super hero doctor

Chapter 262 Breaking News

Chapter 262 Explosive News (Two in One, [-] words)
It was not until Mark passed the stone that Hua Tianyu was relieved. Before Mark passed the stone, he was also uneasy.

He used acupuncture combined with magic to shatter the stones in his body from the outside through two methods. He also used acupuncture to make Mark unable to urinate, and used acupuncture to stimulate his sphincter to force the stone out. The whole treatment process He brought acupuncture and spells to the extreme, and that's how he succeeded.

When the two returned to Alice's room, all the British team members were waiting for the news. The bet between the two had aroused the interest of all the British team members.

Their understanding of Chinese medicine is very superficial, especially when Hua Tianyu treated Alice's sprain, everyone thought that Hua Tianyu was using oriental witchcraft.

Westerners have a very mysterious understanding of the East, and believe that the East is a mysterious country. From Marco Polo a few centuries ago to the Western sea exploration later, to modern Westerners knocking on the mysterious door of the East with guns, and then to Bruce Lee. Kung Fu from the East spread to the West.

Although the whole world has become one with the high development of information technology in today's society, most people in the West still think that the ancient East is a mysterious country.

Hua Tianyu healed Alice's sprain. Most members of the British group thought it was an oriental witchcraft, so they were very curious about the bet between Hua Tianyu and Mark.

Mark came in with Hua Tianyu now, and everyone's eyes were on him.

As soon as Mark entered the room, he immediately announced to the members with excitement on his face: "Dear members of the delegation, I will tell you a surprising fact that Hua used traditional Chinese medicine to expel the stones in my body without any medicine. , This is simply amazing, I am full of incomparable curiosity about oriental Chinese medicine.

I think you should be as interested in ancient Chinese medicine as I am. I had a bet with Hua before, and now he has won. I hope he can bring this magical medical skill to the University of Birmingham. "

There was warm applause at the scene, and the members of the British delegation applauded very warmly. They were shocked by Hua Tianyu's medical skills. The applause was sincere, especially for Alice and Dina. warm.

Mark said: "Hua, I will communicate tonight's decision with Tianning Medical University tomorrow. The University of Birmingham welcomes any science that is ahead of the world. Chinese medicine is amazing. In the next communication, I will It is suggested to increase the content of communication on traditional Chinese medicine.

Hua, you have to be mentally prepared. I looked at the arrangement of Tianning Medical University, and there is no report from you. I hope you can prepare a wonderful report on Chinese medicine for us, so that we can have a better understanding of Chinese medicine. An objective and direct understanding, I hope you can prepare well and dedicate a wonderful class to my team members, we will wait and see. "

Hua Tianyu said with a smile: "Captain Mark, thank you for your trust in me. I will definitely give you a wonderful Chinese medicine class."

Hua Tianyu left Alice a 'Wanjindan' medical patch, and told her to put it on her ankle before going to bed, and her injury would be completely healed tomorrow morning.

It was getting late, Hua Tianyu said goodbye to Mark and others, and he and Bingbing left the residence of the British delegation.

Hua Tianyu sent Bingbing to the door of her apartment, Hua Tianyu said: "Thank you, Bingbing, thank you for helping me so much."

Bingbing looked at Hua Tianyu, she tilted her head, thought for a while and said: "Thank you so much, I really admire your courage. I have heard of you before, but I have never met you. Today I saw you, it is really different."

Being praised by a beauty of Bing Bing's level, even if Hua Tianyu has been keeping a low profile, it is still useless, and the vanity of a man's bones has been greatly satisfied.

"Praise, I'm just a little more courageous. If I mess up, it's not courage, but ignorance. Fortunately, I'm lucky."

Bingbing shook her head in denial: "It's not luck, it's because of the boldness of Yigao, but I'm curious, why didn't you tell me when you diagnosed Alice's disease before, what's wrong with her?"

Hua Tianyu didn't know how to answer Bingbing's question.

He diagnosed Alice with heavy dampness, and the dampness descends. Such symptoms can cause female diseases, either excessive leucorrhea or heavy dampness. These are two common symptoms. He didn't say it in person, because he was afraid Alice was embarrassed, and now Bingbing asked, but he also couldn't answer.

Fortunately, a few boys who came back from the gymnasium passed by and saw Hua Tianyu and Bingbing standing downstairs chatting. One of the boys who was walking and shooting a ball saw Bingbing standing there, with a white shirt and skinny jeans. The whole person is like the Tianshan snow lotus, standing alone.

He looked straight over, the ball hit the curb, bounced back and hit his nose, and then he bent down, and the nosebleed came out instantly.

His companion ran over to help him pick up the ball, and then pulled him around Bingbing. The boys never looked away from Bingbing, and they could still hear their conversation after walking a long distance.

"How did you do it? When you see the ice beauty, you won't be able to shoot the ball anymore."

"Is it my fault? Standing there in the middle of the night, I get upset when I see her."

"Who is that man next to her, Bingbing's boyfriend?"

"It seems to be Hua Tianyu"

"It's him"

Bingbing didn't even look at those little boys from the beginning to the end.

She teased Hua Tianyu with her eyes: "Am I so attractive?" When she spoke, she looked at Hua Tianyu, and she couldn't see what she was thinking.

Hua Tianyu didn't look sideways: "Uh, you are very attractive in the eyes of these little boys."

Bingbing said: "What do you mean? You mean, I'm not attractive in the eyes of boys your age?"

Hua Tianyu knew he had said the wrong thing, and quickly explained: "I didn't mean that, you are very attractive, and you are very attractive in the eyes of any man!" This is not a compliment.

Bingbing is more famous than the other two beauties who are as famous as her in the college. She is more than 1.7 meters tall and has a good figure. She is recognized by the school as a temperamental beauty. A beauty like her is always a man object of concern.

Bingbing persisted: "So you're interested in me?"

Hua Tianyu had a black line on his forehead, he regretted getting entangled with Bingbing on this topic.

"That's not what I mean, the type I like is different from yours." That's all he could say, hoping that Bingbing would stop dwelling on this topic.

Bingbing seemed to be more interested in this topic than Hua Tianyu's diagnosis of Alice's problem.

"I know you like Xu Yangfan, you like the kind of little bird who is gentle and graceful. But I think a woman should live out her own self and be assertive. If a woman dare not even strive for her own happiness, then she will live a happy life. It's so frustrating."

When Bingbing said this, she kept observing Hua Tianyu, trying to see something from his face. Many people in school knew about the relationship between Hua Tianyu and Xu Yangfan.

Bingbing herself is not a very gossip woman, but Xu Yangfan is a beauty as famous as her. Her destination has always attracted the attention of many people. Even if she doesn't pay attention, those information will be fed back to her.

Last year, Hua Tianyu and Xu Yangfan fell in love, and many boys thought it was a pity. At that time, Hua Tianyu was not as famous as he is now. Later, the two broke up, and the girl who lived with Xu Yangfan passed on the reason for their breakup.

At the beginning, everyone thought it was normal. After all, Hua Tianyu was too ordinary, and Xu Yangfan was too dazzling.But not long after they broke up, Hua Tianyu suddenly became dazzling like a comet, almost blinding many people's eyes.

Bingbing also paid attention to him, so she became very interested in this boy, and then she noticed him, and also had the idea of ​​getting close to him in the library last time.

Hua Tianyu's performance tonight has greatly increased Bingbing's curiosity about him. Her personality is completely different from Xu Yangfan's, and her way of speaking and doing things is completely different from other girls. She is very straightforward, but it also makes people deal with it It's a little hard.

Hua Tianyu was not afraid of her, but felt that there was no need to entangle her on this topic.

He changed the topic: "Thank you today, I owe you a favor, so I will treat you to dinner another day!"

Bingbing didn't hesitate, she said: "Then I will take it seriously, don't put me off, I am very serious."

Hua Tianyu said: "How is it possible, I did what I said."

Bingbing said: "Okay, tell me your mobile phone number, and one day I can't afford a meal ticket and have no place to eat, and I will find you to settle the meal."

Hua Tianyu knew that she wanted her mobile phone number. Rhubarb had introduced Bingbing's family background to him, a typical Bai Fumei. If she said she couldn't afford a meal ticket, no one would believe it.

The Birmingham delegation formally proposed to Tianning Medical University to increase exchanges on Chinese medicine, which caught Tianning Medical University by surprise. The leader of the delegation, Song Xiuyan, Party Secretary of Tianning Medical University, held an emergency meeting.

The delegation from the University of Birmingham’s School of Medicine visited Tianning Medical University for a total of one week. Originally, only one day was reserved for Chinese medicine. Now the British side proposed to increase the exchange time for Chinese medicine. Song Xiuyan originally wanted to add another day, but was rejected by the head of the delegation. , he thought too little.

Song Xiuyan proposed to increase it to three days, and divide the seven days into three days for Chinese medicine practitioners, but Head Mark still disagreed.Song Xiuyan didn't know why Mark suddenly became so interested in Chinese medicine doctors, if the time for Chinese medicine exchanges was changed to four days.

So can the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine prepare adequately in such a short period of time?For this exchange, the two sides will establish a talent exchange center, and the two sides will send graduate students to each other's schools to study at the end of the year. Image plays a huge role.

Western medicine has made sufficient preparations, but it did not expect that the British side will suddenly increase the communication time of Chinese medicine.Although the Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine is also a college of Tianning Medical University and its child, the decline faced by Chinese medicine cannot be resolved in a short time.

The West has very little understanding of Huaxia's Chinese medicine. Although Huaxia has been promoting the development of Chinese medicine abroad over the years, the effect is not obvious. Except for Chinese massage therapy and acupuncture going abroad, some Western countries can accept it. All the decoctions and medicines of Chinese medicine are resisted.

There are several reasons.

First, there are no fixed prescriptions for TCM prescriptions, unlike Western medicine, which has regulations for what kind of medicine to treat what disease and how much to take, forming a standard, and TCM cannot do this.

Second, the ingredients of traditional Chinese medicine are too complicated. Westerners have strict regulations on the ingredients of medicines they take. Chinese medicine decoctions can be used as medicines. In the eyes of Westerners, they are highly poisonous things, such as cinnabar, arsenic, and mercury. Westerners simply cannot accept it as medicine.

Third, Chinese medicine is one person, one disease.For the same patient, different doctors prescribe different prescriptions.There is no standard at all, which is simply unacceptable to serious-minded Westerners.

These are just three of them, not to mention others, but these three points completely limit the possibility of Chinese medicine going international and entering Western countries.

Song Xiuyan has a deep understanding of these points. No matter how many opportunities are given to Chinese medicine, it is impossible to let it go to the world. It is very difficult to let Chinese medicine go to the world. From his point of view, this is simply impossible and impossible to achieve. of.

Now the University of Birmingham is asking for more exchanges in Chinese medicine, what a joke, this is a waste of resources of Tianning Medical University.There are many people who have the same idea as Song Xiuyan, but it is difficult for them to refuse Mark's proposal.

However, the news came out very quickly. Hua Tianyu had contact with Captain Mark last night and was approved by Captain Mark. That is why Captain Mark proposed to increase exchanges in Chinese medicine early this morning.

Ren Yonghe, the dean of the School of Western Medicine, was furious at the meeting. He said to Wu Zuorong: "Mr. Wu, the school has made precise arrangements for this exchange. The school brings huge benefits, and can even bring Tianning Medical University to another level.

As long as we establish a doctorate flow point with the University of Birmingham, our Tianning Medical University can achieve a qualitative leap, and we will be among the top among similar institutions in China. However, Hua Tianyu from your School of Traditional Chinese Medicine is doing this, which is clearly undermining the school’s expectations. Imagine that such a student must be punished.

I know that Mr. Wu spares no effort in promoting Chinese medicine. You are a big dipper in the field of Chinese medicine, but if Chinese medicine wants to go to the big stage of the world, how can it be achieved through an exchange event? What effect can such a little exchange play?
But this exchange is crucial to promoting the development of our western medicine. We have been actively preparing for the war for so long, but you have picked peaches from it. If you can really make a name for yourself, it will be fine, but this is obviously doing useless work. , Mr. Wu, is it too much for your School of Traditional Chinese Medicine to do this? "

Mr. Wu was also angry. He has been devoted to promoting Chinese medicine all his life. In this exchange event, because of the episode in South Korea, the British side shortened the exchange time of Chinese medicine. He had discussed with the school many times to no avail. With such a result, the old man was overjoyed when he heard the news. He didn't expect his lover to be so resourceful.

When he was enjoying the result, Ren Yonghe from the Western Hospital jumped out to accuse Hua Tianyu and accuse him.

Mr. Wu is also not a good tempered man, the old man is very protective, especially when the other party slanders Chinese medicine, how can he bear it.

Mr. Wu patted the table at that time, and he said: "What do you mean, how do you know that Chinese medicine can't make a Mingtang? Don't forget, before Western medicine entered China, your grandpa, your great-grandfather, and your ancestors were all trained. The favor of Chinese medicine, if there is no Chinese medicine, you still have to say, now you are saying that Chinese medicine is useless. I, Wu Zuorong, have been practicing Chinese medicine all my life, and these words are the last thing I like to hear.

If you think that you are good at Western medicine, you should also find someone to pull Mark back and let Mark only play with you. There is really no such talent. You can go there yourself. I don’t care how you pull Mark back. I don’t care about you. By whatever means, I don't mind even if you kneel down to the foreign devils.

A medical student who wants to develop, does not work hard on himself, does not find his own reasons, and pins his hopes on foreign devils. You are not afraid of shame, but I am also ashamed.

You don't care about the craftsmanship left by your ancestors. I don't want to die and lose face to my ancestors. You want to forget your roots and become slaves of foreigners. I don't have that habit. "

After the old man finished speaking, he stood up and left.Ren Yonghe's face turned livid, but he didn't dare to call Wu Zuorong.

Even if the leaders of the central government are sick, they always go to Mr. Wu. He has a detached position in Tianning Medical University, and he can't provoke him. He was out of a moment of anger just now. His face was swollen like a pig's liver.

Song Xiuyan quickly smoothed things over, but the old man turned around and left, and Song Xiuyan had no choice.

After Mr. Wu left, Ren Yonghe dared to show his displeasure: "Secretary Song, look at his attitude. Did I say anything? What is his attitude?"

The rest of the participants saw it, come on, this meeting can't be held, and Mr. Wu is so angry that he doesn't even give Secretary Song any face, and what is there to discuss? The British want to communicate more in Chinese medicine, so then It's up to others, it's impossible to mess up this matter.

I didn't see Mr. Wu's attitude. If anyone dares to disturb this matter, the old man dares to point his nose and scold him for a long time.With the outstanding status of this old man, scolding you is nothing but scolding, so love it!

The meeting here was not completed, and the exchange meeting over there is still going on.

In the auditorium of Tianning Medical University, Bingbing came to the stage to give a speech on behalf of the students of Tianning Medical University, which was a previously established procedure.Bingbing came to the stage and attracted a large number of students from Tianning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Bing Bing's fame spread far and wide, watching such a beautiful woman speak is a kind of enjoyment in itself, so there are many people in the auditorium today.

It's not just because Bingbing attracted some male students.

The beauties in the British delegation also attracted a large number of Tianning students, because someone posted a piece of news on the school intranet last night, saying that the granddaughter of the Queen of England was studying at the University of Birmingham School of Medicine and participated in the for this meeting.

What kind of concept is this? It means that the British princess has come to Tianning Medical University.

Explosive news, definitely explosive news! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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