super hero doctor

Chapter 255 Analysis

Chapter 255 Analysis (Second Update)

Xiao Zhuyin finally couldn't hold it anymore. After Hua Tianyu killed the ninja, she fell to the ground gasping for breath and coughing continuously.

Hua Tianyu propped himself up, and he could feel the smell of blood with every breath he took.The incantations he condensed and cast were extremely exhausting to his body, and the successive incantations made his body unable to bear it in a short time.

These incantations need to use a special sounding method to force the true energy out of the body to form fluctuations that can affect the human body. This kind of intensity consumption is not something Hua Tianyu can bear at his current level.

Simply issuing one or a few spells, with Hua Tianyu's current physical strength and true energy, he can do it, but issuing them one after another will consume him a lot, especially when using spells to hurt people invisible, It also needs to be condensed.

He propped himself up and crawled towards Xiao Zhuyin, the two of them held hands together, seeing each other's miserable appearance, they both burst into laughter at the same time, coughing violently while laughing.

Little Zhuyin had never smiled like this before, her face was flushed sickly, she was seriously hurt.

"Why are you so stupid, I pushed you out, you didn't have to work hard."

Hua Tianyu said with a wry smile: "I don't have the habit of throwing away girls, let me survive alone, leave a little girl here to do my best, even if I can get out alive, I won't be able to hold my head up for the rest of my life.

I would rather die standing than live on my knees.A man can do something and not do something.

Fengshen invited me to join the Blade. He thinks highly of me. It is my honor to be recognized by Fengshen. This shows that I am qualified to be a member of the Blade. For more than 20 years, there are not many people who really admire me. The players of Lijian are all people I admire. "

Xiao Zhuyin said solemnly: "If you are willing to join us, I will tell Fengshen to invite you to join the team."

Hua Tianyu coughed violently, and said slowly: "It's not that I don't want to join the sharp edge, but that we have different things to do. The sharp edge team members throw their heads and shed blood for the long-term stability of this country.

I, Hua Tianyu, are not so passionate, but I have sincerity in my heart and a love for Chinese medicine. I hope to do my best to promote Chinese medicine.We have different aspirations, but the same goal by different routes, all stemming from our love for this land. "

Xiao Zhuyin shook her head, she didn't understand what Hua Tianyu wanted.

"Are you okay!" Hua Tianyu propped himself up.

Xiao Zhuyin replied: "I can still hold on."

Hua Tianyu helped Xiao Zhu Yin to the bedroom, helped her apply good medicine to stop the bleeding wound, and then notified Li Ren.

Chu Yunfeng personally led the team, and Saker Falcon and Li Mubai came with him.

Saker put the two corpses side by side, Chu Yunfeng carefully examined the two, and raised his eyebrows: "The Black Dragon Society is challenging our bottom line, they dare to send A-level ninjas here to arrest people.

Does Kiritani Kazuto really think that I dare not touch them? "

Chu Yunfeng's eyes were piercing, and he snorted coldly: "Mu Bai, tell the Blade Team to eliminate all the oriental ninjas found in the country. He dares to touch me alone, and I will clear his entire sky."

Chu Yunfeng brought Xiao Zhuyin and Hua Tianyu to the Sharp Blade base, and the body of Hua Tianyu's residence was handed over to the national security department for processing.

Without alarming anyone, the sharp blade handled everything silently.

In the sharp edge's conference room, all the sharp edge team members who were still in Tianning attended.

Chu Yunfeng said: "The black dragon will use A-level ninjas to arrest people in China, and Tong Guheren is testing our bottom line.

Before that, Hua Tianyu had no contact with the Japanese Black Dragon Association. What was the motive of Kazuto Kiritani?We have to figure it out.Why did they want to arrest Hua Tianyu? What value is there in him?What's worth Kiritani Kazuto provoking us? "

Chu Jiuge said: "Fengshen, the reason why the wizard's insect repellent technique was broken was because of Hua Tianyu's spell. When the doctor discovered that the wizard was doing evil things behind our backs, the wizard attacked and killed the doctor because he was afraid of the doctor's spell." , the doctor's spell can break his insect repellent.

When we besieged the wizard, it was Hua Tianyu who broke his insect repellent technique. Now that the wizard has joined the Black Dragon Society, could it be that the wizard asked the Black Dragon Society to take action? "

Chu Jiuge's analysis is almost true.

Chu Yunfeng said: "It is very possible. According to Hua Tianyu, the mantra he used is the Taoist nine-character mantra. The doctor once said that the Taoist 'nine-character mantra' came from the Taoist leader Ge Hong in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. The nine-character mantra was recorded in Baopuzi and was introduced to Japan in the late Tang Dynasty.

But the complete "Nine-Character Mantra" has never been mastered by anyone. Mr. Ge Hong passed the Nine-Character Mantra to nine disciples, and each of them mastered one, because none of his disciples has the qualifications to master all the Nine-Character Mantra.

After Master Ge Hong passed away, only part of his "Baopuzi" remained, most of which were lost, so no one can tell where the "nine-character mantra" spread.

The Dragon and Tiger Gate where the doctor was located only mastered one kind of spell, and dozens of spells were derived from one spell.

The wizard tried to please the doctor in every possible way, so he cheated him of his spells. Hua Tianyu can use spells. Is it possible to think that the black dragon will come to arrest Hua Tianyu this time because of his spells? Otherwise, explain I don't understand why the Black Dragon Society is targeting him. "

The sharp blade team members couldn't help but nod their heads one by one.

Li Mubai asked: "Fengshen, if it is true according to our analysis, the black dragon will come to arrest Hua Tianyu this time, and it is very likely that he will be arrested to get the spell from his mouth.

Curse is called "Shinto" in Japanese ninjutsu, and few people can use it. If the conditions are true, then it can almost be concluded that the wizard and the black dragon will collude together. We must protect Hua Tianyu and prevent him from falling into Japan man's hand.

This is the innocence of every man, and the guilt of his arms. "

Chu Yunfeng said: "The incantation mastered by Hua Tianyu must not fall into the hands of the Japanese, but he is not our team member, and it is impossible to stay in the sharp edge every day. We must take necessary protective measures."

While Li Ren was having a meeting, Xia Qi received a notification that the mission had failed.

She angrily threw away everything in the house that could vent.The sharp blade made a decisive move, destroyed all the dens of the Black Dragon Society in Tianning, and arrested many people.

Xia Qi didn't expect that the mission would fail, and she also lost two A-level ninjas. This kind of loss cannot be made up.

Those two ninjas were the few high-level ninjas left by the Black Dragon Society in China, and even such ninjas missed.

While reporting to Xia Qi, Takashi Gomoto carefully observed her expression, for fear of saying something wrong.

After Xia Qi got angry, she said to Longsheng Gangben: "Find out for me, who else is beside Hua Tianyu, who actually killed two of my team members, it's incredible!"

At the same time Xia Qi gave the order, Chu Yunfeng came out to talk to him in person.

(End of this chapter)

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