super hero doctor

Chapter 248 The law is not rumored

Chapter 248
The morning sun shines into the room, and Xiao Zhuyin feels the extra warmth of the sun on her body. She hasn't slept as sweetly as last night for a long time. She smells the fragrance coming in from the outside. She takes a deep breath and feels I feel a little hungry, but I don't want to get up from this warmth.

She closed her eyes to feel the hard-won warmth, but she just didn't want to wake up.

Footsteps came from outside, and Xiao Zhuyin judged it was Hua Tianyu from the sound of footsteps, she didn't open her eyes.She felt Hua Tianyu came to her side, then gently covered the curtains, and called her softly: "Are you awake?"

Xiao Zhuyin didn't move, didn't open her eyes, and didn't want to answer, she just wanted to be lazy on the bed and not get up.

She felt Hua Tianyu straighten up, and then gently lifted the blanket covering her back, Xiao Zhuyin's heart suddenly became tense, and her hands clenched involuntarily.

If this guy dared to take advantage of her, she would blow his head off so that his grandma would not recognize him.But Hua Tianyu only lifted the blanket for a glance, then gently put down the blanket, and then said to himself: "The recovery is fast, and the scars have already formed."

Then he left the room, it turned out that he was looking at the scar on his back, Xiao Zhuyin's face was a little red, and he didn't know why he was so disappointed.

When Hua Tianyu came in again, she was already dressed.

"Get up, let's have breakfast, I'm ready!" Hua Tianyu looked at her with a smile, and Xiao Zhuyin blushed for no reason.

She didn't speak, she went to the bathroom first, and saw the brand new toiletries that had been prepared there, a smile appeared on the corner of Xiao Zhuyin's mouth, washed up, came out, and sat at the dining table.

She returned to that little Zhu Yin again, with a serious expression and a sullen face, but she was clearly still a little girl.

Hua Tianyu didn't say anything, and handed her the chopsticks, she grabbed them politely, drank the porridge, and enjoyed the treatment she had never had before.

Hua Tianyu had already finished eating, so he just looked at her with a smile, Xiao Zhuyin glared at him and said, "Why are you looking at me and telling people not to eat?"

Hua Tianyu smiled: "Okay, okay, don't watch, then eat slowly."

Seeing him walking out deflated, Xiao Zhuyin had a smile on his face, but it quickly disappeared.

After breakfast, Hua Tianyu had already cleaned up. He looked at Xiao Zhuyin and said, "What are your plans today? If you have nothing to do, stay at home and change your dressing 24 hours a day. I will come back at night to change your dressing. If you want to go out, Just take the key with you."

Xiao Zhuyin pursed her mouth, looking a little cute: "Why are you going?"

Hua Tianyu said: "I went back to school in the morning, and Teacher Wu asked me to pick up some materials. In a few days, the University of Birmingham in the United Kingdom will come to a medical exchange group. He wants me to join and give me the materials in advance so that I can prepare them.

In addition, I wrote a paper a few years ago, and Mr. Wu sent it to a domestic Chinese medicine journal. He asked me to go over and make further revisions to the article, and he wanted to send it to an international medical journal. "

Xiao Zhuyin said: "Can I go with you?" Although there was no smile on his face, his eyes were full of anticipation. Hua Tianyu didn't want to take her with him, but when he saw her eyes, he made an instant decision to take her with him. With Xiao Zhuyin.

Xiao Zhuyin's car was parked in front of the building, and when he got into the car, Hua Tianyu asked, "Have you ever been to college?"

Xiao Zhuyin shook her head.

Hua Tianyu regretted asking this question a little. Ever since he saw the scars on Xiao Zhuyin's back last night, he has been shocked. He was not at peace last night.

It was only then that he couldn't help asking such a question. As expected, he really didn't know how this child grew up.

The car drove outside the school, but Hua Tianyu didn't let Xiao Zhuyin drive in. Her military vehicle was too conspicuous, so the two parked the car outside the school and walked in.

Hua Tianyu and Xiao Zhuyin walked in, causing quite a stir immediately.

Hua Tianyu has become a famous star on campus, but he has never walked in with a girl so ostentatiously, especially if the other party is a little beauty.

Wearing leather clothes and pants, she looks pretty, but she looks a little young, and many girls passing by are looking at this side.

Xiao Zhuyin treated these gazes like no one else, but Hua Tianyu felt a little guilty. On the way, he saw a few classmates in his class. These guys looked at him with obvious ambiguous eyes, and he didn't understand the meaning of such eyes.

Hua Tianyu said to Xiao Zhuyin: "I'm going to the teacher's place, can you walk by yourself, or go with me?"

Xiao Zhuyin said: "I'll go on my own, call me when you come back."

Hua Tianyu said: "That's fine, the scenery of our school campus is still pretty good, you go around, take a look, I'll come down to find you later."

Hua Tianyu went directly to Mr. Wu's office.

Seeing him coming in, Wu Zuorong handed a medical journal to Hua Tianyu, pointed to an article in it and said, "This is a paper you wrote years ago, "On the Application of Zhuyou Secret Essentials and Taoist Charms in Diagnosis of Traditional Chinese Medicine." "."

Wu Zuorong pointed to this article and said: "This is your paper. After I pushed it to TCM Discussion, they published it. Many scholars called me and asked me the author of this article, what do they think about the content in it?" To sort out, some are skeptical, some want to argue, and some are critical idealists, criticizing the content inside.

But don't pay attention to their criticism, we look at the essence through things, and the spell art you have mastered is really remarkable.But before, I only focused on the impact of this thing on modern scientific rationality, and ignored the spell itself.

After this article was published, an old friend of mine called me. He said on the phone that the magic spells you published are not known in Taoism.

In the Daoist sect, it is said that the law should not be spread outside the box. I don’t know if you have any taboos. I originally wanted to publish this paper in an international journal, but the premise is that the arguments must be full and detailed. I want to ask for your opinion. "

Hua Tianyu thought for a while and said: "Teacher, the mystery and secrecy of the art of spells is indeed not easy for people to understand. The art of spells has existed in Taoism since ancient times. Just like what you just said, Taoism is not lightly passed on. This kind of thing is taught by the teacher to the apprentice. If the disciple is not a good character, the master will not pass it on. Because this kind of thing itself has a mysterious color and a certain degree of offensiveness, so the word is not spread.

Even if this paper is published, it is impossible for me to publish all the spells, only a little. "

Wu Zuorong said: "I have been thinking about this issue for the past few days. I have communicated with the eight major schools of Chinese medicine, and they all disagree with my promotion of this in foreign magazines. I am also thinking about it. Since you said so, this matter is Take it easy.

But the medical delegation from the University of Birmingham is coming the day after tomorrow, so be prepared to welcome it with me. "

Hua Tianyu came out of Mr. Wu's office and when he broke up with Xiao Zhuyin, before he got there, he saw the commotion over there from a distance. What happened?Hua Tianyu walked forward quickly.

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(End of this chapter)

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