future development of the medicine.

Several suggestions made by Ichiro Oban regarding the current situation of the pharmaceutical factory are very valuable and very suitable for their current situation.

The prescription Hua Tianyu took out has outstanding effects in the treatment of red injuries, and has miraculous effects on the recovery of muscle and bone contusions and fractures. This is the key to determining how far the pharmaceutical company can go.

Hua Tianyu kept doing it several times before he closed the material. He is also a little tired these days.He stood up and moved around, and seeing that Yan Ruyu was still asleep, he shook his head.

Yan Ruyu was indeed too tired. Tian Manqiong put the burden of Feiqiong Group on Yan Ruyu, plus "Smile All Over the City", and the pharmaceutical factory, Yan Ruyu took the lead alone, the pressure was great enough.

Hua Tianyu pulled up the clothes on her body, and saw that her nose fluttered in her sleep, and a drop of saliva dripped from the corner of her mouth. That delicate appearance was quite different from her usual appearance. A tissue was brought to the corner of her mouth, trying to help her gently wipe off the drool.

But just as his hand was stretched out, Yan Ruyu suddenly opened his eyes, and the eyes of the two were twisted together. Hua Tianyu didn't expect her to wake up at this time, and he didn't know where to put the outstretched hand, so he put it away in embarrassment. Come and say: "I want to wipe the corners of your mouth for you."

Yan Ruyu said, "Am I drooling?"

Hua Tianyu said, "It's gone."

Yan Ruyu sat up, took the tissue from him, and wiped it lightly: "Sister, you are so greedy, you think about it when you sleep, and even your saliva comes out."

Hua Tianyu knew that she liked to talk nonsense, and just woke up, so she talked nonsense.

"By the way, what did you do to me just now, you won't touch me while I'm asleep, ah, you didn't kiss me secretly, did you?"

Yan Ruyu said loudly, looking at Hua Tianyu with a smile.

Hua Tianyu said: "Sister Yan, can we not make trouble in the middle of the night? After a day of exhaustion, you should go to bed earlier."

Yan Ruyu stretched her waist, her posture looked lazy.She said, "I'm a little hungry, how about you, are you hungry?"

It's good that Yan Ruyu didn't mention it. When she mentioned it like this, Hua Tianyu was really hungry. He said, "A little bit."

Yan Ruyu said: "Let's go out and have some dinner. By the way, I will study Ichiro Oban's proposal. I know there is a Malatang restaurant nearby. Let's have some barbecue."

When the two came to this store, there were not many people. It was in the middle of the night. At this time, few people came out to eat this, but there were a few pairs of young people who looked like students together, eating and chatting. .

When Hua Tianyu and Yan Ruyu came in, the gazes of several young boys swept over Yan Ruyu with envious expressions, Yan Ruyu was already used to such gazes.

The two found a small private room, ordered a few barbecues, and ordered two bowls of Malatang. Yan Ruyu said, "Accompany me for a drink?"

Hua Tianyu said: "It's so late, I don't want to drink, go back to sleep when I'm full."

Yan Ruyu said: "Drink some wine, sleep soundly at night, if you don't drink, I will drink."

Yan Ruyu ordered wine, she poured herself a glass of white, and filled another glass of white for Hua Tianyu, Yan Ruyu wanted to drink, but Hua Tianyu couldn't refuse, the two of them ate a few mouthfuls, drank some wine, and the topic came up In the plan written by Daban Ichiro, Hua Tianyu said: "Tomorrow, we two will have a good talk with Daban, what do you think of his proposal?"

When it comes to business, Yan Ruyu said: "This person is very capable, and he has a very deep understanding and research on the pharmaceutical industry. If he is willing to join in, he can play a considerable role in the development of the pharmaceutical factory.

Manqiong intends to shrink the financial resources of Feiqiong Group and devote all his energy to the pharmaceutical factory, and I don't have so much energy to take care of both sides.During this period of time, I have to devote my energy to Feiqiong Group, cut off all the side details, and withdraw all the investments.

All the funds recovered from the contraction will be invested in the pharmaceutical factory, and then the pharmaceutical factory will be integrated to fully launch the 'Wanjindan' series. 'Nursing Muscle Yurong Dan' is impossible to mass-produce within two or three years because of the production of Jin Chan, but only small-scale production.

However, its curative effect is remarkable. The price of the 'Muscle-Nursing Yurong Pill' that we sold in the early stage has increased by nearly ten times. Fortunately, we still have a reserve of the medicines produced before, and we haven't sold all of them. It's enough for the time being. All smiles' exploit.

You hired Professor Wu from the University of Medical Sciences to come over, and this move is also very good. With such a person in charge, our laboratory can also be established. You don’t need to worry too much about market management and drug promotion. Quality and openness, you have to pick it up. "

Hua Tianyu said: "You don't need to worry about this. I will do my best. If you have no objections, we will sign a long-term contract with Ichiro Oban tomorrow. He will be in charge of the production management of the pharmaceutical factory, so you can also spare body."

Yan Ruyu said: "That's fine, but Daban Ichiro is a devil after all, not my race, and his heart must be different. Do you have a reliable classmate? If you want him to come and help, the pharmaceutical factory can't delegate all powers. You must have a trustworthy person." By Daban's side."

Hua Tianyu understood Yan Ruyu's meaning, he said: "Well, I have a buddy in the same room, I'll see if he can come and help."

Hua Tianyu thought of Wang Lei. In the dormitory, Wang Lei was the closest to him emotionally. Hua Tianyu wanted to pull him over to help him.In the future, the pharmaceutical factory will continue to expand, and it will be better to cultivate people close to you than to find people from outside.

Now that Xiao Jiang has been pulled over by him, he doesn't mind if Wang Lei is also pulled onto his chariot.

The two drank a glass of white wine and ordered several bottles of beer. Hua Tianyu didn't want to drink so much, but Yan Ruyu wanted to drink, so he had to accompany him.

After drinking a glass of white wine and two bottles of beer, two red clouds flew up on Yan Ruyu's face, making her look even more charming and charming. Hua Tianyu was afraid that she would drink too much, so he stopped her from drinking.

Yan Ruyu said: "It's been a long time since I drank so much, Man Qiong won't drink with me, let you drink with me, you're still holding on to the wine, you're afraid I'll drink too much."

Hua Tianyu said: "I'm really afraid that you drink too much." He was telling the truth.

Yan Ruyu laughed and said, "What you said is a bit duplicity."

Hua Tianyu said: "I'm telling the truth, why do I have duplicity."

Yan Ruyu said: "Don't you men like to drink too much women? Once you drink too much, you can do whatever you want, don't you all think so?"

Hua Tianyu said: "That's not always the case. Men sometimes drink a woman too much because she is too noisy. If she drinks too much, let her close her mouth and go to sleep, so as not to have flies buzzing in her ears."

Yan Ruyu said: "Do you want to drink me too much?" She looked at Hua Tianyu charmingly.

Hua Tianyu looked at her. At this time, the spirit of alcohol was a little bit up. Although it is not a big deal to drink these things normally, after drinking, both the courage and the words are more aggressive than usual.

He said, "Want to hear the truth or lies."

Yan Ruyu said, "Of course I want to hear the truth!"

Hua Tianyu said, "I think so."

Yan Ruyu giggled: "What do you want to do after drinking me too much?"

Hua Tianyu was aroused by her words, what do men want to do after drinking too much women, is it even necessary to ask?Yan Ruyu was blatantly teasing.

Hua Tianyu gave Yan Ruyu a white look: "Sister Yan, my control ability is quite strong, but sometimes the control ability is not so strong, you are always like this, if one day I can't control it, don't blame me for not doing it beforehand." statement."

Hua Tianyu wanted to scare Yan Ruyu, this goblin had to restrain her sometimes, otherwise she would make an inch.

Yan Ruyu squinted her eyes and said, "You scare me, my sister is really not afraid of taking advantage of each other, why don't you try."

Hua Tianyu was defeated by her and refused to answer her words: "Let's go back!"

Yan Ruyu said: "The last bottle, drink up and leave."

The two finally drank a bottle, settled the score, and went back to "Allure with a Smile" together.Yan Ruyu doesn't go home most of the time, but lives in her office.

There is a bedroom in her office, where she rests when she is busy with work, Hua Tianyu sent her to the door and turned to leave.

Yan Ruyu bit her lip and said, "Just send the lady to the door. It's too impolite. You have to send it inside anyway."

Hua Tianyu said: "Forget it, I'm afraid you will eat me."

Yan Ruyu looked at him charmingly: "You are so afraid of me, not like a man."

Hua Tianyu also drank and was stimulated by her words. He was a man who was afraid that she would fail, so he walked in first.

"Let's do it this time!"

Yan Ruyu giggled: "Okay, okay, I'm teasing you, can't you be a man?"

Hua Tianyu said: "It was a man."

Yan Ruyu said: "Why, why don't you leave, you really want to be a man again, or, don't leave, how about staying with me tonight?"

(End of this chapter)

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